Friday, April 15, 2016


= "Thank Goodness It's Friday" 
"Turkish-Geniuses Introduce Food".
... I emailed ALOTTA Turkish-recipes to my housemate.  He's goin' GROCERY-shopping after work to GET the NECESSARY-ingredients.
(... YAY!)

(... BUT, it turns-out that he HAD-to work-LATE.  So, we'll reschedule.)
(... HOWEVER, a BUDDY--from high school--came-over ... from OUTTA-town!)
(... "NOICE!")
((... I DECIDED-to SHOW him my-"WALKING" across my living room ... TWICE.  He commented by EXCLAIMING: 
"WOW, dude!  THAT's REALLY a big-IMPROVEMENT from last time!"  ... (~one year ago)) 
(... I NEEDed that!)
((... He CHALLENGED me to a FESTIVE-game of CRIBBAGE.  ... So, I HAD-to BEAT-him ... by A LOT!)
(... "Nobody can ever tell what ''a CRAZY''s gonna do next."
--Muhammad Ali)

-- "My thoughts drift back to erect nipple wet dreams about that-Mary Jane Rottencrotch and the Great Homecoming Fuck Fantasy. I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I'm in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid."
(--Private Joker, 'Full Metal Jacket')
(... In ACTUALITY, I caN'T RECALL any SAID-"WET dreams".  However, I KNOW-that I NEVER-dated a "Ms. ROTTENCROTCH".  ... But, but, WAIT!  ... I DID come-up with NUMEROUS "nicknames" for some of my fraternity-brothers' "HOOKUPS":
"Chesty Larue",
"Big-Boobs McGee",
"Hoodie McBoob",
"Ima Mannish",
"Ivana Stantapea"
& "Mya Turdleck".  HHHMMM, MAYBE one of MINE was a 
"Ms. Rottenrotch".  ... Oh, YEAH!  That Russian-MODEL--Ihava, ... who STOLE my Bio-homework!
(... That FOREIGN-slut gave me "CRABS"!)*   

-- "A GOOD-life is ... when you
(--'POSITIVE Energy')

... "True 'DAT!"--A.J. Kaynatma ... who likes to speak in 3rd-person, ... 'cuz it's funnIER.

-- ("MINESWEEPER" -- 276, 267, 297, 298, 316, 314 -- PI)

(... So, THAT's an ~294.67 average.)
(... SIX "WINS" in 15 games ... at ~6:15 am ... is PRETTY-IMPRESSIVE!    

... “[The] results show that high-level mathematical reflection recycles brain regions associated with an evolutionarily ancient knowledge of number and space.”

(--Marie Amalric/grad-student at  the INSERM–CEA Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit in France, 'Scientific American --Neuroscience')
"... This could mean that the neural resources required to grasp and work with certain math concepts may undercut—or “use up”—some of the brain’s other capacities."
(--'Scientific American')
(... Ergo, IS my OBSESSION ... 'con MATEMATICA' ... "rendering OTHER 'IMPORTANT neural-regions' ... NEGLIGIBLE"?!)       

-- I watched the CLASSIC comedic-movie, 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High', this MORNING, ... AFTER I got-UP EARLY.  ((... I got-UP EARLY (at ~6:30 am) to "WALK" to 'a mi banyo' URINATE.  Then, I got-into my CHAIR, ... 'cuz I'm just feeling more-ENERGIZED!))  ... This film REMINDED me that the girls at MY high school wereN'T NEARLY as SLUTTY as the MAIN-characters in SAID-film.  
(... Either THAT, or I was/AM a bigGER LOSER than I thought/THINK..)
(... JUDGES?!  ... "A little o' Column-A, a little o' Column-B.")
(... ME--to THEM: "SHAAADDUT UP!")

-- (RELAXED-sigh)
'Tis yet-ANOTHER "SEVEN-hour 'MARATHON' of 'NUMB3RS'"!
... ("What's the BEST-way to ''BEAT 'em''?  ... ''JOIN 'em''."
(... Okay, so the "BEST-way" to get-OVER my OBSESSION-with SAID-show is ... to make MY-OWN MATHEMATICAL-"techniques".)
(... HHHMMM, as I have a GUEST/VISITOR over, I'll "contribute one of MY MATHEMATICAL-hypotheses' in the FUTURE.)  ...  

... Following the SAME-reasoning, I MIGHT-start "listening-to ALL of the THOUGHTS & IDEAS of my TRAINERS", ... no-matter HOW "COCKAMAMY" the PHYSICS may be.
(... Their "INSTRUCTIONS" MAY-work with MOST-people.  But, yet-AGAIN, ... I'm an "ANOMALY".  Sooooo, ... ?!)      

-- "I can't go back to yesterday, 
because I was a different person then."
(--Lewis Carroll, 'Alice in Wonderland')

... We do-NOT HEAL the PAST ... by DWELLING there.  ... We DO-so by "living-FULLY in the PRESENT".
(... In ORDER-to BETTER-prepare for a PROSPEROUS-future, I HAFTA-"let-GO" of MY "UP & DOWN"-past.)      

-- "ACTIONS 'speak' loudER than WORDS."
... A "DREAM" becomes a "GOAL", when "ACTION" is taken toward ACHIEVING it."
((... I COULD just TALK-about how-MUCH I WANNA "WALK".  (... I.e. on a BLOG) But, 'tis INFINITELY-BETTER to ACTUALLY-"WALK".  (I.e. See ABOVE.)       

* = J/K.  That ENTIRE-tale was JUST a SELF-depricating JOKE, ... 'cuz I LIKE-to WRITE, ... & I'm CREATIVE.


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