Wednesday, April 20, 2016

... 'Tis my ACTUAL ... SEMI-"RELAX-Day".

-- I caN'T BEGIN a day BETTER-than THAT!

... FIRST-off, my USUALLY-/MOSTLY-(SOMEWHAT-) "OVERWHELMED"*/INCOMPETENT NIGHT-Caregiver "acted" ADMIRABLY in only SEMI-helping/SEMI-watching me in my "WALK" to URINATE ... at the UNFORTUNATE-time of ~5:40 am.

... (WARNING) THEN, after my COMMENDABLE ... SLOW but STEADY "TRUDGE" BACK-to bed, (~FOUR minutes later) I "felt & heard my stomach's-RUMBLING".  So, I travelled-BACK to 'mi "JUAN"' in order to "EVACUATE my BOWELS".  
(... How RELIEVING!)  

... SAID-"Caregiver" BEGAN the prep for "MY-TREK" ridiculously-/intolerably-SLOW.  ... But, after I--LITERALLY--"VOICED my DIS-content", he "backed ME up" COMMENDABLY!  
(... SEE?!  ... People CAN change ... for the BETTER!)
(... Dear neurosurgeonS & ex-girlfriend, 
   THAT's WHY there IS a WORD ... IN ANY American-dictionary ... called "IMPROVE"!  ... Ever heard it?)

-- "'TRADITION' is something you just-doN'T 'BREAK'.  ... 'Write THAT down.'**"
(--Van, 'Van Wilder: Freshman Year') 
... "UNLESS you believe in REINCARNATION.  ... If so, I wanna come-back as a ... 'THIGH-Master'!"

... ACRONYM: "TRADITION" --> "Totally-Required Analytical Doctoring of 'Incredibles' Through Intelligent yet Obnoxious Neurology" 

... Thus, I REALLY-APPRECIATE my NECESSARY(?)--but FUN--"NeuralPsychoTherapy"-sessions.

... SELF-NeuralPsychoTherapy: Was THAT (I said "necessary butt-fun".) just a "Freudian-slip"?
(... Ha ha HA!  SELF-critism CAN-be SO/QUITE HELP-FULL.
"If you caN'T LAUGH at YOURSELF, ... you're just NOT-funny.")

-- I got my NEEDED-"dose" of "TWO-hours of 'NUMB3RS'" ... from UP in my chair, ... 'cuz ... why-NOT?!
(... I WAS/AM VERY-CAREFUL regarding ANY/ALL PRESSURE/WEIGHT on my LEFT-hip, whenever I'm UP in my wheelchair.)

... PLUS, I "caught-up" on/with TWO (HILARIOUS) oldER episodes of 'SNL'.

-- "Find the 'TORTURE' you're COMFORTABLE-with, ... & you'll do-WELL."
(--Jerry Seinfeld)
(... Determine just how-MUCH DIS-comfort you can "HANDLE"/TOLERATE, ... & "ABIDE-by"*** it.)        
(... In OTHER-words, ... "KNOW your limits."
--my UPPER-body trainer)

(... TODAY's:'Dazed & Confused' + 'Se7en' = BLISS)

-- SELF-observation:"If I'm DRUNK & having-sex, ... I'm thinking, 'Yeah, this is COOL.'  ... 
But, if I'm 'HIGH' during sex, ... I'm thinking, 'WHY is she LETTING me DO-this to her?!'"((--Hannibal Buress (COMEDIAN))(... Ha ha HA!  ... I CONCUR.)

-- "... Apparently, there's a YOU ... in an ALTERNATE-universe, ... makin' the SAME-mistakes YOU're makin'!  ... So, If ANYBODY EVER-tells you, 'You can do BETTER', just go, '(AUDIBLE-sigh & SNICKER) Yeah, ... RIGHT!'"
(--BADASS Joe Rogan ... doing STANDUP-COMEDY)

-- Do the BEST you CAN, ... until you know-BETTER.
... Then, when you KNOW-better, ... BE-BETTER.

... DO the BEST you CAN ... with WHAT you HAVE ... WHERE you ARE.
(... In LAYMAN's terms, ... ADAPT ... to MAXIMIZE ... your POTENTIAL.)

-- "Courage" is NOT the "ABSENCE of fear".  
... It IS the "ability to ACT ... in the PRESENCE-of FEAR".

... "'COURAGE'--to ME--is doing something daring, no matter how afraid, insecure, intimidated, alone, unworthy, incapable, ridiculed or whatever other paralyzing emotion you might feel.  'Courage' is taking matter what.  So, you're AFRAID? Be afraid. Be 'SCARED-SILLY' to the point you're trembling and nauseous.  But, do it anyway!” 

(--Richelle E. Goodrich)

-- "A GOOD-excuse to 'DRINK' [alcohol] is ... a SAD-friend."

(--COMEDIAN Jonah Ray)
(... Ha ha HA!  MY ALTERNITIVE-approach: Wear my BUTT-shorts.)

-- "REP-ree-ZENT!"

'Business Insider' ranked "University of Pennsylvania"--MY 'alma mater'--as "the 'Most-INTENSE college in America".
(... The RATING-/RANKING-system combined 
BEST-Academics, SMARTEST-students, BEST-"Greek-life" &  TOP-parties.)

-- Did I have such a GRE
AT-day, 'cuz it's "4/20"?!
... Was it "KARMA"?!
... I say, "HELLZ-NAW", 'cuz A.J.'s NEVER-smoked**** ... ANYTHING!
(... See ABOVE-remark about the IMPORTANCE of "TRADITION".)

-- Upon MY-REFLECTION, I'd DEFINITELY-consider this BLOG-managing as ONE of my MANY "JOBS". 
(... MY-REHABBING/-RECOVERING, "Martial Arts"-TEACHING, "'Health-CARE'-business MANAGING, Bioengineering-STUDYING, Biophysics-APPLYING, ...)
(... ALL of my "OCCUPATIONS" are NON-monetarily "REWARDING", ... 'cuz I doN'T NEED the $ ... anymore.

* = Since "WHELM" is basically the NEGATIVE-synonym of "overwhelm", WHY the NEED for the prefix "OVER-"?!
... HHHMMM.  I GUESS 'tis because "WHELM" specifically-HAS a NEGATIVE-undertone.  While "OVER-whelm" COULD-be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.  ... 'Tis AMBIGUOUSLY-AMBIVALENT.

** = I doN'T remember.  (... BIG-surprise!) But, AFTER RE-watching a few 'American Pie'-movies today, I'm gettin' the feeling that I PROBABLY got that line in MY-VALEDICTORY ... in-which I told the CROWD/AUDIENCE to "write THAT down" ... from some 'National Lampoon'-movie. 
(... 'Van Wilder'?)

*** = SEE the BLOG's name/title: '"The DUDE' Abides".  ... I AM "The DUDE".

**** = He/I DID--UNKNOWINGLY--eat a "POT-brownie" in college.  But, I was TRICKED!  ... BESIDES, who hasN'T done "REGRETTABLE-stuff ... in-COLLEGE"?!
(... "NO-homo!")


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