Saturday, April 30, 2016

.. That was a HOOT!

ME: "I felt like Jodie Foster in 'The Accused' last night."
(--Jeremy Grey, 'Wedding Crashers')
(... Nooo.  JOKING aside, 'twas a PHENOMENAL-experience!  GOOD-"service", GREAT-guests, FANTASTIC-"entertainment"!)

... I'm sure I've ATTENDED a WEDDING BEFORE yesterday.  But, I caN'T remember ANY, 'cuz SAID-"marital-ceremonIES" would've HAD-to have been PRE-accident/PRE-"memory-LOSS".

... The residing-priest conducted a LONG, "DRAWN-OUT" "service".  

... My MARRIED-buddy/-"FELLOW-attendant" AGREED & told-me that the priest usually "hosts either a 'FULL-service'--which he DID--OR a 'HALF-service'".  
... For the FUTURE, since I'm NOT-religious--at-ALL*, I'm HOPING that "Miss LUCKY" & I can-FIND a "MARRYING-minister" who woN'T "JUDGE me" for NOT-being religious ... in the SLIGHTEST.
... The "Father" stressed the IMPORTANCE of "the 3 'F's:
Forever, Fidelity, & Family".  ... I VEHEMENTLY-ADVOCATE his "Teachings".
Finally, the priest was BI-lingual, ... as the BRIDE's family is ALL-Hispanic.  
((... Ergo, IF/WHEN "MY-day" FINALLY-arrives, I WONDER IF I'd want a BI-lingual priest (English & TURKISH).  I suppose it'd be WILD.  ... But, I'd leave the ULTIMATE-decision up-to HER.

-- The BEST-beers are ... 
the ones we drink with ... FRIENDS.  
... AH!  I WONDER ... what THAT's like ... BOTH 'cuz I can NO-longer TASTE ... the alcohol, AND I kinda-LACK many "FRIENDS" who'd CARE-to "shoot the (PROVERBIAL-) 'SHIT' with me.

-- "'LIFE' is AMAZING!  ... And then, it's AWFUL.  ... And then, it's AMAZING again.  ... And, in-BETWEEN the 'amazing' & the 'awful', it's ORDINARY & MUNDANE & ROUTINE.  

... 'Breathe-IN' the 'AMAZING'.  'Hold-ON' through the 'AWFUL'.  'RELAX & exhale' during the 'ORDINARY'.  THAT's just LIVING ... heartbreaking, ... soul-healing, amazing, ... awful, ... ordinary ... LIFE.  
... And, it's breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL."
(--LR Knost)

--   'I always have an optimistic view, no matter what it is,'' Curry said Friday. ''I hope to get back sooner. Having talked to the doctors and athletic training staff, all the experts,

-- Regarding my youngER-/CHILDHOOD-years ... with my brother, I actually-"TREASURE" my EARLY-years.  

... I was USUALLY the CLEVER, pro-FUN one who'd create "WEIRDO-games", ... JUST-'cuz I was not-YET creative-ENOUGH to "find NUMBERS" ... EVERYWHERE.  ... However, I'll ADMIT that ... I'd RARELY/IN-frequently be a BIT of a "party-POOPER".
I.e. "We HAD a slinky.  ... I STRAIGHTENED it."
(--Egon, 'Ghostbusters 2')

--"FAITH" & "FEAR" both demand you BELIEVE-in something you can-NOT SEE.

(... I have TREMENDOUS/UN-dying "FAITH" in MY "'MENTAL math'-WIZARDRY".  I can-NOT "SEE" the digits "SPRINTING"-through my 'BEAUTIFUL MIND'.  ... But, I KNOW they're THERE.)
(... I "FEAR" that--despite my FREQUENT ... subtle ... IMPROVEMENTS--my LEGS will FOREVER-be "IN-active".

