Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A day to PONDER about MY bodily-DISagreements:

I THOUGHT I was a "MORNING-person".
But, I guess my "brain-to-muscle"-nerve fibers "beg to DIFFER".

At 5:14 am I got "the URGE" …
to "evacuate my BLADDER".
So, I began my--MOSTLY steady but ALWAYS painLESS--"TREK" to 'mi banyo'.

THANK GOODNESS my "caregiver" is "on the ball", 'cuz I had a MAJOR-stumble during my 12th--of 68--COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT "WALKING-steps" to "RELIEVE myself"--via my STANDING … & URINATING INTO my "porcelain THRONE"!
I AGAIN ALMOST "bit the dust" during my 62-step "return-TREK".  On my--ATTEMPTED--eighth "WALKING-step", I STUMBLED--NOT as BAD/SERIOUS as my first "misstep", but it was UN-pleasant nonetheless.

So, there were TWO MIS-calculated "WALKING-steps" out of 130 TOTAL steps.
HHHMMM, that's ~1.54%.
That'd be ~98.46% of my "WALKING-steps" are "HEALTHY"/ACCURATE.
(… Since I WAS in the "Bioengineering"-field, I'm gonna "round that UP" to say my "WALKING" is "98.6 degrees"/percent "HEALTHY"/accurate.)


So, I doN'T have much PLANNED today.
I've JUST got my "UPPER body"-workout.
So, I'll "twiddle my thumbs" and "PONDER my EXISTENCE" … which the "DUMB-ASS government" STILL doubts I POSSESS!
(… Un-FREAKIN'-believable!)
I "THINK"/believe government-officials "suck ASS"/"DRAG society DOWN"!
To quote the GREAT French philosopher (in Latin):
'Cogito ergo sum.'
('I THINK, therefore I AM.')

(… I "misplaced" THIS "blog-post". )


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