Wednesday, February 4, 2015

VARYING outlooks/perspectives/opinions/thoughts:

So, YESTERDAY I RETURNED to my LEG-gym … for a--SLIGHTLY--truncated/shortened WORKOUT.  (I exercised for ONLY ~68 minutes rather than my TYPICAL 90 minutes--form a MONDAY/)
But, it was a painLESS
(… GREAT staff-understanding!)


(See the song-lyrics to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to get a BETTER idea of just how MOODY I CAN be … SOMETIMES.)


I'll admit that sometimes--VERY RARELY--I'll "SECOND-guess" myself, 'cuz the CONSEQUENCES of an IN-correct response would be SEVERE.
Thus, I'll RE-evaluate said PREDICAMENT from an ALTERNATIVE "point-of-view".


CONFLICTING opinions/perspectives toward ONESELF:
"Expect the BEST.  But, prepare for the WORST."

(… That's how I live my LIFE--as a "CAUTIOUS OPTIMIST".)


"Never confuse a SINGLE defeat with a FINAL defeat."
(--F. Scott Fitzgerald)


Tonight I attended a "DISTRICT-Semifinal basketball game" of my high school ALMA MATER.
After "TRAILING" at the end of the first THROUGH the third quarters, "the Raiders"/"WE" had a "MONSTER" 4th/FINAL quarter to "pull out" the …


HIGHLY-touted "University of Wisconsin footbal-l/wrestling-recruit Alec Ingold:
"I think the biggest thing with wrestling that it helps me out with is the mental toughness.
… You can't get much better mental toughness than going through a wrestling practice or two and just getting that grind over it -- with the two-and-a-half hour practices where you want to quit the whole time, and you just gotta push through with your teammates and yourself. It's definitely the mental toughness I think is what's going to help me out in the long run the most."


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