Wednesday, October 14, 2015

… In lieu of MY song-revisionS, I'm gonna call myself 'Sonic DEATH-Monkey'. No, 'Kathleen Turner OVERDRIVE'.

… "But, JUST for TONIGHT, I'm 'Barry Jive & the Uptown-Five'."
(--Rob Gordon, 'High Fidelity')

Since I kinda have … ALOTTA time to just THINK-about stuff, I've "PONDERED my/society's EXISTENCE":

I've decided "… that what really matters is what you like, 

not what you are like... Books, records, films - these things 

matter. Call me shallow but it's the fuckin' truth."

((--Rob Gordon (ME), 'High Fidelity'))

 THEN, I heard my "stomach's RUMBLING" at ~7:00 this 

MORNING--PRE-"breakfast".  So, I "buzzed for my 

"Caregiver" to HELP-me 'a mi "JUAN"".  

 As I waited for "NATURE to call", I got to THINKIN',

MY BRAIN's telepathically addressing my LEGS: 

"'If you REALLY wanted to SCREW me up, you should've 

gotten to me WAY-earlier', … like BEFORE I developed SO 


I'm talkin' about BEFORE ALL my ACADEMIC-, ATHLETIC- 

& SOCIAL-SUCCESS.  … So, maybe like … ten years ago?

(I UN-easily STRETCH my shirt-collar.)  UH, I don't 

KNOOOW.  I was JUST admitted into my college-fraternity at 

an "IVY LEAGUE"-school … the ONLY school to which I 

APPLIED … after graduating 'SUMMA cum laude' ('with 

highEST honor') from one of the TOP high schools in the 

state.  I'd already earned TWO black belts.  I was ELECTED 

by my fraternity-"brothers"/-peers as "OFFICIAL JOKE-


15 years ago?

UUUMMM, well, I was beginning my second year of high 

school (THIRD year of "high school"-MATH) at a 

PRESTIGIOUS, WELL-KNOWN academic-institution.  I was 

"RISING-through the RANKS" of BOTH my WRESTLING-

team AND dojo-class.  My fellow-students loved AND 

respected me … ESPECIALLY the LADIES.  ("Bow-WOW-


20 years ago? 

…No, no, … NOPE.  I STARTED my ILLUSTRIOUS Karate-

career at the tender, influential age of SEVEN (1992), so I 

was 'OWNING it' even-THEN!

… So, 'LONG-story SHORT', I am saying that … faulty leg-

nerves, y'all WILL-be DEFEATED!"

(Regarding my HESITANCE to "fly the COOP"/"leave the 

NEST"/"venture OUTside":)

"Should I bolt every time I get that feeling in my gut 

when I meet someone new? Well, I've been listening to my 

gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've 

come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains."

(--Rob, 'High Fidelity')

( PLUS, "society"--as a WHOLE--has already PROVEN to 

ME that it has little-to-NO RESPECT for the "LESS 



MASTERY.  … "Alliteration aside.")

"The 'NIGHT' is 'DARKEST' right-BEFORE 'DAWN'."

(--DA Harvey Dent, 'The Dark Knight')

(… Ergo, LIFE MUST get really-GOOD  SOON, since IT's 

been so HORRIFICALLY-BAD the last 7+ YEARS.)

((I'm OUT for brunch with my housemate AND his family.  

"ME, MYSELF & I" "roll OUR eyes", when his father CLAIMS 

that WWE-wrestling ("PROFESSIONAL-wrestling") is a 

MORE-hardcore-sport than NCAA-wrestling ("AMATEUR-


My housemate--to ME, MYSELF & I: "You guys are snobs."

US: "No, we're not."

My housemate: "Yeah, seriously, you're totally elitist. You 

feel like the unappreciated scholars, so you shit onto people 

who know LESS than you."

US: "No!"

My housemate: "Which is everybody"

US: "Yeah"

My housemate: "That's so sad."

(--'High Fidelity')


relationship INEXPLICABLY ended:)

ME--as Rob Gordon: "It would be nice to think that since I 

was 14, times have changed. Relationships have become 

more sophisticated. Females less cruel. Skins thicker. 

Instincts more developed. But there seems to be an element 

of that afternoon in everything that's happened to me since. 

All my romantic stories are a scrambled version of that first 


( My FIRST "relationship" went SOMEWHAT-smoothely--

about as WELL as a YOUNG TEENAGE "ROMANTIC-affair" 

CAN go.)


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