Monday, April 11, 2016

If MY-LIFE (STORY) were converted into a BOOK, it'd be ... Dr. Seuss's 'Great Day for UP'.


... The FIRST ~three fourths would-be VERY-METAPHORICAL, FIGURATIVE & -SYMBOLIC.  ... While the LATTER-quarter would-be FRUSTRATINGLY-LITERAL*.

(... 'Tis--MAINLY--a matter of "NERVE-cooperation".  ... Ya see, my injurIES are "FAR-MORE"--specifically--"NEURAL" than--BROADLY--"PHYSICAL".)


-- (WARNING) I got-"UP" ... as in "OUT-of bed" AFTER my "rectal-RELEASE of 'FECAL-philanges'" ... at ~5:45 am.

... I "WALKED" BACK-to my MANUAL-wheelchair to "BEGIN MY-day" ... AKA "WATCH two episodes of 'NUMB3RS'".

-- MY "'WALKING'-routine" = 
(--Kobe Bryant)
(... ACTUALLY, MY-"WALKING" involves ... kinda-ALOTTA "PERSPIRATION", ... 'cuz I'm HEAVILY-/DEEPLY-FOCUSED on my "AMBULATING".)      

... Speaking-of my "GALLIVANTING", TOMORROW I am DETERMINED-to SHOW my NeuralPsychoTherapist & my mom my STRAIGHT-gazed, STRAIGHT-postured, NON-"pigeon-toed" "TREKKING".  


-- I interviewed a POTENTIALLY-NEW "Caregiver" today.  He was ... ALRIGHT.  

I'd DEFINITELY LIKE-to KEEP-searching.

-- I made ... SEVEN ... DIFFERENT "FULL-WALKS" today/tonight ... THREE "ONE-way 'TREKS'"--ALL by/under MY-OWN "DECISION-making" & FRUITION.

-- Everything will change when your desire to move on, 

exceeds your desire to hold on. ~ Alan H. Cohen.
... "FINISH each day and be-DONE with it. 

... You have DONE what you COULD.  Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; FORGET them as-SOON-as you can.  TOMORROW is a NEW-day.  You shall begin it SERENELY and with too HIGH a spirit to be encumbered with your old NONSENSE." 
(--Ralph Waldo Emerson)

... "DOUBT" KILLS more DREAMS than "FAILURE" ... EVER-will.

... "'HOPE' is strongER than 'FEAR'."

... Thus, we have the MATHEMATICAL-/SCIENTIFIC-phrases of ... "GUESS & CHECK" and "TRIAL & ERROR"***.

... DESPITE my "FONDNESS-for/-of being-CORRECT", I've come to ACCEPT the FACT that MY judgment & decision-making just ... AIN'T what it USED-to be!
... Even-THOUGH I ABHOR using my "T.B.I." as an EXCUSE ... for MY "DRAWBACKS", VICES & "MIS-fires", my IN-ability to "take-NOTES" ... on-paper ... for things ... very-MUCH FRUSTRATES me!

... WHAT a SEGUI into my IMMINENT RE-"education" "TOOLS"!  ... I'm EXCITED to "USE" my (DESIGNATED/ASSIGNED) "NOTE-taker", laptop & LOGIC to (HOPEFULLY) EARN a/MY Master's Degree!    

* = 'Twould be "FRUSTRATING", merely/ONLY 'cuz there are timeS when my LEG-muscles & -nerves just woN'T "LISTEN-to" my "neural-MESSAGES".

** = ALL of my "Bathroom-'TREKS'"--at HOME--are "ROUNDTRIP" ... UNLESS OTHERWISE-noted.

*** SAID-tactic is PARTICULARLY-useful/-helpful in MY "line-of-'WORK'". 


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