Tuesday, February 10, 2015


--Franz, OLD-SCHOOL 'S.N.L.')
(… Hanz, along with Franz, "are here to PUMP (CLAP hands ONCE.) YOU UP"!)


So, I BEGAN my day (of REHAB) by SSSTTTEEERRREEETTTCCCHHHING my LEFT  "UPPER arm"/shoulder (~120 degrees from STRAIGHT at my SIDE) AND my "RIGHT arm".
(COMPLETE/TOTAL 360-degree rotation ALL AROUND the "ball-and-socket"-joint.


NEXT, I "WALKED" to my toilet to "STAND"--while leaning on my toilet-handrails--and urinate into my toilet.
I hafta "APPLAUD my effort" for a GREAT "WALK" of 35 steps TO 'mi JUAN' & 31 steps during my "RETURN-'trip'" to BED.


THEN, I "ate" my FIRST-"breakfast"--via "peg-/G-tube", WHILE I watched a 'Saturday Night Live'-MARATHON.
(… 'S.N.L.'--in the MORNING?!  On a TUESDAY?!  What a WELCOME surprise!)


NEXT, I had my "SECOND-breakfast"(--'Lord of the Rings')--UP in my MANUAL-wheelchair.


IMMEDIATELY afterward, I got a WELCOME SURPRISE-visit from my MATH-tutEE.
I FURTHER-prepared her for her UPCOMING military-qualification EXAM/TEST.
(… She's DEFINITELY/CERTAINLY getting BETTER with/at her QUANTITATIVE-analysis!  "Job-WELL done", A.J.!)


WHILE I was "NUMERICALLY-calculating/-teaching", I "received"--via "TUBE"--my "brunch".


Shortly thereafter, I endured a "HEAVILY-stretching" "UPPER body"-workout.
My (RIGHT arm/shoulder-)"range-of-MOTION" … "has REALLY IMPROVED"(--my trainer)!


I went to get my LONG (blond) LOCKS (of--SCALP-)hair TRIMMED.
(… Granted, I did NOT get a "BUZZ-cut", a la the MILITARY.)
((… This decision regarding my rather HIRSUTE-appearance was NOT very "DUDE"-esque.)
(… "What the FUCK are you talking about, Walter?!  … What the FUCK does ANYTHING have to do with 'VIETNAM'?!"--'The Big Lebowski'))

(… My BLOG-Architect's REPLY--as "Walter": "Well, there isn't a LITERAL connection."


After this BUSY morning AND EARLY-afternoon, I decided to take a--SOMEWHAT--EARLY shower.  After THAT, I just "chilled" in my bed.


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