Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"MID-week Day-OFF"

... Well, TECHNICALLY, the EXACT-midpoint of/for ANY week occurs at ... 
12:00 noon ... on a WEDNESDAY.
(... HALF-way --> "7 DAYS / ANY WEEK x 24 HOURS / DAY" / 2 = 64th-HOUR = MID-way through 4th day)
(... --> 168 / 2 = 64 / 24 = 3.5 days)

-- After my EARLY-"TREK" 'para ir a mi cuarto de baño para orinar', I noticed my LACK-of my POSTED "DAILY-schedule"
... HHHMMM, why didN'T my Caregiver WRITE my DAY's SCHEDULE ... the night-BEFOREHAND ... as his EVERYDAY-JOB specifically "STATES"/ENTAILS?!  ... HHHMMM, WHY/HOW did I KNOW to "ADD 'SPEECH ... at ~1 pm' EST" ... to my ... "NOTHING"/"BLANK-slate" for the day?!
(... MAYBE, my MEMORY ... & LOGIC are IMPROVING!  ... YAY!  YYYEEESSS!   ... SSSHHH!  PLUS, I'm DEFINITELY smart-ER than SAID-employEE.)     

-- I've been feeling REALLY "ENERGY-replenished" lately.  
(... YAY!)
... I'm "GUESS-timating" SAID-"Energy-ADDITION" has been ever since I turned 31 ... LAST FRIDAY.  ... My BEST-GUESS at the CORRELATION is ... that I've become MORE-aware of my STRENGTHS & WEAKNESSES.  Thus, I've become MORE-"energetically-EFFICIENT" & "spatially-CONSERVATIVE".

... "My father had TAUGHT me to ... be-NICE FIRST, because you can ALWAYS be-MEAN LATER.  ... But, once you've been-MEAN to someone*, they* woN'T BELIEVE the 'NICE' anymore.  ... So, be-NICE, be-NICE, ... until it's time to STOP being-NICE.  ... Then, 'DESTROY' them*."
(--Laurell K. Hamilton) 

(... LOOK at the TIME.  "MIDDIE"?!)

-- NOW I'm gonna watch a birthday-GIFT ('Star Wars: The Force Awakens') BEFORE my "SPEECH-Therapy".

* = Even-THOUGH I AM JUST-quoting, I have this "URGE" to CORRECT IN-correct grammar.  'Por EJEMPLO': 'Tis an "ISSUE" of "UN-matching 'MODIFIERS'" --> "Some-ONE" NEEDS SINGULAR-pronouns.  (... "he/she" NOT "they", "him/her" NOT "them")

(... 'Tis yet-ANOTHER VICE of MINE.)


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