Saturday, February 28, 2015


''If you succeed all the time then you never know what failure's really like,   

So it's learning from your mistakes and being able to not repeat 'em.''
((--PROSPECTIVE Minnesota Twins' (BASEBALL) center fielder, Aaron Hicks))

WHEN--not "IF"--we err, 'tis 'MUY IMPORTANTE' to RECOGNIZE how, where & why we "MIS-calculated".

Despite my--KNOWINGLY/ADMITTEDLY--being QUITE stubborn, I'm also VERY understanding.  I KNOW I'm--SOMETIMES--fallible, ESPECIALLY in my CURRENT/TEMPORARY "situation".  
I'm "WORKING-ON" RE-developing my EMPATHY, so I can BETTER "FEEL" how MY actions MAKE others "FEEL".

(… 'Tis NOT that I'm a "DICK"/JERK!  I just KNOW/REALIZE that I doN'T make MANY SIGNIFICANT/"VERY NOTICEABLE" mistakes--ESPECIALLY in MATHEMATICS, so 'tis NOT very HIGH-UP on MY "To Do"-/"Bucket"-List.)


When I DEVISE & DEMONSTRATE 'jiujitsu'-techniques, I ALWAYS make my techniques "HIGHLIGHT"/EMPHASIZE the areas at which I WISH/DREAM/PRAY/"AIM".
(… ONLY then, could the 'Karateka' have--SOMEWHAT of--an IDEA of "HOW I FEEL"!)

While SHOWING these/MY techniques, 'tis ONLY THEN that I agree-to/"echo" the words of BATMAN … in 'Batman Begins':

"It is NOT who I am 'UNDERNEATH', but what I DO … that 'DEFINES me'."


I DESPISE too MANY "things".

(… "Justice is about harmony. Revenge is about you making 

yourself feel better, which is why we have an impartial 

system."--Rachel Dawes, 'Batman Begins')


So, NO, I do NOT keep my "FACE/EYES BURIED in a book".  (… I'm just fuckin' NATURALLY WISE/KNOWLEDGEABLE.  I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry.)

But, "the MORE (RANDOM trivia) the MERRIER"!

(  Eunice: "Well, since we've already broken the fuck 

barrier, allow me to be blunt. It is because I'm so 

fucking smart that I make smart people feel like they 

are retarded."

--'Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day')


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