Friday, December 18, 2015


I recall that my high school cafeteria served french fries--seemingly--ONLY-on Fridays.
((… "They" ("The lunch-staff") went "ALL-out"!))


(… NOT "potatoes FRIED in OIL"!  I just "LONG-for" "SENSING" the "DELICIOUS-benefits" of HEARTY-consumption!)(… PRE-accident, I ALWAYS TRIED-to "BE-HEALTHY":
-- I ATE NUTRITIOUS-food … in APPROPRIATE-amounts … at APPROPRIATE-times.
-- I--REGULARLY--monitored my WEIGHT, … 'cuz I WRESTLED.
-- I--ROUTINELY--"exorcised" in MANY various sports--martial arts, wrestling, football, basketball, soccer, swimming, cycling.)

I--AGAIN--ate TWO scrambled eggs--via MOUF--in "SPEECH-Therapy, … WHILE I--BARELY--WON at "Scrabble".

… I USED-to--PRE-accident--eat ALOTTA 'patatas bravas'--NOT "french fries", … 'cuz their FRIED-, OILY-composition "goes AGAINST my HEALTHY-nature".

"Don't stop when you are TIRED.  … Stop when you are DONE."

(--Charlie Murphy)

(--'Lambda Chi'-fraternity, 'Neighbors')

… As opposed-to the SACRED-creed of 'Lambda Chi', MY fraternity--'Sigma Alpha Epsilon'--CHERISHED the words of John O. Moseley: "Be a TRUE-Gentleman."

I "struck-OUT" regarding my TRUST that my newEST employEE-hire would/could "gain/learn ANY-sort of "COMPETENCE".
(… But, ALAS!  He's a … foreign- … MORON!)
DESPITE training-sessions WITH/FROM two DIFFERENT SKILLED & English-SPEAKING/-UNDERSTANDING "Caregivers" THREE DIFFERENT times, he just caN'T seem-to UNDERSTAND/REPEAT ANY of MY "routine"/habits!
… PLUS, that STUPID-JERK ignored my PLEAS about "transfers" & hurt my (LEFT-)hip.

… Aw, CRUD!

Since my mom's OUT-of-town for the next couple WEEKS, I guess I HAFTA TOLERATE this guy's "DUMBASS-edness" until THEN.

P.S. Dear … TODAY/'Boo-GHOON' (--PHONETIC Turkish for 'Today') , PARDON my TRUANCY:



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