Friday, November 14, 2014


Today I had a FANTASTIC LEG-workout at "NeuroFit 360"!
I did 15 DEEP "leg-lunges"--while HOLDING a horizontal-bar--on/with EACH leg.
Also, I did 20 DEEP SQUATS--with the goal of touching my butt on/to a mat that was ~18 inches … "from the FLOOR"/"off the GROUND"!

NO OFFENSE to the OWNER, but HE instructed me to squat LOWER.
"The SHOULDER-pain is JUST the muscle's STRETCHING.  It'll DE-crease with more reps."

Uuummm, NO.  It didn't.
A STAFF-member/"underling" CORRECTLY told me to WIDEN my stance, LEAN more to MY LEFT & maintain STRAIGHT BACK-posture.


In lieu of a RECENT "work schedule"-change for ONE of my "caregivers", I HAFTA decide between "LETTING one employee GO" and/or just "DE-creasing said employee's work-hours.
(… BEFORE I make a decision, I HAFTA inspect ALL #s:

schedules, work-histories, instruction-listening skills, etc.)

(… There's ONE PARTICULAR employee of whom I'm not ESPECIALLY fond.  But--SURE ENOUGH, said employee's having a VERY REDEEMABLE night!)

(… I'll just lowER his amount of work-HOURS.)


In regards to MY BODY:
-- My LEFT--"METALLICALLY-fused"--arm is weakER than its RIGHT-"counterpart".
-- My LEFT--PREVIOUSLY "METALLICALLY-fused"--hip SOMETIMES struggles to THRUST to either side.

Although, my ENTIRE RIGHT-side has (OVERLY-)compensated.
((… 'I THANK My Lucky STARS'(--Webb Pierce) that I was ALREADY RIGHT-handed!
Nonetheless, I WOULD'VE adjusted and MADE MYSELF "AMBIDEXTROUS"!
(… YES, my MENTAL-strength is THAT POWERFUL!)


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