Thursday, April 21, 2016

"The GREATEST 'respect' is ... 'SELF-respect'. ...

... "Lose THAT, & ALL the SUCCESS in the WORLD means ZERO."
(--Robin Sharma)

... If you can-NOT "find PEACE" within-YOURSELF, you'll NEVER "find it" ... anywhere-ELSE.

-- Happy "National HIGH-FIVE Day"!
((... I would've THOUGHT that "'High-FIVE' Day" WOULD-be on 'Cinco de Mayo', ... 'cuz of the "NUMERIC-consistency" of the date --> 5/5.  ... However, (I SHRUG.) I GUESS that "Alcohol-PLEASURE" TRUMPS "Quantitative-Patterning".
(... UNDERSTANDABLY ... for the LAY-person)

-- I've ALWAYS-appreciated, but I've RECENTLY RE-watched A LOT, "STAND-UP COMEDIANS"!

... Well, my mom's brother IS a PROFESSIONAL "stand-up COMIC".  So, I LIKE-to say that I have (SOMEWHAT-of) a GENERAL-/BROAD-IDEA of a "GOOD-set".

-- "'HARD WORK' beats 'TALENT', ... when 'TALENT' doesN'T 'work-HARD'."
(--Jennifer Lopez)

-- "Do NOT let the behavior of OTHERS ... 'DESTROY' ... YOUR 'INNER-PEACE'."
(--Dalai Lama XIV)

... "The TIME has COME for SOMEONE to 'put his FOOT down', ... & that 'FOOT' is ME!"
(--Dean Wermer, 'Animal House')

... "WE are the 'MAKERS of MUSIC' ... & 
(--Willy Wonka, 'Charlie & the Chocolate Factory')
(... I doN'T LISTEN-to MUSIC ... as a RELAXING-hobby ... EVER.  So, ... I'll just SETTLE-for "DREAM"ing ... about "WALKING" & TALKING & EATING/DRINKING.  ... THEN, I'll "CONVERT" SAID "dreams" into REALITY ... in due-TIME.)       

-- "I believe whatever doesN'T KILL you ... 
simply makes you strangER."
(--Joker, one of the 'Batman'-films)
(... My CATASTROPHIC-accident ... 2,846 days ago did NOT "KILL me".  It actually-STRENGTHENED my already-"EINSTEINIAN" "MENTAL-math"-SKILLS!)

(... I.e. TODAY--RATHER-than use her "cellular-CALCULATOR", my SPEECH-Therapist asked ME--'cuz she KNOWS my FONDNESS for "QUANTITATIVE-analysis"--a WORK-related DIVISION-problem.  ... With-OUT ANY-hesitation from/in my WINNING Scrabble-game, I--VERBALLY-stated the THREE-digit "QUOTIENT"*.)     

-- NEVER be "DEFINED-by" your-PAST.  ...
'Twas JUST a "LESSON" ... to-be "LEARNED", 
... NOT a "LIFE-sentence".

... PLEASE ... "look BEYOND" my WHEELCHAIR & LETTER-board!
... For I am DETERMINED ... to "DEFEAT" my--TEMPORARY--"handicaps".

... (AUDIBLE-sigh) ME--to y'ALL:
"I WISH I could EXPLAIN to you ... WHAT I KNOW. ... But, you'll just get CONFUSED."
(--Charlie, THEE mathematician, 'NUMB3RS')

-- There's a COMMON-saying that 
(... I'm gonna HAFTA-AGREE.         (KARATE; MATH; WRESTLING; SOCCER)     (MARCH 15, 2003)

-- I watched 'Animal House' ... yet-AGAIN.  
... It ALWAYS kinda-"TICKLES me" how "WARPED" & "CLOSED-minded" the MIS-understanding of the FRATERNITY-system IS.  

... Granted, some GENERAL-ideas (e.g. "ALCOHOL-fueled" FUN, SEEMINGLY-asinine/-random "pledge-NAMING", etc.) that ARE TRUE ... to an extent/degree.  MUCH of the "FRAT-life" is EXAGGERATED and/or FALSE.  

... "Your MOM 'goes to college'!"
(--Kip, 'Napoleon Dynamite')

-- The KIDS "SHOWED their SKILLS" well at Karate-class tonight.  I REALLY-like UNIQUE-way the ALTERNATIVE-/ SECONDARY-'Sensei' "warms-UP" the class to BEGIN: The STUDENTS run-AROUND the BIG-room, while the TEACHER swings/executes SLOW-strikes at EACH-student
--INDIVIDUALLY--EACH & EVERY time he/she passes him!  (... I COMPLIMENTED him.)

-- I'm JEALOUS of Raj on 'The Big Bang Theory'!  ... He's dating TWO DIFFERENT-WOMEN SIMULTANEOUSLY ... UNBEKNOWNST to THEM!

... JEEZ!  The CLOSEST I've EVER-been to "dating TWO women" was ... "dating ONE woman".

-- SSSHHH!  D'ya HEAR that?!  "THIS is what it SOUNDS-like ... when DUUUHHHVES cry!"(... R.I.P. Prince.)


* = ANSWER to ANY DIVISION-problem


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