Thursday, December 31, 2015

Good-BYE, 2015! GOOD-morning, 2016!

-- I BEGAN my day with some SLIGHT AMBI-valence:
(… I fell asleep SOMEWHAT-early last night.  So, I FORGOT to watch my FAVORITE NCAA football team--my mom's alma mater.  Nonetheless, I read that Wisconsin NARROWLY-"squeaked out" a VICTORY over a very-GOOD U.S.C. team.  

This morning I watched the COMEDIC- & Dramatic-film--'Gotcha!'
The movie was released in 1985--MY birth-year.
(… It SOMEWHAT--metaphorically--describes MY most-recent relationship: 
A BEAUTIFUL, SNEAKY woman "falls-FOR" a GOOFY, ROMANTIC, FUNNY, NERDY "College-boy"*, ONLY does he LEARN that 'twas ALL a "CHARADE of love".  Throughout ALL though, he "SURVIVES" MANY harrowing-tales thanks-to his BUDDIES.)

… (WARNING) I "punctuated what has been a SOMEWHAT-'CRAPPY' year" with yet-ANOTHER (ALL-solid) "Bowel-Bonanza"!
(… I've "let the DAWGS out" … of my RECTUM … TEN different times in the last 17 days.  … 10/17 = ~58.82%)
(… Of SAID "Excretory-Explosions", I could SEMI-smell the STINK of 80% of 'em.  … THAT equals EIGHT … of 10.  
YYYEEESSS!  YAY for RETURNING-senses … namely, SMELL!)

-- My "UPPER Body"-trainer "got back to me" about some MEASUREMENTS & "HOMEWORK":
"From 'TOP-of-HIP' to 'BOTTOM-of-FOOT", BOTH of my LEGS are/were 39.5 inches.
(… I'm RELIEVED yet CONFUSED: I THOUGHT my LEFT-leg was--SLIGHTLY--longER than my RIGHT, 'cuz I TEND-to FREQUENTLY DRAG my LEFT-foot when I "WALK"/stride.  Since 'tis NOT my "anatomic-DIMENSIONS", the foot-dragging HAS-to result from MY SUB-par gait/"'WALKING'-stance".)
My trainer "prescribed"/recommended a few exercises to/for my LEFT-foot that "HIGHLIGHT"/EMPHASIZE "DORSI-flexion" & "EVERSION".
(… I VERY-MUCH appreciate these "techniques" on which to "WORK"!)
(… In FACT, as I lie in bed … NOW … at 9:08 am … I am "stressing" my LEFT-footed "E-version".)

-- 'Tis a BIT of a "FREE-day" for ME, 'cuz of the NEW-year: 
NO Martial Arts.  NO "Therapy".  NO gym.  

… I ONLY have a COMMITMENT to a friend's "New Year's Party"/"Birthday-Bash" TONIGHT. 

-- What a DELIGHTFUL movie-trip!
'Twas a GREAT, HILARIOUS film (''Daddy's Home'') at a TERRIFIC, relatively-NEW (to ME) theater (Paragon Ridge) with KIND, HELPFUL company (my housemate & AWESOME Caregiver)!

-- I had an INTERESTING/ENLIGHTENING & "POWERFUL" discussion--POST-film--with my housemate … about MY-GOALS for 2016: Be MORE social, MORE "WALKING"-prone, LESS argumentative/hostile, MORE talkative (VERBALLY/ORALLY), even-MORE "ACTIVE-with"/"COMMITTED-to" my "Martial Arts"-crew, etc.

-- "'OPPORTUNITY' is everything you MAKE of it."
(--Cadillac SRX)
(… 'Carpe diem.'--'Seize the day.')

… "Go 'BACKWARDS' to go 'FORWARD'."
(--NEW 'Star Wars;-Director JJ Abrams)
(… In OTHER words, look-BACK on 

-- 'Tis a BIT of a "FREE-day" for ME, 'cuz of the NEW-year: 
NO Martial Arts.  NO "Therapy".  NO gym.  

… I ONLY have a COMMITMENT to a friend's "New Year's Party"/"Birthday-Bash" TONIGHT. 
((… (voice of Yoda … from 'Star Wars'--to ME: 
"GO … you must."))

