Tuesday, December 15, 2015


"Making a BIG/MAJOR Life-CHANGE" can be (IS) SCARY.
… But, ya know what's EVEN scarIER?!

… "HIND-sight's 20-20."

'Tis a WAY-WORSE feeling to LOATHE/DESPISE-yourself over a MISSED opportunity, than 
"SELF-doubt" is UN-healthy, UN-productive & UN-attractive.

(…   ……………….

The winners of life's game are NOT those who have never 

"tasted 'FAILURE'," But, they ARE those who have "tasted 

'FAILURE' again and AGAIN, but never give up.

(…      ……………...

"UNDERSTANDING" is the first-step toward 


ONLY with "ACCEPTANCE" can there be "RECOVERY".

(…   …………...

"Ernest Hemingway once wrote:
'The WORLD is a FINE-place … & WORTH 'fighting-FOR'. 
… I agree with the SECOND-part."
(--Detective Somerset, 'Se7en')
(…     …………..

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