Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sometimes--though very RARELY, I STRUGGLE with confidence.

"I LACK … 'guile'."
(--George, 'Seinfeld')

"I have a bad feeling that whenever a lesbian looks at me they think, 'THAT's why I'm NOT a heterosexual.'"(--George, 'Seinfeld')

"I've 'driven' women to LESBIANISM before, 
(--George, 'Seinfeld')

( ANTI-Amen to THAT!  I've "driven" ladies "NUTZ"/"BONKERS"/"INSANE", yes.
But, I've NEVER "FORCED" a WOMAN into a PSYCHE-ward.  "Jealous/Envying MEN" is a DIFFERENT-matter, however.)
( I didN'T FORCE 'em into seeking PROFESSIONAL-"help".  They sought "ASSISTANCE" "under their OWN fruition".)


" I’m sure that I will always be
A lonely number like root three

The three is all that’s good and right,
Why must my three keep out of sight
Beneath the vicious square root sign,
I wish instead I were a nine

For nine could thwart this evil trick,
with just some quick arithmetic

I know I’ll never see the sun, as 1.7321
Such is my reality, a sad irrationality

When hark! What is this I see,
Another square root of a three

As quietly co-waltzing by,
Together now we multiply
To form a number we prefer,
Rejoicing as an integer

We break free from our mortal bonds
With the wave of magic wands

Our square root signs become unglued
Your love for me has been renewed"

(--'Kumar, reciting HIS poem as a PICK-UP LINE to a girl in the library, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle')


My MATH-"tutEE"--to ME--as I PAUSED DURING A MATH-problem: (SIGH) "What, you STUMPED?"
ME: "Nope  WHY would you ask?"

TutEE: "Well, you have certain DIS-advantages."
ME: "'Well, that's--like--YOUR OPINION, man.'(--The Dude, 'The Big Lebowski')  Like WHAT?"
TutEE: "Well, you're INSANE."
((--Will Graham (HER) & Hannibal Lector (ME), 'Red Dragon'))

TutEE: "'Tou-CHE'!"


HOWEVER, I DO "make-UP" for my SLIGHT SELF-questioning/-doubt--in my LEG-strength or "SPOTTY" memory--with "OVERFLOWING" SELF-confidence in/for OTHER aspects--MATH, USELESS SPORTS-trivia, ATHLETICISM, MOVIE-knowledge.
(… Said EXTREME-confidence MAY BE--MISTAKENLY--interpreted as "COCKINESS".
(… "To EACH his OWN.")

(… For example, I DIS-agree with THIS "OPINION" of my "ACTING".
I just KNOW I'm "DAMN-GOOD" … at WHAT I DO.)


We ALL have our SPECIALTIES/"areas of COMFORT or TALENT"!
It's just a matter of "LOCATING" & IDENTIFYING said "DANGER-zones"(--'Top Gun')


This morning I went out to a restaurant to meet THREE BUDDIES from high school.
(… I KNEW 'em, so I was my "USUAL-self": COMFORTABLE, OUTGOING & very SOCIABLE.
I EVEN ATE--via FORK-in-MOUTH--~two thirds of TWO scrambled eggs (~4/3 = ~1 1/3 eggs).

WE discussed a POSSIBLE "Game-Day" for US four & our close FRIENDS.
Also, since one of SAID "meal-CHUMS" is a PROFESSIONAL cards-player/gambler, we talked about MY BENEFICIAL-SKILL of SEMI-"counting cards".

ALL-in-ALL, it was a VERY ENJOYABLE trip … OUT/AWAY from my house!
(… 'KUDOS' to the GREAT company!)

P.S. The "get-together" WAS only SLIGHTLY weird, 'cuz I was the ONLY ONE--of us FOUR--who did NOT play BASKETBALL … FOR our high school!
(… However, I was QUITE CONTENT being the ONLY ONE--of the FOUR of us--who "DOMINATED" … on the WRESTLING-mat.)


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