Monday, February 23, 2015

Oh, WHY--per CHANCE--am I in QUITE a "CHIPPER" mood?!


-- I slept VERY WELL last night.  'Tis NOT that I doN'T USUALLY sleep "SOUNDLY" (… What an AWKWARD "turn-of-phrase": IF there are many "SOUNDS", then your SLEEPING will likely "SUFFER".)
((… My "FRAGILE-mind" was CONFIDENTLY "put at EASE" last night.  Upon winning an Oscar last night, Graham Moore--the writer of 'The Imitation Game' (SPECTACULAR film!)--self-assuredly instructed the audience: 
ME: "AY-AY, Captain!"))

-- (WARNING) I awoke SEMI-early this morning (@ ~5:50 am) to the "RUMBLING of my stomach".  Acting upon my CONTINUED/REPEATED "gastrointestinal-activity", I proceeded to "take a seat--OVER my 'PORCELAIN THRONE'" & "drop one of MY more SOLID (LITERALLY) DEUCES" in ~SEVEN YEARS.  I've GOTTA be EXCITED about a NON-medically-stimulated "Excremental-Evacuation"!
(… YAY for ANATOMICAL-/CHEMICAL-/BIOMEDICAL-science FINALLY "showing SIGNS" it can "CATCH-UP" to MY brain/mind!)
(… I doN'T mean to SEEM HAUGHTY, but "good LUCK!"
My Masterful Mind Methodically Meanders Miles Magically, Metaphorically & Majestically around Medical-Malarkey.)
(… "Alliteration aside."--'Peter Lafleur, 'Dodgeball')

-- … AFTER said "Fecal-Fun Frenzy", (A.J., STOP with the ALLITERATION!) I had a "STANDUP"-trek back to bed.  (… This time the "pun" WAS INtended.)

-- I made THREE "treks" to my toilet to urinate this morning--BEFORE my "Speech-Therapy" at NOON.  (NO "FALSE-starts"/"PHANTOM-urges"/"PSYCHE-outs" to FAKE me.  Also, the COLOR of my URINE was/is a YELLOWISH-clear.  Ergo, with NO/ZERO penile-pain, so I do NOT have any U.T.I.s.)

-- During my "Speech Therapy"-session from noon to ~1:00 pm, I ate--by MOUTH--COMPLETELY ALL (INCLUDING crumbs) of one scrambled egg, AND I WON in Scrabble--by THREE points.
(… During EVERY Scrabble-match, I VERBALIZE each & EVERY word played.)

-- As per EVERY MONDAY-evening/-night @ 9:00 pm, I watched a GREAT episode of 'Scorpion'!
(… Tonight I ventured-out to my living room to watch the show with my buddy.)

P.S. Regarding my Plethora/Plentitude of Positive Points-of-view & Alarmingly-Astounding And Awesome Accuracy of Alliteration, I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry.  


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