-- At ~5:30 pm, my rectum "STRUCK again"!
THUS, I "gave BIRTH" to ANOTHER "bowel-BABY"!
(… Again, I could SEMI-"smell" my "WASTE"!  
By this I mean that my NASAL-membranes/-hairs were "TINGLING".)

-- My NIGHT--and YEAR--concluded very WELL!

* = My "Martial arts"-PEERS/"fellow BLACK belts" would call me "COLLEGE-boy", 'cuz I USED-to RETURN to TRAINING--in Hollywood--from college in Philly, and STILL "draw VIOLENT-circles around 'em with my WRESTLING-'repertoire'".


Wednesday, December 30, 2015


In HINDSIGHT, I MAY-have KINDA "taken my LEG-use for-GRANTED".  

(… NO, that phrasing has a NEGATIVE-implication.
'Tis MORE-like I became very USED-to my EXTREME LEG-strength & -fluidity.)

-- "Raspberry-seeds … are arranged in a 'Fibonacci-series'.  Are they NOT?"
(--DR. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… "Fibonacci-series" = A set of numbers that starts with a 

one or a zero, followed by a one, and proceeds based on the 

rule that each number (called a Fibonacci number) is equal to 

the sum of the preceding two numbers. If the Fibonacci 

sequence is denoted F ( n ), where n is the first term in the 

sequence, the following equation obtains for n = 0, where the 

first two terms are defined as 0 and 1 by convention:

F (0) = 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …
OR, F (1) = 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 …


a 'Fib'?

A poem

Syllables are arranged in lines
according to Fibonacci's sequence of numbers:
One, one, two, three, five, eight, thirteen, twenty-one, thirty-four, fifty-five and so on."

I was UN-aware of THIS combination of MATH & SPEECH.

"You know what's … FUNNY? I always thought that dogs 

laid eggs. So, … I learned something today."

Family Guy)

-- I JUST "opened" my GIFT--from my uncle--of ALL-seasons of that BRILLIANT-show on dvd.)

… I watched the first THREE episodes this morning.

… "I think I need a NEW-'path'."
(--Dr. Larry, on NO-longer working on SPACE-exploration)
(… ME?  In lieu of my CATASTROPHIC-/TRAGIC-accident, … I am NO-LONGER physically ABLE-to WALK or TALK, "ROMANTICALLY-involved", ATHLETICALLY-gifted or "financially-'EMPLOYED'".)  

… "Ironically, 'SIMPLIFYING' one's life is a COMPLICATED-process."
(--DR. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
… ME: Can I get an "A-MEN!"?
(… I am NOT used-to "taking the EASY-way out".  Yet, I--NOW--kinda-HAFTA "apply 'Bio-PHYSICS'" to/for ALL of my EVERYDAY-tasks.)

… "I doN'T consider 'THIS' a 'FINAL-destination'.  ('Tis) more a (TEMPORARY) 'STOP' along the 'JOURNEY' (… of 'LIFE')."
(--Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… He's "ECHOING" MY opinion of MY--CURRENT/TEMPORARY--"status": My CONSTANT-improvements are VERY ENCOURAGING!)

… "You doN'T KNOW this about me.
… But, I LIKE-to MOVE my BOOODY!"
(--''Daddy's Home'')

(… I NEED-to … & WILL … see this NEW COMEDIC-film ASAP!)


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

When "LIFE" becomes TOO-difficult, just "UP" your EFFORT.

… In OTHER words: 
"'SUCK … it … UP', & 'FIGHT' through it."

… I--LITERALLY--have a "NEVER-say-'DIE'" attitude.

(… THAT's "'DETERMINATION' … to the Nth-degree"*.)

-- DESPITE my NUMEROUS-frustrations recently with my newEST employee/Caregiver, my housemate had a nice, LITTLE talk with me yesterday afternoon about 

"the IMPORTANCE/NEED of GIVING this guy MULTIPLE chances".
I was HESITANT & even DOUBTFUL at first.  But, after a VERY STABLE/PROMISING night of MINIMAL-screwups, I think I'll keep him!
((… It helped that I did MUCH of the "WORK" in "TRANSFERS" & POSITIONING.  "But, it's the PRINCIPLE!"(--ME, after a TEMPORARY 'B+' in grad-school))

-- My mom RECENTLY bought me a NEW-/ REPLACEMENT-shirt, … 'cuz I ACCIDENTALLY ripped a GINORMOUS-HOLE in the UPPER-BACK of SAID T-shirt while trying-to put it on.**

… SSSHHH!  I actually like the NEW-shirt MORE/BETTER!



