Wednesday, November 5, 2014


"FURther" expresses/denotes a "degree of intensity".  While "FARther" expresses/denotes a "distance".
However, I still canNOT complete a
26.2 mile MARATHON-trek.

(… Perhaps I should add "COMPLETE a MARATHON" to my "Bucket-list".)


'al banyo porque mi scapa la pipi'.
(… Did I just COMBINE/"SMUSH TOGETHER" Spanish & Italian?  … Is it still UNDERSTANDABLE?!)
Foreign-jargon/-lexicon/-miscommunications ASIDE, I took 64--UN-assisted--"STEPS" during my "WALK" TO my toilet & 66--UN-assisted--"STEPS" BACK to bed.
(… That 65.0 AVERAGE "STEP"-count "backs up" my CLAIM of my slight-IMPROVEMENT.
(… I USUALLY COMPLETE said "TREK" in ~68 "STEPS".)


After my THIRD "meal" of the day, (I "eat" FIVE times on weekdays.  My "feeding-schedule" VARIES as my "activity-schedule" VARIES over the weekendS.) I "WALKED"--from bed--to AGAIN urinate.  ("What goes IN … MUST come OUT.")
My initial "TREK"--FROM bed--needed 62 "STEPS", and my "RETURN-TREK" required 64 "STEPS".


(Turkish for 'I forget.')

I got my hair TRIMMED yesterday.
"Kip"--brother of 'Napoleon' Dynamite saw me--PRE-haircut--and MISTOOK me for a GIRL!
He described me thus:

"She's got sandy, brown hair; a real, REAL pretty face.  … I'm just gettin' really 'T.O.ed', 'cuz she (ME) hasN'T sent me a full-body shot yet!"

Also, my "hairdresser" TRIMMED my 'goatee' … which I REALLY NEEDED & APPRECIATED!
Since, I've developed GREAT 'rapport' with him (my haircut-guy) AND his kids in the three different times I've gone there, he did NOT monetarily-CHARGE me for the FACIAL-hair trim!
(So, I "kicked-in" a largeR tip.)


At "NeuroFit 360" today, I--PAINLESSLY--weight-shifted as I moved along a cushioned table--ON MY KNEES--APPROXIMATELY (~) 5 feet (~1.55 meters).
Also, I "WALKED" on the treadmill for 7 minutes & 12 seconds on "Speed-2" (out of 5), then 4 more  minutes & 47 seconds on "Speed 3", took a SHORT break to sit down then FINISHED the last 8 minutes & 1 second on "Speed 4" for 20:00 STRAIGHT minutes of "WALKING".
YAY for INCREASED endurance!


ADDITIONALLY, I "WALKED" 86 "STEPS" from my living-room to 'mi banyo' to "RELEASE my BLADDER-tension--via URINE" into 'mi  toilette'.  I "WALKED" 78 "STEPS" to get back into/onto my wheelchair.
Later, I completed this "WALKING-TREK" AGAIN.  Said "TREK" took 82 "STEPS" followed by 76 "STEPS".


TO the toilet -- 64 + 62 + 86 + 82 = 294 "STEPS"
FROM the toilet -- 66 + 64 + 78 + 76 = 284 "STEPS"

To "follow" PROPER "MATHEMATICAL-pricedure, I shaN'T take the "AVERAGE" of the FOUR "points", 'cuz the THIRD & FOURTH "points" {86, 78} {82, 76} have DIFFERENT "STARTING-" & "FINISHING-" "points".


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