Monday, December 21, 2015

… SURROUND-yourself with GOOD-/POSITIVE-people!

Not-ONLY are my Cleaning-people ('The Maids') RUDE & LIARS, they're ALSO rather "NOT-so bright" (= "STUPID")!
-- I WATCHED one Cleaning-lady JUST "shrug her shoulders" in APATHY, as I signaled that I couldN'T HEAR the television OVER her LOUD-vacuuming!
-- I said--in ENGLISH, "I caN'T hear!"  So, she shut-OFF her vacuum.  … THEN, after UTTERING something--in SPANISH, I AUDIBLY-sighed, "ROLLED my EYES" & LOUDLY-exclaimed, 
-- … She STOPPED.  … But, then she got the three-OTHER "CO-cleaners" & told them, "'No entiendo'" & CONFUSINGLY shrugged HER shoulders … REPEATEDLY.

… 'The Maids' CLAIM-to 'sólo entienden español'.  YET, ...

I've HEARD those   'mentira, bueno-para-nada' "maids"/"cleaners" speak-to-THEMSELVES … in ENGLISH!
(… Cough, COUGH, … BULLSHIT!)

(… 'Tis NOT an IDEAL-way to BEGIN my day!)

"The way to 'get STARTED' is to
'quit TALKING' & … 'begin DOING'."
(--Walt Disney)

… "To KNOW & NOT-to DO … is NOT-yet to 'KNOW'."

… "There's a time for 'DARING', & there's a time for 'CAUTION'.
… And, a WISE-man knows WHICH to use."
(--Professor Keating, 'Dead Poets Society')



(To the tune of 'All-American Team' from the FANTASTIC-film--'A League of Their Own':)

(MY version is ENTITLED 
'MIGHTY-Common Goal')

"Batter up! Hear that call! 

The time has come for one and all 

To play ball. 

We come from cities near and far. 

We've got Canadians, Irishmen and Swedes, 

We're all for one, we're one for all 

We're All-Americans!       

Each girl stands, her head so proudly high, 

Her motto 'Do or Die.'   

She's not the one to use or need an alibi. 

Our chaperones are not too soft,       

They're not too tough, 

Our managers are on the ball.      

We've got a president who really knows his stuff, 

We're all for one, we're one for all, 

We're All-Americans!"

'MIGHTY-Common Goal'

"'Step-right-up.  Search your SOUL!

'Tis a TEAM … with a common-GOAL!

A mighty KAH-muhn GOAL!

EACH is diff'rent.  But, your role is KNOWN.

Though y'ALL 'work' for ME, 'to EACH his OWN'.

We're a TEAM … that's ALL-yoo-NITED

For a 'MIY-tee COM-muh GOAL!

EACH one strives … to 'cleanse his own SOUL',

To 'PUSH-for' that 'MIY-TEE GOAL'!

'DETERMINATION' is 'part of me' like this here MOLE.

Y'all MUST treat me with rih-SPECT,

And adhere to my cuh-MANDS.

Ebonically speaking, I 'KNOW my SHIT.'

You've got a BOSS who's actually really frickin' SMART.

Nonetheless, 'suck-up your PRIDE',

And, get that COM-MUHN GOAL!"


I am goin' OUT with my housemate & a few buddies from 

high school to see the NEW 'Star Wars' film. 


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