… I.e. A BUDDY from high school--already a SUCCESSFUL business-ENTREPRENEUR--PROPOSED the POSSIBLE business-OPPORTUNITY of the "BIOTECH"-industry.
(… SO, … I've gotta RESEARCH technologies, supplies & POTENTIAL-customers.)

-- In watching 'Eat, Pray, Love', I was REMINDED that

"You speak (FOREIGN-languageS) with your HANDS, … NOT your TONGUE."
(… So, WHY did my SPEECH-Therapist remark that "(MY) pronunciation of FOREIGN-languages is CONSIDERABLY-BETTER-than THAT for ENGLISH"?!)
SHE--with ALL her SPEECH-KNOWLEDGE--deduced-/ concluded-that I put MORE-EFFORT/-EMPHASIS on FOREIGN-words, 'cuz I REALLY-want to be CLEARLY-UNDERSTOOD. 
(… ALSO, I'm NOT gonna LIE: 
I DO "think rather-HIGHLY of MYSELF", when I KNOW how to "EXPRESS-myself in a 'FOREIGN-TONGUE'"!)  


"For some time, intellect was believed to be genetically inherited. Studies suggested that up to 75% of intelligence is determined by a person's gene pool, and the remaining 25% determined by environmental factors like schooling or social groups. 
But thanks to groundbreaking new research by Imperial College London, we've discovered exactly which genes are responsible for memory, attention span, processing speed and reasoning skills. 
… The team then used supercomputers to assess patterns, ultimately discovering that the genes impaired in those with developmental problems were the very same that were recognized in healthy, intelligent people.
The discovery involves two clusters, M1 and M3, that serve as networks including hundreds of genes that control intelligence. Identifying them is a major step in itself, but now researchers are wondering what to do with the new discovery. 
Traits like intelligence work together like a football team playing different positions, Dr. Johnson explained. By identifying those players and their capabilities, scientists can manipulate the entire game. 
Neurologist Michael Johnson said of his team's discovery, "We know that genetics plays a major role in intelligence but until now haven't known which genes are relevant. What's exciting about this is that the genes we have found are likely to share a common regulation, which means potentially we could manipulate a whole set of genes whose activity is linked to human intelligence." 
That's right. Researchers are considering altering a child's genes at birth to ensure their intelligence, under so-called "master switches" that allow those specific genes to be turned on or off, in simple terms.
Of course, the same study that suggested the possibility of turning these genes "on or off" also warned that, when the genes are mutated or ordered wrongly, the procedure could lead to the opposite effect. (Dull thought patterns and other serious cognitive impairments.)
But Dr. Johnson reminded readers and scientists around the world that we commonly manipulate our bodies to better suit our needs. "The idea of ultimately using drugs to affect cognitive performance is not in any way new. We all drink coffee to improve our cognitive performance,” Dr. Johnson said. “It’s about understanding the pathways that are related to cognitive ability both in health and disease, especially disease so one day we could help people with learning disabilities fulfil their potential. That is very important.”
Of course, future genetic manipulation wouldn't be limited to those who just want to be smarter. Scientists involved in the study explained that the discovery of these genes could lead to a cure for many neurodevelopment disorders. 
Another neuroscientist involved in the study, Professor Robert Plomin, believes children should be screened at an early age for a lack of these genes, so their curriculums could be better suited to their needs.
“Understanding the specific genetic and environmental factors influencing individual differences in educational achievement - and the complex interplay between them - could help educationalists develop effective personalized learning programs, to help every child reach their potential by the end of compulsory education,” he said.
But other geneticists are wary of that plan. Professor of Genetics at University of Kent Darren Griffin has said on the subject, "Genetics is the science of inheritance, not pre-determinism, and there is no substitute for hard work and application.”
What about you? If given the opportunity, would you manipulate your child's genes to ensure that they become as intelligent as Albert Einstein one day, or is that too much of man fiddling with nature?"
(--Alexander Seedman) 

… Ya see, ... my mom--a VALEDICTORIAN--and my dad--a math-GENIUS--gave-birth to THREE BRILLIANT offspring: TWO VALEDICTORIANS & ONE current "DOCTORAL-candidate".

