Friday, April 1, 2016

"Feel the 'BURN'!"

-- Certain-DAYS have certain-"FEELS".

... MONDAY "feels" "CRISP", like I'm "starting ANEW".
--> 'Tis APPROPRIATE, 'cuz MY "'WORK'-week" OFFICIALLY-begins with MY "SPEECH-Therapy" AND LEG-workout.
... TUESDAY "feels" "SUPPORTIVE", like a "pick-me-UP".
--> I have my "UPPER body"-workout to FURTHER-develop my "HERCULEAN arm-strength".  ... Every-OTHER week I get some MUCH-NEEDED "PSYCHOLOGICAL-backing" of my VARIOUS-decisions & -attempts.
... WEDNESDAY "feels" SOMEWHAT-"RELAXING", 'cuz I doN'T have an OFFICIAL-"workout".  
--> As far as "OFFICIAL-COMMITMENTS to MY-REHAB", I ONLY have "SPEECH-Therapy".       
... THURSDAY  "feels" "STUDIOUS" & "'TEACHER'-like.
--> MOSTLY, I go-to my KIDS' "Martial Arts"-class to LEARN the students' TENDENCIES/MANNERISMS/HABITS & SKILLS.  ALSO/OR, I co-TEACH my 'jujitsu'-techniques*.  
... FRIDAY "feels" "SURREPTITIOUSLY-calming".
--> USUALLY, I ONLY have "SPEECH-Therapy" & 'NeuroFit 360' (my "LEG-gym").  ... Ergo, 'tis a GREAT-evening to POTENTIALLY-HOST parties!         . 
... SATURDAY "feels" "CREATIVE".
--> I'm VERY-ACTIVE in my "Martial Arts"-"SEMI-teaching"!  ... I LIKE-to watch ALOTTA movies and/or sports to INCORPORATE quotes and/or stats into my blog.           
... SUNDAY "feels" "REST-FULL". 
--> I TRY-to AVOID scheduling ANY strenuous-activities.  ... I DO--occasionally--go-OUT to a DINER with my housemate & EITHER his family OR our friends.           

-- "Be willing to be a beginner every single morning."
(--Meister Eckhart)

... "In the BEGINNER's mind, there are MANY possibilities.
... In the EXPERT's mind, there are FEW."
(--Shunryu Suzuki)
... THAT-quote JUST-reminded me to CHANGE-up my MORNING exercise-routine: ... I JUST-did (at 6:19 am EST) TEN holds of a "HALF-crunch w' my legs-RAISED" for longER!... And, ... I just-did ten MORE ... with an even-LONGER "hold" at the "peak".

-- The PROBLEM with "taking the road LESS-traveled" is ... 
a LACK-of wifi.  

... "'Communication' is KEY."

... Since I AM relatively-, TEMPORARILY-, INCIDENTALLY-CONCISE, I very-MUCH RELY-on my various NON-verbal gestures--that I CREATED--to indicate WHAT I NEED.

-- We LEARN MORE from our "MISTAKES" than from our "SUCCESSES".
... Thus, I'm NOW--POST-accident--CONSTANTLY-"learning" ... about MY-BODY:
--> I ALWAYS check the measurements on my "SPHYGMOMANOMETER" (blood pressure monitor), 'cuz--UN-fortunately--I've had a "laundry-list" of RIDICULOUSLY-INCOMPETENT & -EGOTISTICAL (MEDICAL-) "doctors", ... who were/are an EMBARRASSMENT to modern-medicine!
... PLUS, my "NICKED" RIGHT ulnar-nerve CONTRIBUTES-to my CONSTANT DIS-trust of "medical HEAD-honchos"!
--> I ALWAYS "factor-IN" bio-PHYSICS, before I make a KINETIC-decision!

-- I was watching 'Married with Children' this morning, when I noticed Al Bundy's CLEVER-"acronym":

... Al and his friends founded 'NO MA'AM", the "National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood".  
... THUS, I'm hereby-FOUNDING  

-- I enjoyed an EARLY-sesion of "SPEECH-Therapy "... at ~9:30 am.  ... Finally, 'twas APPROPRIATE for my EATING** two scrambled eggs.  

-- I've GOTTA-LOVE 7-HOUR "marathons" of 'NUMB3RS'!
(9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
... So, I "ATE" a few "MEALS", "WALKED" 'a mi banyo', watched an half an EPISODE, demonstrated QUALITY tongue- & lip-MOVEMENT in "SPEECH-Therapy", watched ~1.5 EPISODES, "ATE" my EARLY-"dinner" & showered.

-- "What came FIRST--the MUSIC or the MISERY?"
(--Rob, 'High Fidelity')

... Since I doN'T LISTEN-to much/ANY "MUSIC", yet I DEFINITELY "drift IN-&-OUT" of "MISERY", ... I'm goin' WITH "the MISERY".

... I look-up SONG-lyrics ONCE-in-AWHILE ... ONLY to REVISE POPULAR(?)-songs to describe ME!


... I "KNOW [my] AUDIENCE"!

* = After a more-DETAILED discussion with my MAIN-Nurse,       I THINK 'twould be WISE to "SWALLOW my PRIDE" & 

** = The LACK-of quotation marks (" ") indicates that my EATING was conducted via my MOUTH ... NOT my PEG-TUBE.


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