Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I'm ONLY ... ONE man.

"'LIFE' is a GREAT 'tapestry'. 
The INDIVIDUAL is ONLY an 'insignificant'* 'THREAD' in an immense & MIRACULOUS 'pattern'."
(--Albert Einstein)

My MAIN-Nurse CONFIRMED my "SUSPICION" that  my NeuralPsychoTherapist's OLD (4 YEARS ago) Competence-TEST was a-BIT "CIRCUMSTANTIAL".  ... At the time, I was STILL ACCLIMATING-/ADJUSTING-to my "MENTAL- & PHYSICAL-'CRUTCHES'".  ... So, I had NOT-YET developed my "COPING-mechanisms".
(... THUS, MIGHT it be TIME for a RE-test?!)
... NOW, I feel FULLY-capable of CONTINUING my Master's-STUDIES!

-- NICE-timing!  Right-AFTER a VERY-ENCOURAGING "UPPER body"-workout, I caught the ~"second HALF" of the BRILLIANTly-HILARIOUS film, 'High Fidelity'!

-- THAT was a STUPENDOUS "NeuralPsychoTherapy"-session!
... I demonstrated some FABULOUS-"WALKING"**
... In lieu of my "VAST-IMPROVEMENT ... in MANY-'areas'"***, my UNDERSTANDING & INSIGHTFUL "NeuralPsychoTherapist" RE-scheduled MY "appointment"-dates ... AND times.****
... I specifically ASKED-for an ADDITIONAL "MATH"-Testing section  ... for FUN.*****

... 'UNUTUM!'  (PHONETIC-Turkish = 'Ooo-NEW-toom!' --> 'I FORGOT!')  Toward the END of my "UPPER body"-workout, my trainer offered to STRETCH my LEFT-leg.  He explained the DIFFERENCE between "DORSAL-" & "PLANTAR-" bending ... of my LEFT-foot.  ... After hearing the DIFFERENCE ... for the FIRST-time EVER, I IMMEDIATELY-offered MY-"tool"/"clue"/"reminder" for REMEMBERING the "BODILY-DIFFERENCE": "DORSAL"-flexion involves tensing the foot UPWARD, ... so the foot sticks-OUT like a "'DORSAL'-fin from the water.
... Also, I thought of another MEMORY-cue ... JUST-NOW: BOTH-techniques involve MOVING, so they're KINETIC.  
--> What class in school involves ALOTTA-movement?  ... "Physical Education"/"P.E."  -->  "Plantar Extension"
(... DAMN, I'm GOOD!)
"Do you remember the FIRST-thing I said to you?" 
My legs ... "SHRUG".  
My BRAIN: "'LISTEN-to me, ... & you LIVE*******.'"
--Agent Flynn, 'Snakes on a Plane')

-- "LAUGH ... when you CAN.
APOLOGIZE ... when you SHOULD.
'LET-GO' ... of what you caN'T-CHANGE."
(--Author UNKNOWN)

-- BOTH my mom AND my NeuralPsychoTherapist SEEM-to be encouraging me to "LOWER my standards" & "ACCEPT [my] MULTIPLE academic-'HURDLES'".(... E.g. SUB-par memory, IN-ability to WRITE legible-notes, IN-ability to SPEAK-cogently)
... I CAN/DO "RECOGNIZE [my] 'DIS-abilitIES' ... EVERY-day.  ... I've just--personally--REFUSED-to use 'em as EXCUSES for ANY/ALL of MY "SHORTCOMINGS"! 

-- THUS, TODAY was a SPECTACULAR-day of 


* = EXCUSE me, Mr. Einstein.  But, I'm gonna-hafta COMPLETELY DIS-agree!  Often--ESPECIALLY in MY-case, "the PARTS are GREATER(/BETTER) than the WHOLE".

** = 'Twas "FABULOUS", 'cuz I TOLD them BEFOREHAND to WATCH-for a couple VICES I've been TRYING-to AVOID--looking-DOWNWARD & LEFT-footed "PIGEON-toed"-stepping.  ... I SUCCESSFULLY-AVOIDED said "ACCIDENTAL-tendencies"!

*** = "That's what SHE said!"--'The Office'

**** = My RE-schooling BEGINS on TUESDAY, May 10th.  So, RATHER-than "FORCING-/MAKING-me" to SIT-through TWO HOURS of "Neurologic-TESTING" on the SAME-day as my FIRST (FOUR-hour) NIGHT-class, "Doc" "pushed-BACK" my "Cognitive RE-Testing" 'til ... like JUNE.   

***** = MATH--specifically, "PLAYING with NUMBERS"--RELAXES me.  ... Thus, OBJECTIVELY, I'm a BIT-of-a WEIRDO!

****** = By "LIVE" I mean "CONTINUE in NON-damaged NERVES activities".

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