(  : (  ) 

... On a more-OPTIMISTIC/"HOPE-FULL" note, I revised yet-ANOTHER song: 

'(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher'
(by Otis Redding)

Your love keeps lifting me higher

Than I ever been lifted before

So give me love

Which is my desire, honey

I'm gonna be at your side

Forever more

Now, you know your love
Keeps lifting me higher
Than I ever been lifted before
So give me love, oh
Which is my desire
I'm gonna be at your side
Forever more

Now, once down and broken hearted
And dissapointment was my closest friend
And than you, you came and heated parted
And you know he never showed his face again

Now, you know your love
Keeps lifting me higher
Than I ever been lifted before
So give me love, oh
Which is my desire
I'm gonna be at your side
Forever more, hey, hey, hey

Know your love
Lifting me higher
Than I ever been lifted before
So give me love
Which is my desire, ha
I'm gonna be at your side
Forever more

Now, you know your love
Keeps lifting me higher
Than I ever been lifted before
So give me love, oh
Which is my desire, oh, honey
I'm gonna be at your side
Forever more

Oh I got to tell you 'bout it
Keep me, lift me all up, lift me
Lift me little higher, now
Keep me going all up
I wanna higher, higher, higher, higher
Get me up there
I gotta get on up there
Lift me, lift me, lift me, oh lift me
Up, up, up, up, up, up
Gotta get on up
Gotta, gotta, get on up there."
(MY-version/-revision, ... entitled 
'(My 'Drive' Keeps-on 'Pushing Me') Harder & STRONGER':

"My 'drive' KEEPS-on 'pushing-me' HAR-DER
Than I've EVER-been 'driven' BEFORE! 
So, show me 'MOVES',
'Cuz THAT IS my 'fuel', DOCTORS.
(... Push-UP glasses.) I'm GONNA stand-ALONE ... in-TIME.
... Ee-VEN-chah-LEE.

Now, you'll see ... my 'DRIVE'
KEEPS-on 'pushing-me' STRON-GER
Than I've EVER-been 'driven' BEFORE!
So, show me 'MOVES',
'Cuz I NEED 'twih-chijz', leg-NERVES!
I'm GONNA stand-ALONE ... in-TIME.
... Ee-VEN-chah-LEE.

So, MORE nerves are still 'AH-SLEEP'.
... Thus, 'disappointment' IS my closest-'FRIEND'.
... I know-NOT ... 'BAD' I 'sowed' that I now 'REAP'.
I WILL 'beat this' ONCE ... but I could-NOT ah-GEHN!

Now, you'll see ... my 'DRIVE'

KEEPS-on 'pushing-me' HAR-DER
Than I've EVER-been 'driven' BEFORE!
So, show me 'MOVES', OH,
'Cuz I NEED 'twih-chijz', leg-NERVES!
I'm GONNA stand-ALONE ... in-TIME.

... Ee-VEN-chah-LEE.  Hey, hey, HEY!

Know MY 'DRIVE'!

'Pushing me' STRONGER!
Than I've EVER-been 'driven' BEFORE!
... They 'FUEL' my 'MOH-TER'!  HA!
I'm GONNA stand-ALONE ... in-TIME.

Y'all should-KNOW my 'DRIVE'

KEEPS-on 'pushing-me' HAR-DER
Than I've EVER-been 'driven' BEFORE!
So, show me 'MOVES', OH,
'Cuz I NEED 'twih-chijz', leg-NERVES!
I'm GONNA stand-ALONE ... in-TIME.
... Ee-VEN-chah-LEE.


KEEP-on, show me 'TWIH-CHEZ', SHOW-ME!
KEEP-me still-BE-LEE-VIN!
Keep my 'drive' STRONG!
Lift me.  Lift me.  Lift me.  Oh, LIFT ME!
UP & Stable.  UP & stable.  UP!
... GOTTA-stay STABLE!
... Gotta, GOTTA-have STABLE-STANDS!"
... "Dear MIND,
   Please-STOP OVER-thinking at NIGHT.  ... It's ''KILLIN' me'', & I NEED sleep!"
(... WHO is the ESTEEMED/UN-questioning/IN-fallible "JUDGE" of WHAT's "NORMAL"?!)

* = 'Tis NOT that I consider myself "Atheist".  ... I just have more-SCIENTIFIC-"beliefs" than -RELIGIOUS.  ... But, I "keep an 'OPEN-mind'."  I doN'T have anything-AGAINST "RELIGIOUS-folks".  I just DIFFER in my thoughts & beliefs.  ... "To EACH his-OWN."


Friday, April 29, 2016

"Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a CHAMPION!"

... (--Jeremy Grey, 'Wedding Crashers')

-- (WARNING) In HONOR of a high school buddy's WEDDING today & MY-ATTENDING, I THOUGHT I'd "hurl-OUT" a few HUMOROUS-quotes.  ... BUT, then, this-MORNING--WHILE "evacuating my BOWELS" (Ha ha HA!)--that TODAY is MORE-about THE COUPLE's HAPPINESS than MY HUMOR.  ... So, I'll "take a BACK-seat".

