Saturday, April 16, 2016

"NO act ... of KINDNESS ... is EVER ... WASTED."

... --Aesop 

... I awoke REALLY-EARLY!  ... But, 'tis for a GOOD-cause.
(WARNING) My "meds" "kicked-IN", & I "weathered the ['STOOL-]STORM'".
(... WHEW!)

... NOW, I caN'T fall ... BACK asleep.  So, WHAT shall I DO?!

... (WARNING) "Excretory-Extravaganza"?  ... CHECK.
... ALOTTA "crunches"?  ... CHECK.  (2 SETS of 50 REPS + 3 REPS of legs-RAISED "crunches" with 15-second "'HOLD' of my LIFTED-legs" at the peak)
... "BEAT" 'Minesweeper' SEVERAL times?  ... CHECK.  (360 seconds, 357 seconds, 273 seconds, 266 seconds, 281 seconds, 305 seconds --> = 307 second-AVERAGE = ~5.12 minutes) 
(... THAT is how I "BUSY" my ... MIND.)
... (LEFT-handed) FINGER-stretching exerciseS?  ... CHECK.
... Watch a "MENTALLY-stimulating" movie?  ... CHECK.  (the TERRIFIC biographical-film of a mathematical-GENIUS--Alan Turing, 'The Imitation Game')

-- I encountered a VERY-PLEASANT "CHANGE of pace" at Karate this morning!
... DUE-to my "PROFESSOR"'s HIP-injurIES, ... a DIFFERENT, well-RESPECTED, HIGHLY-ranked 'renshi' (of whom--UN-fortunately--I was NEVER the BIGGEST-fan) (... RELAX!  I--CERTAINLY--NEVER-wished ANYTHING-BAD of/for him!  ... We JUST have WAY-DIFFERENT TEACHING-styles.) taught the KIDS' class.
... I VOLUNTEERED one of MY Jujitsu-techniques to/for HIS-teaching ... with a SLIGHT--but APPROPRIATE--"VARIATION".
(... Our "DIFFERING 'TEACHING-styles'" were "HIGHLIGHTED", when he SLICKLY-/QUIETLY-whispered to JUST-me:
"SOME of these KIDS just 'DRIVE me UP the WALL'."
... I--POLITELY--chuckled WITH him.)

(... I KNOW "ATHLETIC-teams that I can/do NOT 'INFLUENCE" should NOT affect MY-MOOD!  ... Yet, why-NOT "celebrate" the GOOD-times?!)


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