Friday, November 7, 2014


(I'm talking to MYSELF:)

"What makes you 'WEIRD' 
is probably what makes you GREAT!"

(… WOW!  What a TERRIFIC audience!)

(… "Audience" = ME)

(… Is the JOKE still FUNNY, if I have to EXPLAIN it?!)


Accept YOURSELF … for  the GLORY, WONDER & AMAZEMENT that you ARE.
If people REFUSE to "take you IN", RESPECT & COMMEND you for your "UNBELIEVABLE" (No, that's POOR "diction"/word-choice".  How 'bout "PRAISEWORTHY"?!) feats, then "their LOSS".


We ALL have our RESPECTIVE niche/"strength(S)"/"virtue".
MINE are
-- MENTAL-math
-- "MARTIAL ARTS"-knowledge & -understanding
-- SOCIAL-comfort, -"flexibility" & -entertainment
-- "WISDOM BEYOND my age"
-- HEALTH-knowledge
-- CINEMATIC-appreciation


I YEARN to accomplish MORE activities … on MY OWN.
(… I JUST pushed UP/OFF my chair-legrests to--MANUALLY/UN-assistedly pull-OUT a VERY UNCOMFORTABLE wedgie!)


What a FANTASTIC/IDEAL "SPEECH therapy"-session!
(… No, it's NOT just 'cuz I--EASILY--won in/at Scrabble by 23 points.)
I ATE--via MOUTH--ALL of TWO scrambled eggs.  AND, I TALKED/CHATTED … A LOT!
(… After my victory, I commented:
"Everyone has HIS OR HER day."
(… How PLEASANTLY IRONIC that I used PROPER grammar to my "SPEECH therapist"!)


For ANOTHER GREAT workout at "NeuroFit 360", I "demonstrated" my SPECTACULAR application of staff's advice!
I STOOD up--ALONE--from a CUSHIONED "table".  Then, I grabbed a SMALL, stuffed turtle-toy off another table.  With my LEFT arm at my side, I'd grab a "TUR-TLE"(--'Tosh.O') with my RIGHT hand and TRY TO toss said stuffed turtle-toy into a basket ~SIX feet away--on the ground.  Of my THREE trials of TEN turtle-tosses, I made 2 turtles into the bucket the FIRST time.  Then, I went 3 of 10.  Finally, I went 1 for ten.
So, OVERALL, I shot 6 of 30 … or 20%.
(… I was MARGINALLY content with my "performance", … considering my PRE-accident, BOTCHED RIGHT-forearm surgery has left me UNABLE to FULLY-open my RIGHT hand.)

… Ergo, i utilized my COMPETITIVE-nature, my indefatigable-DETERMINATION & my seemingly natural ATHLETIC-prowess to accomplish this PHENOMENAL feat … while "STANDING" … ALONE!


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