... "Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion!"

(-- Jeremy Grey, 'Wedding Crashers')
(... THIS can-ALSO sum-UP my REHAB-philosophy.)

... "It's a celebration, BITCHES."

(-- Rick James imitation on ''Chappelle's Show'')
... 'Twas a FANTASTIC-experience!)(... MORE tomorrow)


Thursday, April 28, 2016


I slept SLIGHTLY-latER this morning, ... 'til ~"quarter to 7".  ... So, THAT was NICE. 
... I "WALKED" to my toilet to "RELIEVE my URINARY-stress".
... ~Ten minutes later, I "HEARD my stomach's RUMBLING", so I ventured-over 'a mi banyo'.  'Twas "SLOW but STEADY", ... but ENCOURAGING!
(... So, THAT was ... ESPECIALLY-NICE!)
... So, I "hitched a RIDE" ... via my toilet-CHAIR ... over to my "porcelain-THRONE" ... for some "excretory-SUCCESS"! 
... AAAHHH, the TIMING!  I HAFTA-"conduct" a job-INTERVIEW this afternoon.  So, I "CLEARED-OUT" my digestive-tract to INCREASE my COMFORT ... for the day's IMPENDING(?) "business-transaction".

-- I "absorbed" my TYPICAL weekday-MORNING "Entertainment-RITUAL" of 'Married with Children' & NUMB3RS'.


"The Saga Begins"

(by Weird Al Yankovic)
"A long, long time ago
In a galaxy far away
Naboo was under an attack
And I thought me and Qui-Gon Jinn
Could talk the federation into
Maybe cutting them a little slack
But their response, it didn't thrill us
They locked the doors and tried to kill us
We escaped from that gas
Then met Jar Jar and Boss Nass
We took a bongo from the scene
And we went to Theed to see the Queen
We all wound up on Tatooine
That's where we found this boy...

Oh my my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Did you know this junkyard slave
Isn't even old enough to shave
But he can use the Force, they say
Ah, do you see him hitting on the queen
Though he's just nine and she's fourteen
Yeah, he's probably gonna marry her someday
Well, I know he built C-3PO
And I've heard how fast his pod can go
And we were broke, it's true
So we made a wager or two
He was a prepubescent flyin' ace
And the minute Jabba started off that race
Well, I knew who would win first place
Oh yes, it was our boy 

 We started singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

Now we finally got to Coruscant
The Jedi Council we knew would want
To see how good the boy could be
So we took him there and we told the tale
How his midi-chlorians were off the scale
And he might fulfill that prophecy
Oh, the Council was impressed, of course
Could he bring balance to the Force?
They interviewed the kid
Oh, training they forbid
Because Yoda sensed in him much fear
And Qui-Gon said "Now listen here"
"Just stick it in your pointy ear"
"I still will teach this boy"

He was singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

We caught a ride back to Naboo
'Cause Queen Amidala wanted to
I frankly would've liked to stay
We all fought in that epic war
And it wasn't long at all before
Little Hotshot flew his plane and saved the day
And in the end some Gunguns died
Some ships blew up and some pilots fried
A lot of folks were croakin'
The battle droids were broken
And the Jedi I admire most
Met up with Darth Maul and now he's toast
Well, I'm still here and he's a ghost
I guess I'll train this boy

And I was singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
"Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"

We were singin' ...
My my this here Anakin guy
May be Vader someday later - now he's just a small fry
And he left his home and kissed his mommy goodbye
Sayin' "Soon I'm gonna be a Jedi"
(MY-version/-revision-edition, entitled 
'"T.B.I." Saga':

"About eight years AGO,
On a highway not-far AWAY,
I got in a car ak-sih-DENT. 
But, I thought I would tuck my CHIN,
... As if my seat belt had never BEEN-on.
So, I lied ... on the ground ... freakishly-BENT.     
... YAY, my 'fall', ... it didN'T KILL ME!
... But, two comas ... they didN'T THRILL ME!
I survived that awful-CRASH.
Now my limbs are metaphoric-'TRASH'!
I flew-OUT the win-DOH!  
I flew-OUT my CAR & HURT my BRAIN.
... I hit ROAD just like RAIN.
THAT's WHEN ... my-tale ... BEGINS ...  