-- "Rep-ree-ZENT!"
MY high school--St. Thomas Aquinas--leads the NATION in alumni who are CURRENT NFL-players with 17  ONE of whom is/was a BUDDY of MINE.

A.J.'s "Theory of EVERYTHING"
When in DOUBT, apply a MATHEMATICAL-principle.
(… I.e. MY mom had an "ODD #" of children--three, ALL VERY "ODD"/STRANGE.  … Yet, they're also ALL RIDICULOUSLY-bright!)

* = COMMON MATHEMATICAL-stipulation: 
"A NUMBER raised to "ANY exponent"--"N" will "YIELD" the SAME answer.  
** = SAID "shirt" said/read:
"I wear this shirt PERIODICALLY" … spelled-out OVER the "PERIODIC Table of Elements".
(… So, it's a CLEVER-pun on/of "PERIODIC".
… Ha ha … HA!)


Monday, December 28, 2015

In SLIGHT-hindsight, WAY-to "celebrate" the LAST-weekend of 2015 in SPECTACULAR-fashion!

-- I'm actually "looking-FORWARD" to a PLEASANT-week of "WORK"/REHAB & resulting-PROGRESS!
(… TRANSLATION: I slept very-WELL!)

-- I "BEGAN my day" … at ~7:20 am … EST with a SLOW … yet STEADY … "TREK" to 'mi banyo' to "RELIEVE my URINARY-tension".
(… IGNORING the hopes/instructions of my 'NeuroFit 360'-trainerS, I favored STABILITY OVER PRETTINESS … by "rackin' UP" 82 steps TO my toilet & 74 steps BACK-to bed.
… Despite THAT 78-step AVERAGE being MORE/highER than my USUAL 67-step AVERAGE, I felt MUCH-more STABLE/COMFORTABLE, as I "TREKKED".)

(… THUS, I deduced/concluded that MY UNDERSTANDING/APPLICATION of bio-PHYSICS "DWARFS" the IN-explicable, "BUSINESS-oriented" walking-NONSENSE of my trainerS.)
(… In SIMPLEST-terms, … I'm RIGHT, & they're REALLY-WRONG!)

-- "You've GOT-to 'go BACK' to 'move-FORWARD'."
"You should NEVER ever DOUBT … 
"'TIME' … is a PRECIOUS-thing: NEVER WASTE it."
"… WE are the DREAMERS of the 'DREAMS'."
(--Willy Wonka, 'Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory')
(… Evidently/OBVIOUSLY, I watched THIS STUPENDOUS-CLASSIC film this morning.)
(… Reflecting on these GREAT lines:
1a) Since my OCCUPATIONAL-options are "a TAD" LIMITED, I HAFTA rely-on what's been EASY-for/COMFORTABLE-to ME: teaching MARTIAL ARTS, tutoring for MATH, critiquing FILMS, operating ENTREPRENEURIAL-companies*,  devising/designing BIO-medical devices**.
1b) Due-to my NOW social-AWKWARDNESS, I TEND-to rely-HEAVILY on my PAST-relationships. 
2) NONE of MY (MANY) "doctors" could EXPLAIN MY EXEMPLARY-functioning … DESPITE my "T.B.I."
3) I ONLY have MY-money REPEATEDLY-/ CONTINUOUSLY-"replenished" 'til my 95th birthday!  So, I've ALWAYS GOTTA-be "PLANNING"!
(… Thus, I ONLY have … ~"772 MONTHS & 10.13 DAYS" of $!)

-- "The TRUE-'VALUE' of a human being is determined PRIMARILY by 
… the MEASURE & the SENSE in which he has ATTAINED LIBERATION from the SELF."
(--Albert Einstein)
(… I ALWAYS--FIRST--TRY-to ACCOMPLISH tasks ... ON MY OWN!  ONLY-IF I am UN-successful, do I ASK-for ASSISTANCE.)

-- When I was EJECTED-from my car on July 6, 2008, 
THAT was "a day that will live in INFAMY"!
… THIS "LABOR"  involves EXTRA-"work" for my BRAIN … and HANDS.

