Saturday, February 7, 2015

OOOHHH, the VARYING level-/degree-of-GOODNESS of EACH day!

My day BEGAN rather "CRAPPILY"--after a "SOLID" workout & "martial arts"-PREP yesterday.
I did NOT sleep very "SOUNDLY" last night.
(… I doN'T know WHY.)

(  : (  )


So, I was ALREADY (THICK Bostonian-accent) "WICKED-tiyuhd"(--'Good Will Hunting').

Yet, I STRUGGLED to fall-ASLEEP 'til ~midnight.
I AWOKE at 3:46 am--with a COLOSSAL-urge to URINATE!
(… NOT pleasant!)
Since I was QUITE TIRED, I did NOT "WALK" to my "'JUAN'".  I told my "caregiver" to bring my urinal TO ME.


After STRUGGLING--UN-successfully--to fall BACK asleep, I "hitched a ride" to my "MARTIAL ARTS"-dojo for an annual conference--the 34th Annual "P.A.M.A.I." ("Professional Association of Martial Arts Instructors").
(… I WAS--PRE-accident--& AM an "INSTRUCTOR" … of martial arts.)
Despite my ONLY staying--to VIEW--for ~a little LONGER than an HOUR, I REALLY enjoyed the TERRIFICALLY-taught (by the HEAD-HONCHO of the "system"/organization), VERY INFORMATIVE "meeting"!


I TRIED to HOST a "par-TAY" this evening.  But--ALAS--However, I GUESS that the weather was TOO COLD, because NONE of the seven people who CONFIRMED their imminent ATTENDANCE--via Facebook--showed up at 'mi GRANDE case'.


On a MUCH MORE GLEEFUL/JOYFUL note, my GOOD FRIEND--from high school AND college--is TEMPORARILY moving-in for the next couple months.


OVERALL, on a scale of 1 to 10,  I'd give TODAY a 9.0.


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