Oh, BYE-bye, these-here trusty-LIMBS!
Maybe WALKING someday later.  ... Now my chair just-NEEDS 'RIMZ'.
I think my HEAD somehow got smallER, 'cuz I have bulky-BRIMS.
Sayin', ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.''
 ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.'

So, I doN'T--YET--know HOW-to WALK.
And, I struggle, when I TRY-to TALK. 
But, I've got SUPER-'drive', docs SAY.
HOW my 'SMARTS' 'survived' they've never-SEEN!
... But, when I'm UPSET, it's QUITE the 'SCENE'!
... Yeah, I'll DEFINITELY 'settle-DOWN' some-DAY! -------
... Well, I'm SURE--about ME--there's MUCH to-KNOW!
And, MY quantifying's definitely NOT-SLOW!
... But, I've got 'haters', it's TRUE.
... So, I 'defeated' a coma or TWO,
... However, I could-never 'WIN' a 'Calc-RACE'.
... But, in 'grading', I'd 'win FIRST-PLACE'!
... Oh, yes, my 'KICK-ASS BRAIN'!

Watch-out, STALKER, I'm going 'sans' WALKER.  I'm NOT gonna LIE.
WHEN I WALK, I'll waive to my wheelchair good-BYE,
''You've 'LOST' now, 'T.B.I.''
''You've 'LOST' now, 'T.B.I.''

I'll want EVERYONE to SEE
Just how-BAD I BEAT all the ODDS.
... So, MORE-people can 'spread the GREAT-TALE
Of how my GREAT-glee IS 'off-the-SCALE'!
MY-WALKING is SO 'hard-to-BELIEVE', you'll just HAFTA-SEE!
Even-I am QUITE-impressed, OF-COURSE!
My LOUD-footsteps convey much-FORCE.
Y'all can tell I've got MUCH-PEP.
I NEED a lightER STEP,
... Because my mom hears my STEPS from down the STREET.
Hey, at-LEAST she caN'T hear me EAT.
... I'm ALWAYS-'using' ... my 'DRIVE'.

I've been THINKIN':
'Oh, BYE-bye, these-here trusty-LIMBS!
Maybe WALKING someday later.  ... Now my chair just-NEEDS 'RIMZ'.
I think my HEAD somehow got smallER, 'cuz I have bulky-BRIMS.'
Sayin', ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.''
 ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.'

I quickly 'bounce-BACK' aff-TER 'FAILS'.
... I YEARN-to flow-smoothly like windy-SAILS.
I caN'T get MAD.  I'll just get eve-EN.
... 'ALL WILL-come in due-time' ... I GUESS.
... I'm IM-patiently WAITING-for ... aaahhh, YES. 
My LEGS WILL 'snap INTO SHAPE' & ... 'rescue ME'!
But, in the end, my RIDING ENDS.
(SINGLE-tear) I've 'LOST the respect' of my fiancee & FRIENDS.
A LOT of nerves are ''SLEEPIN''.
I can-NOT--YET--''be-CREEPIN''!
... But, the 'tactic' I want-MOST 
Is to ditch my peg-tube, so I may eat some 'TOST'*.
... 'Old-school A.J.' is a metaphoric-'GHOST'.
... I TRUST my genius-BRAIN.

I've been thinkin': 
''Maybe WALKING someday later.  ... Now my chair just-NEEDS 'RIMZ'.
I think my HEAD somehow got smallER, 'cuz I have bulky-BRIMS.''
Sayin', ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.''
 ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.'

I'm STILL-thinkin':
'Oh, BYE-bye, these-here trusty-LIMBS!
Maybe WALKING someday later.  ... Now my chair just-NEEDS 'RIMZ'.
I think my HEAD somehow got smallER, 'cuz I have bulky-BRIMS.''
Sayin', ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.''

 ''Alas, 'tis JUST my 'T.B.I.''" 

* = DELICIOUS Turkish-snack/lunch --> GRILLED-sandwich


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

'Tis 'JUST ... Another Day in PARADISE!'

.... PSYCHE!
(... I most-CERTAINLY would NOT "file ANY of my last ... 2,852 DAYS" as "'PARADISE'-esque"!
... But, "the END justifies the MEANS", so to speak.  ... I WILL-be "in PARADISE" 
WHEN I've SUCCESSFULLY-"DEFEATED" my "T.B.I." & "looking-BACK" at "my JOURNEY" ... in HINDSIGHT.) 