-- WHEN I earned/achieved my black belt(S), I was SUPPOSED-to--FORMALLY/LEGALLY--register my HANDS as "LETHAL WEAPONS".
(… I doN'T REMEMBER if I actually DID.

… "ONE man's 'TOOL' … is ANOTHER MAN's 'WEAPON'."
(--Bruce Wayne, 'The Dark Knight Rises')

-- We need to accept that we won't always make the right 

decisions. ..that we'll screw up royally sometimes.. 

"FAILURE" is NOT the opposite of "SUCCESS".  It's part of 

the process of "success by LEARNING".

"FAILURE" is the OPPORTUNITY to BEGIN-again … only 


-- I can … & WILL … STILL get/be HAPPY, when GOOD-

things DO happen in SPORTS.  

… So, … I'm EXCITED!


Sunday, December 27, 2015


-- UN-fortunately, NOT-enough PUBLIC-locations are Handicap-ACCESSIBLE. 
(… I'm almost-POSITIVE there's a LAW in-SUPPORT of my COMPLAINT!  So, TSK, TSK.  You're "droppin' the METAPHORICAL ball".)

-- MANY of my employEEs are far/way too-QUICK to "jump-to conclusions"/ASS-ume they KNOW MY thoughts & feelings.
(… NOT-to SEEM "stilted" or egomaniacal, but NONE of 'em could/will EVER-know HOW/WHAT I'm thinkin'.)
(… I HAFTA first "TELL" 'em.)

-- 'Tis a TERRIBLY-INFURIATING SHAME … that/when SOME-people (i.e. my NEIGHBORS) are too STUPID/PIG-headed/SELFISH to "give a SHIT" about the cares of ANYONE-ELSE!
(… JEEZ!  I thought 'tis a SHAME that I LACKED EMPATHY!)

-- Almost-EVERYONE HEARS "Traumatic Brain-Injury", & they SEE my WHEELCHAIR/letter-board, and they'll make the HORRIBLY-INsensitive/-FALSE/INcorrect comment--about ME:
"So, how long's he (I) been 'RETARDED'?"

-- 'Tis "MAHVELOUS", when people "cast TERRIBLE ASS-umptions ASIDE" & ACTUALLY TALK-to me with INTEREST!
(… TODAY I drove--NOT literally--~30 minutes SOUTH to Miami for a FUN friendly get-TOGETHER.  Two LOVELY-ladies SPOKE-to me & THOROUGHLY-enjoyed my JOKES for about 90 minutes!)
(… PLUS, they were very-ATTRACTIVE!)

Now, I'll "turn that INVESTIGATIVE-/"JUDGMENTAL"-eye toward MYSELF:

"(A.J.), NO ONE's EVER done ANYTHING LIKE this before."
ME: "THAT's why it's going-to WORK."
(--Neo, 'The Matrix')
((… EVIDENTLY/APPARENTLY, I am "'The ONE'"(--'The Matrix').))

-- JUST 'cuz I am nowhere-NEAR as TALKATIVE or as ACTIVE as I once-WAS, … does NOT imply that 
I'm NO-fun!  

-- MY-OWN understanding & application of BIOPHYSICAL-principles/-concepts has GREATLY-IMPROVED with my now "hands-ON trials".

-- I am becoming more & MORE COMFORTABLE going-OUT & MEETING random/UN-known people.
(… I.e. TODAY's activities REALLY-HELPED!  
… THANKS, housemate!)

-- I'm "WORKING-on" being LESS emotionally-affected by the OUTCOMES of SPORTS-events, … because I caN'T affect SAID sports-events … at-ALL.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

'Tis a SEMI-"OFF-Day".

… 'Tis MORE an
"EVENING of NON-Therapy".

… A rather UN-pleasant "START" to my morning, as my "WEEKEND-Nurse" inquired about my
I--FOOLISHLY--"made a SCENE" … before mentioning that--CONTRARY to the note a Caregiver wrote--I do NOT have a back-ACHE … NOR have I had one … in YEARS!
(… I am NOT-happy … about this MIS-interpretation!0

I watched a "MARATHON" of OLD-school 'Batman'-movies (w/ Michael Keaton) in a (DESPERATE-) attempt to IMPROVE my MOOD.

… Also, I played ALOTTA "Minesweeper", 'cuz BEATING THAT always CHEERS me UP!
(… "NOICE!")

