Wednesday, February 18, 2015

"Do YOU … understand the words … that are comin' outta my MOUF?"

(--Jackie Chan, 'Rush Hour')

(… NO, I am NOT using a BELITTLING racial-STEREOTYPE about those WISE, LOVELY folks in the "Far East".
I am MERELY quoting a HUMOROUS line by the "martial arts"-GIFTED actor, Jackie Chan, from the GREAT movie, 'Rush Hour'.)


USUALLY, my MATH-"tutEE" KINDA struggles with my EXPLANATIONS of HOW I--A.J.--would "GO ABOUT" solving particular equations.
But, lately--ESPECIALLY this morning, she (my "tutEE") has demonstrated an EXEMPLARY "GRASP"/understanding of the REVIEW-/PREPARATORY-"material"!
I'm UN-decided as to whether to credit HER … for her GREAT studying & application of my hints
OR ME … for my "STAND-UP"/EXEMPLARY "teachings".
(… NO pun INTENDED about the "STAND-UP".)

(… I'm goin' with HER, b/c I--the "TEACHER"--can ONLY do SO MUCH.  SHE--the "STUDENT"--has to COMPREHEND the "LESSONS" & DISTINGUISH/DETERMINE in which situations to UTILIZE set-standards.)


I UNDERSTAND (I can--CURRENTLY, TEMPORARILY--NOT speak--COGENTLY, CONSISTENTLY varying "levels"/"degrees"/"extents" of SEVERAL languages.
((… English--ALL (OBVIOUSLY), Turkish--MOSTLY ("It's in my blood"--LITERALLY.), Spanish--MAINLY (I was a NERD in high school.), Japanese--PARTIALLY (Martial Arts), Latin (I majored in "BIOMEDICAL Engineering".) & Pyg-latin" (I'm "oofy-gay".).

(… I am a "team of ONE".)


Due to my TEMPORARY IN-ability to UNDERSTANDABLY talk, I make/use A LOT of SEMI-random hand-gestures/-signals.
(… NO, it's NOT "sign-language".)

Yet, SOME (Actually, … TWO) of my employees/"caregivers" REALLY STRUGGLE with COMMUNICATING … to ANYONE!
(… SIGH)


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