Wednesday, October 21, 2015

… What's my NEXT adventure, you ask?

"… I'm gonna HAVE SEX with the Statue of Liberty."
(--Andy Samberg's impersonating Nicolas Cage as guest speaker at Harvard's graduation)

"Where there's PAIN, there are NERVES."
(--Dr. Gregory House, 'House')

… In a SEMI-related story, I'm in a FABULOUS-mood, after my doctor's appointment--for my SORE-/ACHING-LEFT hip went EXCEPTIONALLY-WELL!  … He said--as I've been telling folks for ~a WEEK--that it could/SHOULD feel BETTER with REST!  Doc's analysis--BASICALLY: My bones are ALREADY very-BRITTLE.  But, if the MINIMAL-pain is only SPORADIC, then "why CHANGE a GOOD-thing"?!

So, I was watching my NEEDED-dose of 'NUMB3RS' this "MID-day", when I sought-to "APPLY" the premise of the show:"
PRIOR-to my birth, parents thinking:
"Lowest NON-one PERFECT-SQUARE (4) multiplied by the # of SONS we hope to have (x 2 = 8) … of "projected TOTAL # of KIDS + maternal-grandparents' children" (3 + 5 = 8) minus maternal-sisters (8 - 3 = 5)".
Ergo, MY "birfday" is 4/8/85.

"A NEW-study found that people who 'take their coffee BLACK' are MORE-likely to exhibit 

And, people who order a 
'Quad-shot, Non-fat, vanilla soy, EXTRA-foam, LIGHT-whip with caramel-DRIZZLE'
are more likely to be 
their VICTIMS."
(--Seth, 'Late Night with Seth Meyers')
(… Ha ha HA!  After waking-up WAY-too EARLY this morning … & NOT falling-BACK-asleep, I NEEDED this chuckle.)

… Since I've NEVER-drunk a CUP of (ANY kind/type/form of COFEE, WHAT does this study IMPLY about MY level-of "PSYCHOSIS"?
(… "CAFFEINE" is a DRUG!  
… ME?  I'm "HIGH on LIFE"!)

EVERY morning, I have THIS INTERNAL-monologue … with MYSELF:
Remember that.
YOU may have a NUMBER of DOUBTers, HATErs & 'NAYSAYers'.  But, there's ONLY ONE 'judge' who MATTERS … to YOU.
THAT is … Altan Javit Kaynatma."

"There's NO 'MYSTICAL-field' that CONTROLS my destiny."
(--Han Solo, 'Star Wars: A New Hope')

This afternoon I watched a PHENOMENAL-film that's SEMI-about "the PRE-accident ME"--'Good Will Hunting'.  

I had a VERY-ENJOYABLE evening, as I went-OUT--DOWNTOWN MIAMI--for a "Penn-ALUMNI get-together" … GREAT-stories from GREAT-people!


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