-- On THAT OPTIMISTIC-note, I thought-of yet-ANOTHER song to REVISE as my-OWN:

"Another Day In Paradise"

(by Phil Collins)
"She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me?
It's cold and I've nowhere to sleep
Is there somewhere you can tell me?"

He walks on, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
Starts to whistle as he crosses the street
Seems embarrassed to be there     

Oh think twice, cause it's another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, cause it's another day for you
You and me in paradise

Just think about it      

She calls out to the man on the street
He can see she's been crying
She's got blisters on the soles of her feet
She can't walk but she's trying

Oh think twice, cause it's another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you
You and me in paradise   

Just think about it

Oh lord, is there nothing more anybody can do
Oh lord, there must be something you can say

You can tell from the lines on her face
You can see that she's been there
Probably been moved on from every place
'Cos she didn't fit in there

Oh think twice, cause it's another day for
You and me in paradise
Oh think twice, it's just another day for you
You and me in paradise  

Just think about it
Just think about it

It's just another day for you and me in paradise  
It's just another day for you and me in paradise  
It's just another day for you and me in paradise  

Just think about it"
(MY-version/-revision-edition, entitled 
'Gotta-Have Walking-Paradise':)

"I 'push-out' for a TWITCH in my NERVES.
... 'Tis 'TRYING' my PATIENCE.
... They're 'IN-active', as I try vehement-LEE.
(SIGH) IS there 'SOMETHING' they could 'SHOW' ME?!

When I 'WALK', keep my sight-UP.
Use per-ih-fer-uhl vih-ZUHN.
My leg swings WIDE-LEFT, when I take a STRIDE.
TRYIN'-to RE-gain kuhn-TROL.

... 'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!
'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!


I try-HARD to 'WAKE' the NERVES in my LEGS.
... They can FEEL my GROW-ing ANGER.
I've got muscles in the thighs of my LEGS.
(SIGH) I caN'T WALK, but I'm TRYING.

... 'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!
'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!


UP, LEGS!  CaN'T you TWO SHOW all just-WHAT you can DO?! 
UP, LEGS!  I KNOW you're DUE ... to WALK any-DAY!

I still have ALOTTA tire-LESS ... HOPE!
... The 'trig' CHANGES, ... as I move-ON from EACH-PLACE
... Nonetheless, I SHALL ADAPT.   

... 'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!
'Tis okay.  Can ALWAYS try-AGAIN!




-- Now, TODAY I actually began-EARLIER than USUAL--at ~2:35 am ... "PACIFIC Standard-time"!
(... HOW does my-BODY just KNOW WHEN's an IMPORTANT-day that MIGHT-require some LAST-MINUTE ... "Checks & Balances"?!
... Am I "The ONE"?!
... IS THIS ... 'The Matrix'?!
... Has it ALWAYS-been?!

-- (WARNING) So, I BEGAN "MY-Day" PLEASANTLY by "dropping an ODORIFEROUS-DEUCE"--PRE-"feeding"--at ~6:05 am.
-- I PRINTED my QUESTIONS for TODAY's meeting with my "Academic-Advisor" for Grad-school.

-- Why--JUST-- MONITOR a PROBLEM, if you doN'T FIX it?!"

-- MY-analysis of MY-disabilitIES:   

... Think MATHEMATICALLY ... for/with LIFE:
"K.I.S.S."! --> "Keep It Simple, Stupid"

-- I enjoyed a visit from my mom.
... We discussed my VARIOUS-employees, how-NICE the SCHOOL-meeting was, my UPCOMING-schedule & TOMORROW's interview.... PLUS, we watched OLD-episodes of 'Scorpion' & 'Limitless'.

* = 'Twas SO-RELAXING, that/'cuz I "put-ON" a "HUMOROUS"--to ONLY-me--a MATH-display: 
My ADVISOR said that I had-/have-COMPLETED 12 "FULL academic-credits" OUT-of the 39 "FULL-credits"-NEEDED for GRADUATION.  
(... SAID-"numbers" were UNBEKNOWNST to ME ... & SLIGHTLY-disappointing.)
... I INSTANTLY-commented: "So, I am 4/13-DONE."


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