Sunday, November 9, 2014


"INSANITY later."

I've been deemed "insane","crazy", "WEIRD" and "RETARDED" by IGNORANT (= "UN-knowing") "tool-bags".

Well, THIS "Traumatically Brain-Injured" "SUFFERER" WAS very/quite "CLEAR-minded" in "SERENITY".
But NOW, I'm a SANE, COMPETENT business-owner/operator who "MANAGES" seven "EMPLOYEES".


I WAS quite HAPPY & CONTENT with my life BEFORE the IN-famous afternoon of July 6th, 2008 (my car-ACCIDENT).

"When will 'THEN' be 'NOW'?!"
(To myself:)
"You JUST missed it."


I've learned of YET ANOTHER one of my "WEAK-POINTS":
I caN'T "play DUMB".
My mother
(… I refer to her as "MOTHER", when I'm UPSET, and "MOM" when I'm more JOVIAL/"MYSELF".) hired some FOREIGN guy (a "caregiver"--withOUT my consent.

(… DoN'T get me WRONG!
I certainly ADMIRE & RESPECT a FELLOW BI-cultural POLY-glot.  However, the RIDICULOUSLY-frustrating issue is that his "fluidity" with the ENGLISH-language "leaves MUCH to be desired" … & is getting WORSE!

((… ACTUALLY, I MAY have agreed to his HIRING.
But, my FORGETFULNESS, POOR JUDGMENT and (OCCASIONALLY) 'hablando en espan~ol' is NO EXCUSE for NOT "following-THROUGH" with my---AND my mom's--REPEATED SUGGESTIONS/REQUESTS/INSTRUCTIONS/ORDERS to get MORE COMFORTABLE with ENGLISH-speaking, -spelling/-understanding "A.S.A.P."!))

(… SIGH!)


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