Monday, April 18, 2016

Your-GREATNESS is NOT what you HAVE ... but what you GIVE!

-- "I didN'T 'CREATE' [my] 'SITUATION'.  I'm just ''DEALIN'' with it!"
(--Reservoir Dogs')

-- Every thought, feeling & action, 

is moving us either TOWARDS what we desire or AWAY-from it.  What direction are yours taking YOU?!

... There are NO "WASTED-actions".  ... EVERYTHING has an "OUTCOME" or "RESULT".
(... "CAUSE & EFFECT")

-- Through NO-fault of MY-OWN-- but I've GLADLY-accepted, I "EMPLOY" ... SEVEN people. 
... So, I "GIVE THEM 'REWARDS' for their 'WORK' in/toward MY-REHAB".
(... I LIKE-to THINK that SAID-"reward" is NOT "ALL-monetary".)
(... I.e. The "MORAL-victory" of HELPING-me ACCOMPLISH GREAT-feats in my "REHAB")

-- THAT got me thinkin' ... the WRONG-things!
(  : (  )
"What's 'DEATH' like?"
"Like 'being BORN' ... only in REVERSE."
(--'Casper' ... which I watched this morning)

-- I HAVE "a BUTT-LOAD"/UMPTEEN MENTAL-"GIFTS", ATHLETIC-"virtues", SOCIAL-charisma & MONETARY-possessions.  
(... WAY-MORE than enough)
So, I TRY-to "give-BACK ... to Society".
(... E.g. "'Martial Arts'-TEACHING", GENEROUS-EMPLOYMENT, FREQUENT PARTY-Hosting, etc.)  

-- "THIS ... is ... TEMPORARY!"
(--DR. Stephen Hawking, 'The Theory of Everything') 
(... WAY-to "echo" MY-thoughts about MY strikingly-SIMILAR "PHYSICAL-condition": 
"MENTAL-hero" withOUT MUCH LEG-strength OR speech.)

-- "DoN'T let the 'HATERZ' STOP you from 'doing your THANG'."
(--Rajiv Surendra, 'Mean Girls')
(... KNOW who you ARE, & be-PROUD of it!)

-- I had a somewhat-ENCOURAGING LEG-workout ... at 'NeuroFit 360'!
(... MOST-of my exercises were pain-LESS for/on my AILING LEFT-hip.  ... I "went AGAINST the grain"--for ME--by ALTERNATING the CONDITIONS, if I experienced even the SLIGHTEST-bit of PAIN.  ... I was ONLY TRYING-to "HEED my MAIN-Nurse's ADVICE" & "NOT-'pressure my hip at-ALLL'".  
... From what I DID-DO, 'twas GREAT-movement, ... as I LIFTED EACH-leg--INDIVIDUALLY--& rotated it in SMALL, CONTROLLED circles, ... clockwise AND then COUNTER-clockwise ... for a few minutes.)  

-- CONTRARY-to POPULAR-belief, I AM somewhat-"AMERICAN":
"I like BASEBALL.  ... I wear PANTS!"
(--Horrible Bosses 2')

... Ha ha HA!
"God ... is ... a 'BOOB-man'!"
(--'Saturday Night Live')

... Ergo, I am DEFINITELY NOT-"GOD", 'cuz 
"I AM ... THEE 'ASS-Man'."
(--Kramer, 'Seinfeld')

... ACTUALLY, I'm HALF-Turkish, ~1/16 METAL, ~3/16-BRILLIANCE & ~7/16-American.

-- TRUE-"believers" doN'T JUST-"show-UP".  ... They "DEFINE themselves".

... THUS, I ALWAYS "give my ALL"/"go 110%" ... to FULLY-BE/-REPRESENT "Altan Javit Kaynatma".    

-- I read a GREAT-article that describes ... how "hittin' the mats" for a couple hours "not only releases endorphins, but also helps us focus on something other than the crap that’s been plaguing our minds throughout the day".

... Sooo, ALL you-DOUBTERS/-HATERS, I've HAD an "OUTLET" for my-STRESS for ~17 years.   


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