Saturday, April 2, 2016

"'X' marks the SPOT."

So, I was STARING-into my bathroom-mirror & feeling-along my neck.  ... I caN'T find the MARK/SCAR from my 


during my INITIAL "accident-RECOVERY".
... I doN'T know ANY of the DETAILS--like WHY I had it, WHEN-exactly 'twas IN, for HOW-long.
... LUCKILY, my Caregiver & Weekend-Nurse helped me locate the GENERAL-idea where it WAS.
... I think 'tis DIFFICULT to LOCATE, 'cuz SAID "tracheal-tube SCAR" is very-FAINT ... now ... after ~7.72 YEARS.
... I never actually SAW it.  (... SHUCKS!) I'm just "taking their word for it".
... The only-POSITIVE "aspect" I can "SEE" from/of this "UN-eventful 'SCAR-search'" IS .. that "my BODY is HEALING".  
(... Apparently, I'm STILL ... "Aesthetically-Appealing".)

-- The KIDS are REALLY sparring/fighting WELL!  PLUS, MANY of the highER-ranks are "accepting more AUTHORITY" in "SEMI-teaching the youngER 'Karateka'.
... In-between my QUIETLY-"conversing"--via my "DynaVox" with a DIFFERENT FRIENDLY-parent, I received TWO DIFFERENT-parts of some GREAT-news from my "Martial Arts"-Professor:
He's WORKING-on "converting MY 'Shodan'-TEST FROM a VHS-tape TO a DVD" ... FOR me!
ALSO, he AGREES that I CONSTANTLY-need a 'SEMPAI'/'Sehm-PIY'/'ASSISTANT-teacher' to DEMONSTRATE MY Jujitsu-techniqueS ... to BETTER-PROTECT my FRAGILE LEFT-hip.

-- I PLANNED--& TOOK--a "VALUABLE"/NECESSARY "EXPLORATORY-trip"--AFTER Karate-class--to check-out the LOCALE for MY 31st birthday-"par-TAY".  
(... UN-planned by ME, my housemate is HOSTING a NICE get-together NEXT-Saturday--the 9th--at a PARK ... to which I had/have NOT been.)    
(... We--the park & I--are "ALL-systems GO".)

-- I RE-watched the CLASSIC COMEDIC-film, 'Revenge of the Nerds', UPON my return home.
(... Actually, I've LONG-felt that SAID-film is a BIOGRAPHY of ... the LEGENDARY "Altan J. Kaynatma".)
(... I.e. I was SUSPENDED in 11th grade for "MOPERY"*--AT my high school. 

... To FURTHER-adapt the FILM to MY-life, I'd CHANGE the title to ... 'RECOGNITION of the NerdS'.  
(... It's MULTIPLE "nerds", 'cuz I had a 'Scorpion'-esque POSSE.)

... It's that-SIMPLE.

... "If you are tempted to criticize or indulge in drama,
ask yourself if this is really the best use of your time."

... Before EVERY-action of MINE, I QUICKLY MENTALLY-calculate the ODDS-/PROBABILITY-of "my-SUCCESS".

-- I've GOTTA-finish my MATHEMATICAL-"Study-REVIEW" for a MOTHER of one of my HELPFUL-'Karateka'.

* = "MOPERY" = EXPOSING yourself to a BLIND-person


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