Thursday, April 7, 2016

"'SHIT' happens."

'Twas a rather IN-auspicious START to my day.
... I awoke FINE -- no (OBVIOUS/BLATANT)PAIN or REGRET.  ... Things IMMEDIATELY "turned SOUR".
I saw that I had IRRESPONSIBLY-left my laptop turned-ON.
(... LUCKILY, the "Charger" was plugged-IN.  So, the BATTERY was FINE.)  However, I could-NOT determine what-DAY 'tis/'twas.  (... HARUMPF!)  Ya see, I ALWAYS just-START my "NEXT day's BLOG-post" the NIGHT-BEFORE ... "to get my feet WET".  ... AND, I LABEL the DAY of the "DRAFT" to MINIMIZE my CONFUSION.  ... Apparently, I became "SATURATED with WORRY", as I had-to URINATE.  Seeing as it was ~5:55 am at the time, I WAITED-for the shift-CHANGE at 6:00 to BUZZ for Caregiver-help.  
... Needless to say, I asked him--VERBALLY--my "SCHEDULE" for the day.  ... When he replied, "Just Karate", I KNEW 'twas THURSDAY.
(... WHEW!)

-- (WARNING) So, in-BETWEEN my "MORNING-ROUTINE ... of ATTEMPTED-maintenance of SANITY" (I.e. watching 'Married with Children' AND 'NUMB3RS'), 
I "Let-Loose a Large, semi-Loose BOWEL-BONANZA" ... that--AGAIN--I could KINDA SMELL.  ... YAY!
(... Thus, 'twas a CONFUSING, EVENTFUL, but, ULTIMATELY, RELIEVING morning.)

-- A "pet-PEEVE" of MINE is ... when people "'bark-ORDERS', BEFORE they OBSERVE/'look-around AT' their surroundings"!
(... I.e. This morning my Caregiver said-to me, "DoN'T forget to FLOSS", ... simply because I had set my pick/floss back/down on my bathroom-counter ... AFTER ALREADY-flossing.  ... IF-only he would've moved the garbage-can to where I could REACH it ... like I had ALREADY-asked ... EVERY-day!)
(... AUDIBLE-sigh)
(... NUMBERS, numbers, 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = ... 3,628,800)
(... AAAHHH, CALMED-breath)     

-- I watched--yet AGAIN--ALL of the HILARIOUS-film, 'Waiting'.  

... Regarding MY birthday par-TAY,
should ANYONE bring/make 'patatas braves', I WILL hypothesize:
"If it's gonna be THAT kinda party, I'm GONNA stick my DICK in the MASHED POTATOES!"
(--Radimus, 'Waiting')

... AM I "JUST-quoting"?!

(... HHHMMM, we SHALL see.)

... THAT racy, "OFF-color" remark is the KIND of comment my NeuralPsychoTherapist WARNS me AGAINST making.  ... She RIGHTFULLY-/TRUTHFULLY-claims that "NOT-EVERYONE UNDERSTANDS YOUR [MY] HUMOR."
Nonetheless, WHY should I CENSOR my-OWN BLOG?!
(... 'Tis a "BLOG" of MY thoughts & actions!)

... Speaking-of "SSSEEMINGLY MIS-understood HUMOR, upon having a NUMBER of LATE "martial arts"-students arriving-LATE tonight, I remarked-LOUDLY to the 6 of (later) 14 'Karateka':
"They're PROBABLY prepping-for tomorrow's NATIONAL-holiday ... of MY 31st-birthday."

... Tonight's "martial arts"-class was particularly-PLEASANT, 'cuz a GOOD-/LONGTIME-buddy of my "PROFESSOR"'s--who's ALSO a HERALDED "martial arts"-TEACHER--was VISITING from Atlanta.  ... HE brought his daughter--a 14 year old BROWN belt, who displayed a NICE "change of pace" in her sparring. 

... I've GOTTA-hire an ADDITIONAL Caregiver.
--> Thursday-EVENINGS are--presently--KINDA-sucky, 'cuz the time of the shift-CHANGE FORCES me to DEPART-from the KIDS' Karate-class ~20 minutes EARLY, ... in-order-to NOT keep my NEW Caregiver WAITING.  
(... I've TOLD him BEFORE that he's NOT to go-INSIDE MY HOUSE, if I'm NOT-there.  But, UN-fortunately, he's NOT very-good with MY-instructions.)
--> IF the NEW-law LIMITS the # of WEEKLY work-hours, then my Caregivers' OWN-schedules will REQUIRE ... 
a FIFTH Caregiver to finish-covering ALL of the NECESSARY 168 WEEKLY WORK-hours.


... With-OUT it, I FEEL "I'm-PRISONED".

... "'FREEDOM' is the RIGHT of ALL SENTIENT-beings."

(--Optimus Prime, 'Transformers')
... TECHNICALLY, I'm CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY have/possess ONLY ~60% of my FIVE-senses.  
((... I LACK SMELL & TASTE.  ... ALTHOUGH, I AM "characterized by [HYPERACTIVE] sensation and consciousness"(

-- DAMN my SUB-par MEMORY!
... There were SO-MANY thoughts of mine I WANTED-to BLOG-about!  But, (AUDIBLE-sigh) I was OUT at Karate AND/OR IN the shower ... AND/OR "PERCHED-UPON my 'PORCELAIN-THRONE'" (... I make some of my most-INSIGHTFUL observations, when I'm "droppin' a DEUCE" ... OR "rockin'-OUT" in my van.  ... I DEDUCE that THAT's from my DEARTH of potential-DISTRACTIONS.)

... ''C'est la vie.''
(... I've LEARNED various-ways to ADAPT/COMPENSATE/ACCLIMATE ... during these PAST ... 2,832 DAYS.)

-- As a SCIENTIST, ... MUCH of what I DO is ... "TRIAL & ERROR".


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