Saturday, November 8, 2014

"The measure of INTELLIGENCE is the ability to CHANGE."

(--Albert Einstein)


"I CAN" > "IQ".

TODAY I thought I'd "TEST" that THEORY.
I was in "my SECOND home" (… "my MARTIAL ARTS dojo"), where I showed just TWO of MY (DESIGNED) 'Jiujitsu'-techniques--for the KIDS'-class--to the ADULTS' class.

AFTER said techniques, I felt IMPELLED/INSPIRED to "SHOW-OFF" my PROGRESS!
So, I "STOOD UP"out of my wheelchair … ALONE/UN-assisted, and I "gave a 'thumbs-UP'" to my FELLOW 'Karateka'.
After "STANDING" ALONE for ~15 seconds, it became EVIDENT that my EFFORT was "TOO MUCH" for my INTELLIGENCE:
I "grew" OFF-BALANCED and stumbled BACKWARDS & to MY LEFT.
(… THANKFULLY, my caregiver was there to "CATCH"/"SUPPORT" me!)


"ALL of science is nothing more than the
(--Albert Einstein)

(… I should probably STOP doing that SOON, out of FEAR I might develop some EARLY face-wrinkles.)
(… Or, is THAT just an "old WIFE/MOTHERS's TALE"?)


(REJECTING a "fortune-cookie":)
"There's only ONE cookie that has the ANSWER to Life's problems … and THAT's an Oreo."
(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

(… Personally, I ALSO feel that "'fortune-cookies' are just MALARKEY"!--Sheldon)

… During that SAME episode of 'The Big Bang Theory', DR. Sheldon Cooper "CHANGES his stance" on his NON-belief in "PSYCHICS", thus "SECURING a LONG-lasting relationship" with his FEMALE-"interest".
(… So, should I ALTER my BLATANT DIS-regard of those who CLAIM to "READ"/PREDICT the FUTURE?!)

I have NO 'peers'!"


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