Thursday, April 14, 2016

(SERIOUSLY) I JUST pushed-UP my glasses, ... using ONLY my right INDEX-finger.'

-- "UUGGHH!  People doN'T even DRESS-up for 'TAXES' anymore."
(--DRUNK-Uncle, 'Saturday Night Live')

... In HONOR-of the PREP-day, I wore my shirt that says/reads:
"NOW it's a PARTY!"
(... The WEIRDO that I am, I would-TRULY go-ECSTATIC at a "MATH-Party"!)     

-- "The QUICKEST-way to 'get-BACK on your feet' is ...
to ACCEPT & FORGIVE-yourself for 'NOT being PERFECT'.
... You doN'T 'have it ALL figured-out'.  ... You doN'T 'ALWAYS make the RIGHT-choices'.  ... You doN'T 'ALWAYS TRUST the RIGHT-people'.  ... THAT's the REALITY of it.  ... You just caN'T PREPARE for EVERYTHING.*  ... KEEP-in-mind that it's NATURAL.  ... KEEP-in-mind that you're HUMAN.  ... KEEP-in-mind that HAD you KNOWN-better, you'd have DONE-better.  ... ACCEPT-yourself.  FORGIVE-yourself.  ... LIFE is too-ROUGH.  Your-HEART is too-FRAGILE.  
... RESPECT your 'SOUL-plan'."
(--Author/Speaker UNKNOWN)
(... WHEN I WALK, I'll be OVERJOYED!  ... It HELPS that I've FINALLY-accepted ... that 'tis NOBODY's FAULT that I am in my CURRENT NEUROLOGICAL- & PHYSICAL-"state".  'Tis just-ANOTHER "OBSTACLE" for me to "OVERCOME".      

My "Martial Arts"-Professor had DOUBLE "Hip-Replacement" Surgery the other day, ... & "WORD-on-the-STREET" is that he's doin' very-WELL!
... PERSONALLY, MY LEFT-hip has been relatively-PAINLESS for weeks!  (... "KNOCK-on-WOOD.")  
... Nonetheless, 'tis very-ENCOURAGING that my EVENTUAL-/INEVITABLE "HIP-work" has a (POTENTIALLY) QUICK-rehab!    

-- I SCHEDULED a MEETING (w/ my mom) with my "Academic-Advisor" at my GRAD-school for 
WEDNESDAY, April 27th. 
... I've GOTTA-"get COMFORTABLE" with my "Handicapped-resources".

-- I am EASILY-amused.  
... PLUS, my PHENOMENAL-MATH skills are ODDLY-stimulated:
In my FAVORITE-film--'The Big Lebowski', some character (USUALLY "Walter"/John Goodman) "drops an 'F-bomb'" 292 DIFFERENT times during the 117-minute "cult-CLASSIC".
While "the Dude" is VERBALLY-referenced ONLY 161 DIFFERENT times. 

* = ''C'est la vie.''  ... "'SHIT' happens."


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