Tuesday, November 4, 2014


There's NO POINT in STRESSING over something you canNOT change.
Move ON & grow strongER.

"DoN'T 'sweat' the SMALL stuff."

"Grant me the SERENITY to ACCEPT the things I canNOT change,
the COURAGE to change the things I CAN 
and the WISDOM to know the DIFFERENCE."
(--'Serenity Prayer', Reinhold Niebuhr)


"The ONLY THINGs that 'stands' between YOU & what you WANT outta life are the WILL to TRY and the FAITH to BELIEVE it's POSSIBLE."
(--'Fitness World')

(… You/I/We have GOTTA HAVE that "NEVER-say-DIE"-attitude!)


My MAIN "LIFE-strategies" during my RECOVERY/REHAB are


(… Although my EFFORTS don't ALWAYS produce SUCCESS,
I'm a "QUICK-learner" and a harsh-CRITIC of MYSELF.)


(NBA star/MVP Kevin Durant--regarding his offseason:)
"THIS is when we put in the MOST 'work'."

(… I've been on MY "OFFseason" for the past SIX YEARS, THREE MONTHS, FOUR WEEKS & ONE DAY.)
Thus, I ALTERED my "WORK"-"routine" AND -"schedule".)


About a month or SO ago, my "UPPER body"-trainer measured my HEIGHT as
~5' 7.5".
(… I've NEVER been THAT … TALL!)
(… My THEORY is as follows:
"Since I doN'T stand AS MUCH/OFTEN, GRAVITY does NOT "PULL DOWN" on my body/legs AS MUCH/OFTEN."
(… I did NOT state "as STRONG", because I KNOW/UNDERSTAND that "the FORCE of GRAVITY" is a CONSTANT … of 9.81 meters per second per second.)


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