Friday, October 16, 2015

Any NUMBER will not ENCUMBER A.J.'s 'Beautiful Mind'!

Root 3

"I’m sure that I will always be 

A lonely number like root three 

The three is all that’s good and right, 

Why must my three keep out of sight 

Beneath the vicious square root sign, 

I wish instead I were a nine 

For nine could thwart this evil trick, 

with just some quick arithmetic 

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321 

Such is my reality, a sad irrationality 

When hark! What is this I see, 

Another square root of a three 

As quietly co-waltzing by, 

Together now we multiply 

To form a number we prefer, 

Rejoicing as an integer 

We break free from our mortal bonds 

With the wave of magic wands 

Our square root signs become unglued 

Your love for me has been renewed"

(--Harold, 'Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay')

… (The COMBINATION of Kumar's POETRY, my EXCESS-"FREE-time" in lieu of my AILING-hip & MY-OWN CREATIVE-mind INSPIRED me to write MORE:)


"I go to the gym & eat lotsa EGGS

To hopefully develop two working-LEGS.

Legs are a great-source of my POWER.

Why must they still struggle … hour-after-HOUR.
Stretching to reach an annoying-ITCH,
I wish instead I were a WITCH.

A witch could easily stimulate my 'kinetic-IMAGINATION'

By ending my ongoing 'leg-FRUSTRATION'.

I'll likely never 'run a mara-THON'.

Nonetheless, I must 'press-ON'.

When hark!  Did the 'leg-gods' hear my PLEAS?!

Control to 'tie my shoe', I did SEIZE!

To carefully & painlessly bend-down I do TRY

And grasp the laces in order-to TIE.
As my left leg starts-to 'sear' & 'POUND',
Silently, I rejoice as my shoes are now BOUND.

I shall 'overcome' these severed leg-NERVES.

For I long to again show-off my blessed-CURVES.

I dream of casting-aside my limiting wheel-CHAIR,

In-order to painlessly frolic without DESPAIR!"

(… NOT to BRAG, … but, ALAS!  I WILL!)

I BEGAN my poetry, when I arose from my SLUMBER at 6:06 THIS morning.  I COMPLETED the 136th word--WITH revising & editing--at 8:28 this MORNING.
… So, THAT's 136 words / 142 minutes = 
~0.96 words per minute.
(… And, "Language Arts" isN'T even "my THING".  … "MATH", obviously, IS.)


(("At FIRST-glimpse" in high school, I am SURE I COULD've 

been INCESSANTLY-teased for being VERY "NERD-esque"!  

But, once my peers got-to-KNOW me, they'd learn A LOT 


… "DoN'T 'JUDGE' a 'BOOK' by its 'COVER'."))

 "No one should be bullied or called names simply for 

being who they are."

(--Shelton's quoting a spokesperson for the 'Gay, Lesbian, 

Bisexual & Transgender Alliance', 'The Big Bang Theory')

( No, I am NOT a HOMO-sexual!  

But, I have NO-PROBLEMS with those who ARE.  

"To EACH his OWN.") 


( NOW, some VARIOUS APPLICABLE-quotes from the 

film, 'A Beautiful Mind':)

MY NeuralPsychotherapist--to ME

"Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, 

the places, the moments most important to you were not 

gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of 

HELL would that be?!"

(… Well, THAT's KINDA-like MY past 30+ years.  MY 

memory is so "SPOTTY"/"piss-POOR" that it SUCKS having 

LITTLE-recollection of MANY events of the PAST … 11,148 


(A NEW person I meet is, SURPRISINGLY, … pleasant.)

MY explanation of WHY I doN'T--TYPICALLY--go OUT to 

meet NEW-folks: "Okay. I am always suspicious of new 

people. Now that I know you're real, who are you, and what 

can I do for you?"

(As I "WALK" at "NeuroFit 360", I have an INTERNAL-


"I need to believe, that something EXTRAORDINARY is 


My Blog-CREATOR--DIS-approvingly--to ME

"Mathematics?!  ... Mathematics is never going to lead you to 

higher truth and you know why? Because it's boring!"

(… I "ROLL my EYES".)


promoting "living a 'CRIMINAL'-style?!)

ME--as John Nash: (CHUCKLE) "There's NO-point in 'being 

NUTS', if you caN'T have a little FUN."


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