Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"ONE for 'BAD'. TWO for 'GOOD'."

… (--Charlie Babbit, 'Rain Man')

(WARNING) (The total length of the digestive tract varies by person, but in an adult male can stretch from 20 to 40 feet … OR 240 to 480 INCHES.)

A few days ago, my "digestive system" was VERY "ACTIVE".  In a span of ~34 HOURS, I "evacuated my BOWELS" … THREE different times.  (… 9:45 pm --> 9:40 am --> 7:45 am)

… So, by "plugging-IN" & QUANTIFYING/CALCULATING, THAT would be ("Distance / Time-travelled = Speed") 

~20 feet x 3 "EXCRETIONS" / ~34 hours = 
~1.763 intestinal-feet travelled per hour .

OR, THAT'd be 

~40 feet x 3 "EXCRETIONS" / ~34 hours =
~3.529 intestinal-feet travelled per hour.

"Hey, if you caN'T help FRIENDS in-NEED, who CAN you help?!"
(… I like-to THINK that I have MANY friends.  Also, I'm by-NO-mans "STINGY".)

… I've ALWAYS been a "GIVER".  (I'm GENEROUS
… ESPECIALLY now that I have ALOTTA "material-VALUE".)

I seem-to have a "TALENT" for finding quality-MOVIES & SHOWS on the television.
'Rounders', 'Rain Man', 'Ghostbusters', 'X-Men: Days of Future Past', 'Ghostbusters 2' … & 'Limitless' on "on-DEMAND".)
… I USED-to be VERY ATHLETIC/"SPORTY" … back when I COULD actually PARTICIPATE-in MANY GAMES.  But, NOW … I kinda-HAFTA spend ~66.67% of my WAKING-hours on my laptop AND/OR watching the "BOOB-TUBE".
(… Upon reflection, I'm gonna do MORE "AT-HOME workouts".)

… This "PRE-vening" I "caught the END"-of 'Pay it Forward'.
(… I just REALLY-like the title, 'cuz--NOW that I HAVE the MONETARY-means--I'd SO LITERALLY do that … for MY life!)

My housemate showed my SPEECH-Therapist a "NOICE"-picture of our WINNING a RECENT-pic of HIS & MY WINNING a "Halloween Costume-Contest".  

… In HONOR of my Halloween-"costume", I believe I AM--EERILY-close to BEING "Charles Xavier"/"Professor X":
"As THESE 'go' (pointing to my LEGS), THIS returns (pointing to my STUPENDOUS-mind)."
(--YOUNG Charles Xavier, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')
(… By NO-means am I IMPLYING that … as my legs IMPROVE, my REMARKABLE-mind WEAKENS.


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