Monday, October 5, 2015

"It's … SCIENCE!"

MANY (ALL) of MY (REPEATED) "Daily-Activities" have SOME-SORT of "Scientific-BACKING/-SUPPORT" as to their LEGITIMACY.
I just KNOW y'ALL are THINKING, 
"SOMETIMES, 'The DUDE' (ME--as the SECOND-coming of 'The Big Lebowski') is REALLY quite-'LOONEY Tunes'."
"Though this be madness yet there is method in it."
(--Polonius, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet')

(ME, to any/ALL of my DOUBTers/HATErs--about THEIR treatment of ME: "Telling an 'INSANE'-person NOT to-do 'INSANE'-things is--itself--'INSANE'."
--Dr. Cuddy, 'House')


-- "∑ F = m a"
(= "Force equals Mass times Acceleration")
(Newton's second law of motion states that acceleration is directly proportional to net force when mass is constant.)
(… The last time I checked--9/4/15 , MY "m"/MASS was "~66..5 kilograms"/"~146.3 pounds".)
((… When I do "Weight-SHIFTING exercises" as I STAND (ALONE … as I did … TODAY!) at "NeuroFit 360", I HAFTA--QUICKLY--determine just HOW-MUCH LEG-strength I MUST EXERT, as I BALANCE over the OPPOSITE-leg.))
-- "p = mv"
(=  "Momentum equals Mass times Velocity")
(Momentum is resistance to stopping. It's a kind of inertia for moving bodies.
(… EVERY time I get-READY to "WALK", I MUST apply "laws of MOMENTUM" to "swing-UP" to grab my WALKER.)


-- I "EAT"--via peg-tube--seven DIFFERENT vitamins/"medications" between THREE & FIVE times per DAY.
(… These "NUTRIENTS" were designed to "REGULATE" my VARIOUS nutritional-NEEDS:
-- Muscle-RELAXANT


-- I--URGENTLY--HAFTA "mind my 'EXTERNAL-genitalia'" EVERY time I prepare-to SIT in my wheelchair, as I shaN'T "sit-UPON 'em" … withOUT … CRYING!
((… THIS tactic ALSO tests my "TRIGONOMETRY" ("study of ANGLES").))


-- TODAY I ATE--via MOUTH--two scrambled eggs.
(… My SPEECH-Therapist had a VERY-BUSY schedule today.  In her ABSENCE, I STILL "practiced" my EATING.)
-- I TRIED-to TASTE any ADDITIONS my Caregiver put in my eggs.  UN-fortunately, I could NOT taste the EXTRA-PEPPER.
(  : (  )
HOWEVER, my NASAL-nerves started "TINGLING", as if I WANTED to SNEEZE.
(… I'm gonna consider that a SEMI-successful experiment!
… YAY!)

(… ALL of the Above-topics/-"rules" "fall-into" the BROAD-category of)


-- "PHYSICS" represents a UNIQUE-combination of QUANTITATIVE- & QUALITATIVE-"measurements".
-- My "medicinal-DOSES" MUST-be PROPERLY-quantified in order to MAINTAIN my SAFE-health.
-- TEXTBOOK -- "TWO things at ONCE": I MUST care-for 
TWO testicles!
-- Since I am VERY-SENSITIVE to … TEMPERATURE, my Caregiver HAS-to be MINDFUL of the room-"reading".  


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