Friday, April 22, 2016

"LOSING" is just ... "WINNING" that hasN'T happened ... YET.

-- I doN'T know HOW-to EXPLAIN THAT-outlook ... OTHER-than ... by saying ... I'm a hope-FULL OPTIMIST ... who "takes matters into his-OWN HANDS".  

... Approximately 1.4 MILLION "experience" a "Traumatic Brain-Injury" EACH-YEAR.  ... Approximately 5.3 MILLION Americans--including MYSELF--are ALIVE WITH a "T.B.I."
... THAT means that, SINCE my accident in 2008, there've been ~11.2 million T.B.I.s in America.  
(YEAR ~2016 - YEAR 2008 = ~8 years ... MULTIPLIED-by ~1.4 MILLION injuries = ~11.2)  

-- "Ah!  The age-OLD question: HOW-to coordinate LOGIC with EMOTION."
(... 'Tis DIFFICULT to GUESS-timate MY-"pathos", SIMPLY-because my "T.B.I." makes it almost-IMPOSSIBLE for others to DISCERN MY-feelings from-ONLY my EXTERNAL-expressions.)      

... E.g. UNFORTUNATELY, I could/can NOT express my EXTREME-SORROW over the DEATH of my father NOR over my last ROMANTIC-breakup.
... PRE-injurIES, I actually CHOSE-to ALWAYS "play it COOL" & be "LEVEL-headed", ... 'cuz my DECISION-making was generally-BETTER, ... when I "SEPARATED my HEART from my BRAIN.        

-- (WHEW!)  'Tis SUCH a RELIEF that my MAIN-Nurse possesses a GREAT-deal of LOGIC ... & KINDNESS!

(... Jolly-JOLLY GOOD!)   

--    1)        "      x =     [-b +- sqrt (b^2 - 4ac)] 
                                           2a                           "

... I, being the WEIRDO I AM, just FELT-like "writing-"/typing-out the "Quadratic Formula" for the ROOTS (x) of the general "Quadratic Equation":

2)                          "        ax^2 + bx + c = 0          "

I.e. 2) x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0     --> 1) [5 +- sqrt(25 - 4 x 1 x 6)] / 2 
--> (5 +- 1)/2  -->  {2, 3}  
-->  (x - 2)(x - 3)       

... The "FUN-da-MENTAL Theorem of Calculus" relates differentiation and integration, showing that these two operations are essentially inverses of one another. 

E.g. According to Sir Isaac Newton, 
"For EVERY-action, there is an EQUAL- & OPPOSITE-RE-action."    

... On THAT-note, IS it a "SIGN" that ... at ~11:00 am--the USUAL CONCLUDING-time of a DAY's/MORNING's 2-hour 'NUMB3RS'-"dosage", I noticed that TODAY's yet-ANOTHER "7-HOUR 'MARATHON'" of SAID PHENOMENAL-show?!
(... YESSSSS!)

... "'FAST' is fine.  But, 'ACCURACY' is FINE-UHL."
(--Charlie, 'NUMB3RS')
... Such was/is ALWAYS MY-philosophy about Calculus-tests.  ... I would RARELY-be FIRST-done.  But, I'd FREQUENTLY-earn TOP-score!

... (WARNING) MY past-gurlfriendS would AGREE.
(... I caN'T get this DAMN-"dirt OFF my shoulder"!)
(... Ha ha HA!)

... "It's NOT our-MISTAKES that 'DEFINE-us'.  ... It's 'HOW we REACT' right-AFTER."

... SINCE my accident & resulting-/ensuing-INJURES, I've TRIED-to make the BEST of a BAD-situation ... by 
-- CONTINUING my "Martial Arts"-TEACHING
-- RESUMING my STUDIES for my Master's DEGREE
-- ROUTINELY-exercising at my GYM*        

-- "I 'SEE-things' ... OTHER-people doN'T."
(--'Saving Hope')

... I could FIND a QUALITY-show on television ... at ANY-time.
... I can APPLY "PHYSICS" & "TRIGONOMETRY" to anything & EVERYTHING I do.      
... NUMBERS "fit-INTO" ANY-situation!
(When I see the # '8', I think:
-- THAT's the "CUBE" of a "COUPLE".
-- THAT's a TOUCHDOWN & 2-point conversion ... in FOOTBALL.       

-- I had a GREAT-workout at 'NeuroFit 360' today ... as USUAL!
... "ASK, & you SHALL-receive."  ... I "ASKED"-to "TRY 'pushups'.  ... So, I "STOOD" NEXT-to a raised-BENCH, bent/leaned WAY-over & scooted my feet back ... and did 3 SETS of TEN FULL-pushups against the BENCH.
... While stretching, my trainer learned that I just caN'T shift-/ rotate my LEFT-foot OUT.  
(... I ALREADY-/FRUSTRATINGLY-/BEGRUDGINGLY-KNEW this.  ... My trainer "HYPOTHESIZED" that THAT MAY-be 'cuz of the METAL--in my KNEE--is "BLOCKING the 'messages' from [my] BRAIN".  ... I told her that I'd NEVER heard or considered THAT.  ... "I just-figured IT's the DAMAGED nerve-"PATHWAYS"/-membranes."**   

... Would a VISIT--just to WATCH--BY my "NeuralPsychoTherapist" TO my gym be FEASIBLE/DOABLE/PRODUCTIVE? 

* = BESIDES my COUNTLESS-"WALKS" I do at HOME, ... I JUST-did a BUNCH of "AB-exercises" ... for the SECOND-time TODAY.

** = I didN'T ACTUALLY-tell her that ... I'm RIGHT.


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