Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Even though LIFE sometimes/frequently can be rather/VERY "SHITTY" (METAPHORICALLY),

you/I/we must ALWAYS attempt to IMPROVE your/my/our "bodily-STATUS".

"You gotta keep on livin' … L-I-V-I-N,"

“I’d like to stop thinking of the PRESENT as some minor, insignificant preamble to something else.”

(--'Dazed & Confused')



Yes, 'tis VERY IMPORTANT to focus on the "NOW".  
But, I've ALWAYS felt that if I were a school-supply, I'd be a "schedule-PLANNER".
I enjoy PLANNING my FUTURE-activities.

(… Although, based upon my mathematical-EASE & -QUICKNESS, I COULD BE a "calculator".)


"Evidence" seems to REVEAL/INDICATE that my LIFE--lately/recently--is A BIT "CRAPPY" (BOTH literally AND metaphorically).  This morning I "dropped--ANOTHER--VERY SOLID deuce". 
"EAT IT", EX-G.I.-"Doctor"!


I had a FANTASTIC second day of MATH-tutoring!

1) I greeted my "student" with a HARDCORE-math problem that combines ALGEBRA, TRIGONOMETRY & MULTI-variable "SUBSTITUTION".
(… I was LOW on things-to-DO, so I just MADE-UP/DEVISED/DESIGNED it MYSELF.)
(… AWKWARD silence … My brother--in Turkey: "NERD!")
2) My "pupil" THANKED me for my "VERY HELPFUL ideas, shortcuts & practice".
3) My tutEE is Hispanic, so she HELPED DISTRACT ME from my "LESS than great" Columbian caregiver.  
(… Said Hispanic "caregiver" ACTUALLY had a VERY NICE evening/night!
4) … No, I am very much NOT a cultural-ELITIST!
(… I, MYSELF, am ALSO BI-cultural.  But, I ACTUALLY TRIED TO--SUCCESSFULLY--learn a SECOND language.)
((… I know--at least--"PIECES" of SIX languages (English, Turkish, Spanish, Latin, Japanese & German).))
5) Finally, my tutEE complimented me on my very UN-orthodox but "GENIUS"(--her) "tricks" to save test-taking TIME.

(… ONE example of my "TRICKS":
"Whenever you see '60 miles per hour', THINK 'a mile a minute'.  There are 60 minutes in an hour.  So, you don't NEED TO be a 'GENIUS' to compute/calculate that THAT's 60 MILES in 60 MINUTES.")


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