Sunday, April 3, 2016

There's no OTHER-way of EXPLAINING this!

... At ~3:30 am EST, I AWAKE from my SLUMBER & REALLY-hafta urinate!  
It's being SO "LATE at night"/"EARLY in the morning", I COULD've MERELY "taken it EASY" & requested my "toilet-CHAIR" as my "CARRIER" 'a mi banyo'.  
... My LEG-nerves had FINALLY "woken-UP"!
... HOWEVER, 'twas ONLY-/MERELY-to "HISSSSS" to me"
"Give-IN to your 'ANGUH'!"
(--Emperor, 'Star Wars')
... Nonetheless, my PRIDE & DETERMINATION would NOT-let me be "DEFEATED"/"DENIED".
... My BRAIN--about my COMPENSATING RIGHT-leg:
"'The FORCE' is STRONG with THIS-one."
(--'Star Wars')
... REPEATEDLY during my "TREK", my LEFT-leg would "STALL"/"freeze-UP", causing me to STUMBLE.  
... 'Fahr-KHET-mehs.'  (--PHONETIC-Turkish for ''It doesN'T matter.'')
... Upon SUCCESSFUL-completion of my "TREK", I FURTHER-"REFLECTED"-on my "GALLOPING-GHOST" of IN-subordinate LEG-nerves.
My RIGHT-leg--to my BRAIN: 
"You've got one on your 'TAIL'!"
My BRAIN's response--about my IN-subordinate LEFT-leg:
"I caN'T 'SHAKE' him!"
(--BACK-n'-FORTH b/w pilots in 'Star Wars')   

'Tired Of Being Alone'
(by Al Green)

"I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of on-my-own
Won't you help me girl
Just as soon as you can?

People say that I've found a way
To make you say that you love me
Hey baby, you didn't go for that
It's a natural fact
That I wanna come back
Show me where it's at, baby

I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of on-my-own
Won't you help me girl
Soon as you can

I guess you know that I, uh, I love you so
Even though you don't want me no more
Hey hey hey hey, I'm cryin' tears
All through the years
I'll tell ya like it is
Honey, love me if you will

Yeah baby
Tired of being alone here by myself, now
I tell ya, I'm tired baby
I'm tired of being all wrapped up late at night
In my dreams, nobody but you, baby
Sometime I wonder

If you love me like you say you do
You see baby, I-I-I been thinkin' about it, yeah
I been, I been wantin' to get next to you baby
Ya see, sometimes I hold my arms, I say mmmm hmmm hmmm
Yeah baby
Meeting you has proven to me
To be my greatest dream, yeah

Tired, baby
Yeah, you don't know what I'm talkin' about
Sometimes late at night I get to wonderin' about you baby
Oh baby, baby
I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of being alone"

(MY version/rendition. entitled:
''Tired of 'WORKIN' SANS Nerves''

"I'm so TIRED-of WORKIN' sans NERVES.
I'm SO tired of ''WALKIN'' with SWERVES.
WoN'T y'ALL 'wake-UP', LEGS,
Just as SOON as you CAN?!

Trainers LAUD ... that my 'DRIVE' deserves uh-PLAUD
Hey, LEG-nerves, you doN'T AHL-ways LIH-SIN!
It's a matter-of-FACT
That I NEED y'ALL to come-BACK!
SHOW-me your INNER-strength, LEG-NERVES!

I'm so TIRED-of WORKIN' sans NERVES.
I'm SO tired of ''WALKIN'' with SWERVES.
WoN'T y'ALL 'wake-UP', LEGS,

Just as SOON as you CAN?!

It's COMMON-knowledge that I NEED y'ALL SO.
Yet, y'ALL cuhn-TIN-yoo to IG-NORE ME.
BOO-hoo-HOO!  I'm thinkin' ALL these FEARS,
I'm JUST ''speakin' my MIND'!
Nerves, SHOW me some MOVE-MENT!

