Friday, February 13, 2015

"(Y'all), are YOU pondering what I'm pondering?"

(Y'all--to ME:) "I THINK SO, Brain (ME).  But, where are we gonna find rubbuh-pants OUR SIZE?!"
"I THINK SO, Brain.  But, do we really NEED TWO tongues?"
"I think so, Brain.  But, if Jimmy cracked corn and NOBODY cared, WHY does he keep doin' it?"
"I think so, Brain.  But, then it'd be 'Snow White & the Seven SAMURAI'."
"I think so, Brain.  But, HOW are we going to make pencils that taste like BACON?
… OR, maybe we should make bacon that tastes like PENCILS.
(--'Pinky & the Brain')


Regarding "tit-for-tat", what exactly is a "TAT", and HOW do I acquire a BUNCH of 'em?!


Since I've defecated THREE DIFFERENT/SEPARATE TIMES in ~18.57 hours ((ONE "bowel-evacuation PER ~6.19 hours (394 minutes)), I've noticed/observed that my "OUTPUT" becomes MORE & more LIQUID-esque as the FREQUENCY of my "bowel-transportation" INCREASES.

Thus therein, "doctors", do y'all have ANY IDEA how IGNORANT, STUPID & WRONG y'ALL SO ARE. when y'ALL CONTRADICT your OWN "diagnoses"/"evaluations"?!
By VEHEMENTLY/ignorantly stating/HYPOTHESIZING--to ME--that
"if (I) do NOT ("go #2) EVERY DAY" AND "(MY) stools doN'T become MORE & more 'SOLID'", then "something is VERY WRONG with (ME)".  Yet, y'ALL also STRONGLY "prescribed" some (Read: "ALOTTA".) "stool-SOFTENERS" for/to me.

("My 'Spider-sense' detects" a HIGH-concentration of SARCASM in the following response:)
(… "SOMETHING"?!  "VERY WRONG"?!  Are those HIGHLY-MEDICAL terms that I--with my "BioMEDICAL Engineering" degree--wouldN'T understand?!
Or, are y'ALL just THAT "STILTED" & EGOTISTICAL that y'ALL--FOOL-ish-ly THINK y'ALL are "BETTER" than I am?!)

((… JUDGES retreat to their chambers to DELIBERATE upon the (MEDICAL) "doctors"' SANITY.))
((… ME--to (MEDICAL) "doctors"/"NAY-sayers"/HATERS/DOUBTERS:
"So, now YOUR KNOWLEDGE/COMPETENCY is in-QUESTION.  How's "the shoe fit on the OTHER foot"?!))

.. SPOILER ALERT: Those/MANY (MEDICAL) "doctors" areN'T!

(… OBVIOUSLY, I still have some UNRESOLVED issues/problems with MANY members of/in the MEDICAL-profession.  Thus, I TRY to ONLY associate with a "select-FEW" "KEEPERS".)


For THIS reason, I HOST many "par-TAYS"!

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