… Also-ALSO, my housemate has "RE=

… Yet-ANOTHER GOOD-way to "BETTER my PSYCHE" is to …
INVITE "my PEEPS" over for a SMALL "par-TAY".
… So, I AM!

Breathe-DEEPLY, A.J.
Yesterday I had a nice little-TALK with my housemate about 
"giving my NEWEST Caregiver a CHANCE"
ONLY-'cuz my MOM's outa-town, & I KNOW/understand how MUCH WORK it is finding a NEW Caregiver.
He's an F---IN' IDIOT … who caN'T READ!  UUUGGGHHH!


'Cuz I've GOTTA!
You can EITHER 
SCREAM every time there's a BUMP,
THROW your hands-UP & ENJOY the 'ride'.
(… I've GOTTA-go "ENJOY the RIDE" of LIFE!)



So, I JUST woke-up … in "MID-slumber"--almost LITERALLY*--& HAD-to urinate.
So, AFTER I "WALKED"-to my toilet & SAFELY … SAT-to urinate--like a member of the "XX-gender"**, my Caregiver INEXPLICABLY began-to "spit-up" ALL-OVER my bathroom-floor!


SOMEHOW, my NASAL-hairs/-membranes began "TINGLING" from the NOXIOUS-odor!  
I couldN'T decipher the EXACT-scent.  But, my ensuing-SHUDDER indicated my "AVERSION"-to said CACOPHONOUS-scent!

So, … ANOTHER "sense" of mine is BEGINNING-to RE-develop!

* = MY "MID-slumber" would-be … 
"~MIDNIGHT to ~6:00 am = ~SIX hours"/2 =
~3:00 am … EST

** = Yes, I HAFTA "SIT to merely URINATE" … like a WOMAN, … 'cuz of my AILING LEFT-hip.
(… HOWEVER, if you caN'T enjoy some SELF-deprication, … then you just areN'T FUNNY.)


Friday, December 25, 2015

MY "PRESENTS" is/are visitors' "PRESENCE"!

… (MORE "WORD-play)!)

In lieu of my CURRENT-/TEMPORARY-situation/-status, I feel: 
"'Tis BETTER (for my SOUL/KARMA) to GIVE (GIFTS) than to RECEIVE 'em."

(INSPIRATION: 'Jingle Bells':)

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh
O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright      
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight         
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way     
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
A day or two ago
I thought I'd take a ride
And soon Miss Fanny Bright
Was seated by my side        
The horse was lean and lank
Misfortune seemed his lot
We got into a drifted bank
And then we got upsot
Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells         
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh yeah

(… MINE--entitled, 'Waking Nerves':)
"'Trekking' through my HOUSE

With a relaxed yet straightened BACK.
'Cross the room I 'TREK'
Focused ALL the WAY!     (SIGH, sigh, … sigh!)
Dragging feet ah-SIDE, 
I'm 'boosting-UP' my HOPE!
How GREAT it is to SEE & FEEL
My 'WAH-KING'-gait ihm-PROVING!
Oh, 'WAY-king nerves', 'way-king NERVES'
'Wake-up' & be STRONG!
Oh, how GREAT it is for MY PSY-KEE
To 'walk', eyes-UP, with-OUT 'HELP'!
'WAY-king nerves', 'way-king NERVES',
'Wake-up' & be STRONG!
'Wake-up' & be STRONG!
Oh, how GREAT it is for MY PSY-KEE
To 'walk', eyes-UP, with-OUT 'HELP'!
About eight years AH-GO,
I was SPEEDING on the ROAD,
But, soon my tire BLEW!
My crash was quick but … ROUGH!
My karma really-SUCKED!
I BUSTED-up my arms & LEGS.
Plus, I got a 'T.B.I.'
Oh, 'WAY-king nerves', 'way-king NERVES'
'Wake-up' & be STRONG!
Oh, how GREAT it is for MY PSY-KEE
To 'walk', eyes-UP, with-OUT 'HELP'!
'WAY-king nerves', 'way-king NERVES'
'Wake-up' & be STRONG!
Oh, how GREAT it is for MY PSY-KEE
To 'walk' with-OUT 'HELP', … YEAH!"