... YAY, leg-NERVES!
I'm FINE-uh-LEE seein' that NEE-DED PRAH-GRESS!
I lie-NOT: I'm really, quite AH-LONE.
... I've JUST gotta-HOPE!

Look, IF you're 'STRONG', like I KNOW y'all ARE, 
Then, ALL you-nerves kuh-kuh-COULD-be ''WAKIN'-up'' & 'BUILDIN' MUSCLE.
I've been, I've been DREAMIN' of WALKIN' along you, LEGS.
Ya FEEL, when I strenuously-groan SOMETIMES, 
'Tis oh-KAY.
FAINT-moaning is MY-way to SAY,
'I'm ''WORKIN'' on my DREAM, YEAH.

C'mon, LEGS!
Y'all have NO-IDEA what I'm goin' THROUGH.
SOMETIMES, while 'WALKING', I get-to THINKIN' about MY leg-NERVES.
I'm so TIRED-of WORKIN' sans NERVES.
I'm so TIRED-of WORKIN' sans NERVES.
I'm so TIRED-of WORKIN' sans NERVES."

"Let him who would move the world, FIRST 'move' himself."
(... BEFORE I can/may CHANGE how OTHERS think, I HAFTA-ALTER my-OWN "ASPECTS/REALMS of THINKING".  'Tis definitely-NOT "EMPATHY" I seek!  ... THUS, I covet merely-"SYMPATHY".      

-- "W.o.W."-acronym --> "Words of Wisdom":
"I'm an OPTIMIST.  ... It does NOT seem to be much-USE being anything-ELSE."
(--Winston Churchill)

-- "REALIZE that ... IF you have time to WHINE & COMPLAIN about something, THEN you have time to DO-something about it."
(--Anthony J. D'Angelo)

... Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain..

-- How COMFORTING ... somewhat!  
... I scored a '142', ... of which I was-NOT particularly-PROUD ... at-FIRST.
... THEN, I read that "'140' is considered 'OUTSTANDING'"!
... Also, I JUST-recalled that--WHILE I was "REHABBING" at "Florida Institute of Neurologic Rehabilitation" ~four years ago--I took a DIFFERENT "makeshift" IQ-Test & scored "ONLY" a '135'.
... Also-ALSO, my '135' was a highER-score than THAT for my VERY-BRIGHT mom.

-- FEAR & STRESS are NOT meant to "PARALYZE": 
They are a "COMPASS" pointing us to the areas 
we NEED-to bring to the surface to look at & GROW.

... By THIS-reasoning, I am fear-LESS & UN-stressed, ... since I already-AM (MOSTLY PHYSICALLY-) "paralyzed".
... Thus, I kinda-HAFTA "live-UP" to this HIGH-level of "BADASS-edness"!  
... Ergo, I'll FOCUS-on ... "NUMBERS" ... & "BIO-PHYSICS".   

-- ... "Rule #32 -- ENJOY the LITTLE-things."
(... I RECOGNIZE & APPRECIATE ... the song--'All the SMALL Things'.)   

-- What the HELL was the "International Olympic Committee" THINKIN' ... by "DROPPING" "WRESTLING" as an Olympic-sport?!  ... I am LIVID!
... "WRESTLING"s a POPULAR WORLDWIDE-sport ... with a "RICH-histoy"!  ... 'Tis EVEN mentioned in the Bible!  (... "Jacob 'WRESTLES' all-night with the angels of the Lord."--Genesis)
Meanwhile, HOWEVER, said STUPID "Committee" KEPT the "MODERN-'Pentathlon'", ... which consists of five events almost-"NO ONE" can name! 
... ?!
(... Pistol-shooting, Fencing, Swimming, Equestrian-Riding, Running)    

-- I'm STARTING-to host MEETINGS ... for people with "O.C.D."  ... I doN'T HAVE the "condition".  ... I'm just HOPING they'll take ONE-look, ... & start CLEANING.  

-- "In THREE-words, I can sum-up EVERYTHING I've learned about LIFE: ... It goes on."
(--Robert Frost)
(... I CONCUR.)


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