Friday, February 6, 2015


My (MAIN) nurse--HERSELF a now WALKING & TALKING coma-victim--told me
"As TOUGH as it is, we just HAVE TO wait & take it 'DAY-by-DAY'--ESPECIALLY with MEDICINE, 'cuz there are CHANGES & IMPROVEMENTS … everyday."

Well, in the past … 2,041 DAYS, there have been ZERO medical-advancements that may/COULD help ME!

"WOE is ME!"
(… PARDON ME, 'Book of Job' in the Bible!  But, since "IS" requires a "predicate-nominative", it REQUIRES a noun in the "SUBJECT-tense" to follow.  "Holy Father", "How can you be so OBTUSE?!  Is it DELIBERATE?!"--Andy Dufresne, 'The Shawshank Redemption')


The ACTUAL words in/by 'Jobs' are
"Wou UNTO me."
(… In THAT case, "me" WOULD suffice LEGITIMATELY.  "ME" is the "OBJECT-of-the-PREPOSITION"--"UNTO".  Thus, IT WOULD … NEED a noun in the "OBJECT-tense"--like "ME".)

(… So, pardon ME, … GOD!)


I caN'T "STAND" truancy!
Well, I was NEVER a "BIG FAN" of NON-punctuality BEFORE my accident.
POST-accident, I do NOT have MUCH to do, while I WAIT for my "HELP"/"ASSISTANTS".
(… I REFUSE to just "TWIDDLE my THUMBS"!)
(… ALSO, "blowing-up"/"LOSING-control" is NOT beneficial to my psyche … OR my stuff … AT ALL!)


I REALIZE that I HAFTA know & schedule ALL my activities in-ADVANCE!
I VERY MUCH ENJOY any/every kind/type of SOCIAL-gathering (movie-trips, HOSTING/ATTENDING parties, "martial arts"-classes/conferences, restaurant-outings, etc.), but I MUST know of my plans in-ADVANCE!


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