Oh, NOT-so sweet I-rony:
We IGNORE those who WANT us,
WANT those who IGNORE us, 
LOVE those who 'HURT' us &
'HURT' those who LOVE us.

My housemate & I made/baked ALOTTA rice-pudding, …
WHILE we listened-to Seth MacFarlane & Frank Sinatra sing Christmas-carols … AND SEMI-watched ''It's a Wonderful Life''. 
(… "It was my FIRST time" … with a GUY … cooking/creating rice-pudding.)

… TEXTBOOK "MULTI-tasking"!

… DESPITE my "laundry-list" of SERIOUS, TRAUMATIC "issues", the fact that I'm ALIVE … AND MIRACULOUSLY-IMPROVING … AND a HOPE-FILLED OPTIMIST … TRULY makes it … "'A WONDERFUL Life'" … for ME!

… Since 'tis NOT realistic/doable to "RECEIVE" … "NEW LEGS", I'll "SETTLE-for" …"STEADY-PROGRESS in my LEG-nerve RE-development".


Thursday, December 24, 2015

(Boston-accent:) "I didN'T ASK fo' this!"

… (--Will, 'Good Will Hunting')
… Will--like ME--is CONSTANTLY "on the DEFENSIVE" about being NATURALLY-/BORN-BRILLIANT.
(… 'Tis NOT like I CONSTANTLY study!)
(… Valley-girl pitch/tone:
"As IF!"
--Cher, 'Clueless')
ADMITTEDLY, for SOME-reason, "LEARNING" just USED-TO come VERY-EASILY to/for me.  Once I HEARD or SAW sumthin', I would commit it to my once-FANTASTIC memory & then, "spit it out" at an OPPORTUNE-/IDEAL-time.  Even with a STORIED, WELL-documented "laundry-list" of COVETED academic-ACHIEVEMENTS, I RARELY--if EVER
(… Now, I am NOT bragging/boasting.  'Tis just HOW MY--once "MIGHTY", 
now "ONLY … 'COMMENDABLE'/'LAUDABLE'" MIND  "works"/"operates".)

ComplIments to my housemate/buddy for complEmenting his STEADY-driving of HIS scooter with some EXEMPLARY-driving of MY van!
(… LATE last night he STEADILY/SAFELY drove my Caregiver, ANOTHER buddy from school & MYSELF in SAID-"van" to & from a "CHILL-out"-bar.)

… "ComplIments" to MYSELF for "compelEmenting" MY-OWN MATHEMATICAL-/"MARTIAL ARTS"-GENIUS with some CLEVER word-play!

"Only last week I murdered a rock, injured a stone, 

hospitalized a brick."

(--Muhammad Ali)

(… Seeing as I'm--CURRENTLY/TEMPORARILY--of a 

SIMILAR "mind-frame", 'twould-be UN-wise to "get-ON my 


My "Martial arts"-class was CANCELED for the day … DUE-

to the HOLIDAY.

Ergo, I'll just HAFTA design MORE Karate-/Wrestling-/Jujitsu-




Not EVERYONE likes me. But, hey!  NOT "everyone" 


"A researcher in Iceland finds that the incidence of psychosis is greater than expected among mathematical scholars.
The movie 'A Beautiful Mind' about John Nash, a math-genius who had schizophrenia: Nash illustrates what an Icelandic psychiatrist has now found--that there may be a link between psychosis and math talent.

The study, conducted by Jon Karlsson, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Institute of Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland, has found an intriguing relationship between math talent and psychosis susceptibility in the Icelandic population. Results were published in the April British Journal of Psychiatry."

… Ergo, I'm "SCREWED". 
… (INNER-dialogue ALOUD: "Shut UP!  … That's IT!  We're FIGHTIN'."

UH-OH!  I just got SO NERVOUS about my--
APPARENT--IMPENDING brawl … with … MYSELF that I
"let-LOOSE" a "BONANZA of BOWEL-'BRU-Ha HA'" … in my TOILET.
… APPARENTLY, thinkin' about "MORTAL-COMBAT"* works, … 'cuz THAT "log" was VERY-LARGE & VERY-SOLID
(… "It's … SCIENCE."--'Anchorman')

Since I "MULTI-task", WHILE "eating"--ORALLY, I INSTANTANEOUSLY-deduced/-concluded that … 
MY birthday "FALLS-on" a FRIDAY.
MY birthday = April 8.
'Tis 31 + 28 + 31 + 8 = 98 days AFTER "Day 1 of YEAR"
--> 98/7 = EXACTLY 14 weeks AFTER "Day 1 of YEAR"
--> In a NON-"Leap Year", MY birthday ALWAYS "FALLS-on" the SAME-day as January 1st.)

