Saturday, November 29, 2014


(--ME, to my most recent g/f)
(… She had JUST complained about the LOUDNESS of a passing car.  So, for the IRONY, I "RIPPED a DEAFENING" (hyperbole/exaggeration) FART ~eight seconds after her noise-complaint.
(Ha ha HA!)

(… Yeah, I have NO shame.)
((… THIS is I!  ("Predicate-nominative"--I--follows a "linking verb"--"is".)  DEAL with it!)


I NEED (WRITTEN-)reminders!
I'm a very VISUAL-person.
(… Additionally, my--rather SUB-par memory TENDS TO be a bit "SPOTTY".)
PLUS, I have "FOUR eyes" (GLASSES), so--LITERALLY--I see TWICE the "IMAGES" of a "NORMEE"!

To HELP myself with MY OWN "FAULTY" memory, I bought a (wall-mounted) "whiteboard" on which my nurses & caregivers can/should/will/DO write daily-NOTES about my schedule.


A simple point of PRIDE:
I WITNESSED the "World Cup"-RECORD for "FASTEST (initial) goal" is 11 SECONDS
by Hakan S(SMALL vertical line underneath)ukur (pronounced 'SHOO-kuhr') of TURKEY against the Korean Republic on June 29, 2002.

(… Although I canNOT play soccer anymore--TEMPORARILY, I STILL LOVE the sport and WATCH it very FONDLY.)


(… To quote the COMEDIC television-show 'Tosh.O':
"IS it RACIST?")


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