Saturday, February 14, 2015

"I believe 'TRUE-FOCUS' lies between RAGE … & SERENITY."

((--Charles Xavier (Professor X) to Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto), 'X-Men: First Class'))

(… "Professor X--as an INVALID with PHENOMENAL mental-skills--DEFINITELY understands my--CURRENT/TEMPORARY--"situation".)


Thus, I am CURRENTLY in an IDEAL "state-of-MIND" at which I can/DO REALLY "PUSH myself".
(… I am CONSTANTLY … FRUSTRATED & IMPATIENT.  Yet, I "use" these NEGATIVE-qualiies to "FUEL"/MOTIVATE myself to IMPROVE in my "day-to-day ACTIVITIES".)


"Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, 

doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes, we all need a 

little help."

(--Professor X, 'X-Men: Days of Future Past')  

( Yes, I've CATASTROPHICALLY "fallen HARD" along MY 

"journey" to achieve MY--personal, respectable--

"GREATNESS".   Now, I MUST "rise UP"!)

( SHAME on YOU, "Professor", for NOT using CORRECT 

"verb-pronoun antecedents"--"someONE" --> "THEY"!)


(Regarding MY blog-readers:)

"I can't stop thinking about the others out there, all those 

minds that I touched. I could feel them, their isolation, their 

hopes, their ambitions.I tell you we can start something 

INCREDIBLE, (A.J.). We can HELP them."

((--Professor X (ME), 'X-Men: First Class')

( "The ROYAL 'we'  the EDITORIAL."

(--The DUDE, 'The Big Lebowski')


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