AGAIN 'KUDOS' to my housemate … who drove us … ~15 minutes … in MY VAN over to his sister's house for a VERY-ENJOYABLE Christmas-gathering & -dinner.
(… I "ATE"--via MOUTH--SIX bites of … "MASHED POTATOES"!  THIS is/was VERY-SIGNIFICANT, 'cuz 'las patatas' were VERY STICKY, … which kinda-FORCED me to utilize the QUICK-movement & PUSHING-strength of my TONGUE--the STRONGEST-muscle in the HUMAN-body--to ENSURE SAFE chewing-, swallowing- & digesting-processes.)


* = 'Tis NOT the "video game"/movie.  THAT'S 'Mortal Kombat'.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I've gotta "get-OVER the 'HUMP"-Day'!

'Tis MID-week.  I've had a "VERY GOOD" FIRST-half of MY week.  But, I MUST "WILL-MYSELF" to "TRUDGE-ONWARD".

(… Well, TECHNICALLY, since there are 
… 168 HOURS in a WEEK, the MID-way point would be at the 84th-hour -- NOON --on the FOURTH day.  ALSO, since the week BEGINS on SUNDAY, … "NOON on WEDNESDAY"--EXACTLY--"BISECTS" the WEEK.)


(… As Wilson Phillips so APPROPRIATELY sings it,)

I know this pain
Why do lock yourself up in these chains?
No one can change your life except for you
Don't ever let anyone step all over you
Just open your heart and your mind
Is it really fair to feel this way inside?

Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can you hold on for one more day
Things'll go your way
Hold on for one more day

You could sustain
Or are you comfortable with the pain?
You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness
You got yourself into your own mess
Lettin' your worries pass you by
Don't you think it's worth your time
To change your mind?


I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free the chains
Yeah I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and you
Break free, break from the chains

Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day yeah
If you hold on

Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day,
If you hold on
Can you hold on
Hold on baby
Won't you tell me now
Hold on for one more day 'Cause
It's gonna go your way

Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can't you change it this time

Make up your mind
Hold on
Hold on
Baby hold on

(… MY rendition--entitled ''O'ercome'':)

"Ee-mo-tion-uhl PAIN.
HOW do I 'weh-thur this RAIN'?!
NO ONE can pretend to be I.
My suffering is 'more than meets the EYE'.
I've gotta 'open my HEART' to soothe my MIND.
Can I--healthily--DO that IN-SIDE?

Some-DAY some-HOW my nerves are FINE'lee GONNA
'Wake-up' & re-kah-NECT!
Until then, JEEN-yus, can I just sit-AROUND,
And NOT ex-uhr-SIZE?!
C'mon, ya KNOW!
Dude, you've gotta … MAKE …  things …. CHANGE.
Nerves will gain some STRENGTH!
If I strive-to O'ERCOME!
Can I strive-to O'ERCOME?
Nerves'll RE-gain STRENGTH.
Strive-to O'ERCOME.

I COULD 'work-for' MORE.
Or, am I comfortable bein' a BORE?!
I HAFTA 'work' to RE-gain SOME of my HAPPINESS!
I--mistakenly--'screwed my-SELF':
Trustin' the tire-muh-kan-IHK.
Now, I've GOTTA make the BEST


… (Etc.) "
"Some of the GREATEST-minds were REJECTED by society."
(--DR. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… Welcome to MY LIFE!
… SPARE-me your 'FAUX'-empathy!)

"The Architect" … of my BLOG … this afternoon.  
-- He "HANDED my ASS to me (on a silver-platter)" in Scrabble.
-- He videotaped my "WALKING" through my living room … WITH a TURN!
-- … He said he'll post SAID-tape of MY-"walking".
-- … I'm NOT boastful or bragful.  But, 'tis VERY-COMFORTING/SOOTHING for/on my "FRAGILE-psyche", when I receive COMPLIMENTS on a VERY IMPORTANT/TOUGH "PROJECT" of MINE.


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