Sunday, December 13, 2015

… (SIGH) So, I/you/WE HAFTA make the BEST of a BAD-situation!

(ANOTHER AUDIBLE sigh) So, BOTH of the UFC "CO-Main Events" ended up being MAJOR-upsets … MUCH to MY DIS-liking!
… Nonetheless, the company/guests/"fellow-'Karateka' & their 'significant-OTHERS'" (~11 people TOTAL) were GREAT:

… IF I were more/"at ALL" superstitious, I'd REALLY-wonder about MY-presence at SAID "UFC-parties", as--with MY being-THERE, the "Main Event"-FAVORITE is
0 - 3.
"Putting a more POSITIVE-spin on it", the "UNDERDOG" is "3 for 3".

… My "Martial Arts"-Professor sat NEXT-to me, … as he PUFFED-on a POPULAR-cigar.
SECRETLY, I was A BIT uneasy, … 'cuz I am VERY-SENSITIVE to SMOKE-inhalation.
BUT, the great-COMPANY & FABULOUS-company made the "cigar-PRODUCTS" MUCH-more TOLERABLE.

… I didn't get-into MY bed 'til 1:28 am AFTER my GREAT, FUN party.
(… I wasN'T even THAT sleepy!  … Granted, I was "TIRED", … but NOT "SLEEPY".)

I went-OUT to a LOCAL-diner with my housemate & his family.  (… His PARENTS, SISTER & NIECE)  … I APPROVED-of ALL their FOOD-orders.
(… Since I doN'T--YET--"TASTE", I like-to "eat VICARIOUSLY" through OTHERS & their "dining-SELECTIONS".)
… I ATE my USUAL "TWO scrambled eggs" … with-OUT ANY breathing-/swallowing-PROBLEMS.

I went "Christmas-shopping"--AGAIN today … as I ALSO went-OUT 'para la Navidad'-season the OTHER-day.  
(… I'm NOT gonna say WHAT I bought & WHERE, 'cuz I KNOW 'mi familia' READS my blog, … & 'tis BETTER to "leave a lil' MYSTERY".)

I watched ALOTTA "American PRO-football" (NFL), in HOPES-of MY "athletic-fortune" "doin' an 'ABOOOUUUT-face'" FROM my RECENT "SPORTING"-struggles.)

(… Philadelphia OVER Buffalo  -->  (  : (  )
Jacksonville OVER Indianapolis  -->  (  : )  )
Washington OVER Chicago  -->  (  : )  )
Pittsburgh OVER Cincinnati  -->  (  : )  ) 
Kansas City OVER San Diego  -->  (  : (  )
Cleveland OVER San Francisco  -->  (  : I  )  (APATHETIC)
St. Louis OVER Detroit  -->  (  : )  )
N.Y. Jets OVER Tennessee  -->  (  : )  )
New Orleans OVER Tampa Bay  -->  (  : )  )
Carolina OVER Atlanta  -->  (  : (  )
Seattle OVER Baltimore  -->  (  : (  )
Green Bay OVER Dallas  -->  (  : (  )
New England OVER Houston  -->  (  : (  )
(MAIN-CONCERN:) Denver LOSES-to Oakland.  -->  (  : (  )

"Sporting-GRADING": 6-7-1 … But, the Bronco-LOSS counts as … THREE … "L"s!
(  : (  )
(… So, this HORRIBLE-day … of ATHLETICS was 
… 6-9-1.  

I "TRAINED" a NEW-"employEE" … for the SECOND-time.  
(… THIS one was an EVENING-/NIGHT-Shift, … which he will SOON-work.)

"'LIBERTY'--in case you FORGOT--is defined as 'the soul's right to BREATHE'."
(--Will, 'Good Will Hunting')
(… I LIKE-to say that the film is KINDA MY biography:
'Tis a MATH-/academic-GENIUS who "feels 'ABANDONED' by those 'CLOSE-to' him".  Despite his IMMEASURABLE/UNEQUAL-ABLE INTELLIGENCE & 'Ares'-like PHYSICAL-persona, he FEARS "letting ANYONE know his EMOTIONAL-'thoughts'".)


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