Friday, November 28, 2014

On THIS DAY, I must "GIVE" "THANKS" for certain things:


I'll BEGIN with the chronological END, 'cuz it was a GREAT/FUN time VERY WORTHY of ALOTTA "thanks"!I invited a VERY GOOD "friend"/"tutEE" over for dinner & games.  
(… Said "tutEE" brought two of her friends/coworkers.  WE played three games of "'BEIRUT'"/"BEER-pong" with WATER & 'CHAMPAIGN'.)
(… I utilized MY OWN knowledge of "TRIGONOMETRY" to go 3-0!)
I decided to NOT do MATH (GASP!  … BLASPHEMY!), 'cuz we're just RELAXING on a HOLIDAY.(… I made up for it by scheduling a "MATH TUTORING-session" TOMORROW night.)
(… As a PREVIEW, I made sure to ask her about the PROPER "angle" of my BOUNCES.)

I HAFTA---FORCEFULLY--"pat MYSELF on the back" for NOT ONLY being able to SEMI-/KINDA-'comprender un poquito espan(tilde)ol', but for having the PATIENCE to NOT "freak/flip-out" at my--HISPANIC--"caregiver" EARLY this morning.

I pressed my LOUD buzzer 'TREINTA Y CUATRO' ('34') times, before he--FINALLY--answered and came.  
((… Granted, said "summoning" WAS at 4:26 am.  But, I PAY him to ANSWER, when I call.  … Oh, YEAH.  Also, when my BUZZER was apparently NOT working on/for him ("W.T.F.?!"), I started to LOUDLY SCREAM … in my very UPSET-"state" at his COMPLETE/UTTER DIS-regard for MY/"his BOSS's" well-being … to TRY TO get his attention!))
I PAY him to "be at my beck & 'CALL'"/"care about MY safety" … NOT FRICKIN' 'dormir' ('to sleep') … HEAVILY!
((… Yes, on that PARTICULAR shift (6 pm to 6 am), I HAFTA expect SOME sleep.  But, I ALREADY established that "my employEES" MUST answer--EVERY TIME--to my "bell"/"buzzer"!))

Needless to say, I am LIVID!


However, I'm "BIG" on "second-chances", 'cuz NO ONE is PERFECT!  We ALL make MISTAKES!
Ergo, I gave him the OPPORTUNITY to REDEEM himself:
"Nature called" at ~7:25 am.  So, I "buzzed"--ONCE, and he--THANKFULLY--yelled back to reply and got to room QUICKLY.  
Then, I had a PRODUCTIVE "TREK" TO my toilet--of 61 STEPS--TO my toilet, "made my URINARY-deposit" and "GALAVANTED" 58 STEPS BACK to bed.

… Thus, I am THANKFUL for BOTH having the monetary-assets to employ several (SOMEWHAT) competent caregivers" AND my GROWING emotional-/physical-CONTROL to NOT "make a BIG scene", when people ("TOO OFTEN"/HABITUALLY) "push my buttons".


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