Tuesday, February 17, 2015


"Be YOUR OWN person."

According to "whitepages.com", there is exactly ONE person in the ENTIRE COUNTRY/"UNITED STATES of AMERICA" with the NAME of "Altan Kaynatma" (MY name).


According to my (HORRIBLE) "high school"-principal told ME--face-to-face--after she REJECTED my VALEDICTORY-drraft for the EIGTH time … of TWELVE "DENIALS":
"You (I--A.J. Kaynatma) can-NOT be smart AND funny."
Yet--So--Ergo--Thus--Therefore--Consequently--DELIBERATELY IN-sunordinately--All in all, I "just said what I wanted" (--I ACTUALLY said that, VERBATIM, in my speech.).


Since I received NUMEROUS congratulatory-praises & -thanks for my "TOUCHING" speech, (… NO pun intended!) the ONLY … LOGICAL explanations/reasonings would be that

"I'm SMART, & she's DUMB.
I'm GOOD, & she's BAD.


My/The FINAL Edition:



EEEXCUUUSE me, "HHHMMM, … SATAN?!"(--Church-Lady, old-school 'Saturday Night Live')
I like to "set PRECEDENTS".  (… It's kinda … WHAT I DO!)

ME: "I'm sorry I'm NOT sorry!

"EXTREME-intelligence is (KINDA) HEREDITARY."
(--REAL-LIFE Walter O'Brien, INSPIRATION for my FAVORITE show, 'Scorpion')

(… So, that's potentially FANTASTIC news for my FUTURE-wife!)

I'm NOT a "SHOW-OFF".  But, I DO take PRIDE in displaying the (several, many, NUMEROUS) traits at which I EXCEL.

For example, today I demonstrated 38 "STEPS" of my "eyes-UP, back-/posture-STRAIGHT" "WALKING" at my neural-psychologist's office.


I have not YET done my RESEARCH on "HOW MANY".  But, I can GUARAN-DAMN-TEE you that "VERY FEW 'T.B.I.'-sufferers ("Traumatic Brain-Injury") have RECOVERED enough to "'WALK' & TALK" … AFTER their respective accidents!
So, WHEN--not "IF"--I can "SKIP, skip, skip to my lew, my DARLIN'",
or may NOT
RE-visit my EX-doctors' offices & "drop MESSY, diarrhea-esque deuces" … on their DESKS!

(… But, NO!  I'm not BITTER or BEGRUDGING.)


To the IGNORANT/UNKNOWING observer, I may APPEAR to be JUST "putzng-around".  But, in ACTUALITY, "I'm TRANSCENDING the situation."(--Sheldon, 'The Big Bang Theory')

I like/NEED to REALLY THINK about & PLAN almost EVERYTHING I do, BEFORE I act on it.


I should SLEEP now.
HIGHLY STRANGE: Ya know what REALLY relaxes ME?
… That's ODD, … kinda like
5, 11, 17, 23, 29, 35, 41, 47, 53 …


I only have "7 squared" days left to maintain my spot/position on the Forbes List of REMARKABLE "30 Under 30".
''C'est la vie.''  (French for 'Such is LIFE.')
(… LITERALLY… 'cuz of AGING)

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