Monday, December 14, 2015

"CHERISH" the GOOD-times!

So, I AWOKE in an 'ASI asi'-/'SHUH-lay BUH-lay'-
(--Spanish & PHONETIC-Turkish for 'So-so'/'AVERAGE'/'CONFLICTED')
attitude/-mood in lieu of yesterday's SPORTS-results.
But, I shaN'T let the "ATHLETIC-world"--on which I have NO-/ZERO-/ZILCH-effect/-control--have a LASTING NEGATIVE-influence on MY EMOTIONAL-state/-psyche.
(… Be PROACTIVE, as opposed-to REACTIVE.)

I "COUNTERED" my "AMBIVALENCE" by "BEGINNING my DAY … in my wheelchair EARLY" (at 5:47 am) … in-HOPES-of "EVACUATING my BOWELS".
(… 'Cuz "RELIEVING-myself"--BOTH "physically" AND "psychologically"--ALWAYS "CALMS my nerves".)
SURE-ENOUGH, at ~6:15 am, I "'hosted'/'threw' a Productive Poop-Party"!
… "Alliteration aside."(--'Dodgeball')

… EVERYONE TRIES-to CONVINCE ME of HIS/HER "Nutritious-SUPERIORITY" regarding what's BEST for MY HEATH.  
… I mean, I respect ALL "OPINIONS".  But, SADLY, NOT-everyone UNDERSTANDS that that's precisely what they are--OPINIONS … NOT "facts".  
(… "To EACH his OWN.")
I dare ANYONE to just CLAIM to know MY-body BETTER than I!
… NEED I REMIND y'ALL/them of MY … Miraculous Mathematical-Mastery, IMPECCABLE-applications of Physics & THOROUGH-understanding/-comprehension of (MY college-major … at an ESTEEMED "Ivy League"-institution:) "Biomedical Engineering"?!
… Sooo, NO.  DidN'T think so.

Continuing-ON about MY "Biophysical-UNDERSTANDING"--which ENTIRELY too-MANY "doctors" have RUDELY-DISMISSED/"BRUSHED-OFF", I've stated--TO my "G.I. Doctor" that he "should make up (his) mind: Either I should excrete SOLID-feces OR 'go #2' VERY-FREQUENTLY … NOT BOTH".
(… GREAT-control, A.J.!  I just TIGHTENED my fists & GRITTED my teeth, when my "doc" JUST MOCKINGLY-laughed & stated … to ME:
"Well, that AIN'T right.")

So, when I EXCITEDLY "dropped ANOTHER deuce" ~4.25 HOURS later, I felt properly-VINDICATED by my witnessing some SEMI-LOOSE "Poop-Products".

… "Alliteration aside."
I KNOW 'tis "UN-healthy" to "hold a GRUDGE", but it INFURIATES me, when someone tells me I'm WRONG … with-OUT "backing-up" his/her CLAIM!
(… ESPECIALLY, when he's "dead-WRONG himself)
(… Said "SHITTY-excuse for a 'doctor'" NOT-only made this FALSE-declaration, but he ALSO FALSELY-declared, "SO, WHAT?  THAT doesN'T mean anything," when I stated, "I majored in 'Biomedical Engineering' at Penn.  So, I understand a FAIR-amount of how a NORMAL-stomach works.")
I'm watching a PHENOMENAL & "handicap-INSPIRING" film, 'Remember the Titans'!

This NEW-Caregiver WAS doing somewhat-ACCEPTABLE for MOST-of his FIRST night "on-the-JOB".
But THEN, he decided-to INEXPLICABLY NOT-wait for MY adjusting MID-transfer, & he NEARLY DROPPED ME!  
The ONLY thing that SAVED me from a "PAINFUL FACE-first DIVE onto my CONCRETE-floor" was MY--NOT HIS--DELAYED "adjustments" & KNOWLEDGE of Bio-PHYSICS.

FINALLY, I am VERY EXCITED about tomorrow's "EARLY Christmas 'Stocking-Stuffer' PARTY" with a select-FEW family-members & friends!

"GOOD-Help" is SO DIFFICULT to find, PROPERLY-train & get-to REMEMBER/REPEAT!  ALAS!  I'll give him MORE-TIME to "STRAIGHTEN his path".


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