Tuesday, December 1, 2015

I think/function BY/WITH/THROUGH/VIA … "NUMBERS".

I WOKE-up at 6:32 am.
(… I slept-THROUGH the LOUD shift-change … NOICE!)

I got-INTO my wheelchair EARLY (… at 6:47 am), JUST 'cuz I felt kinda-"LAME".
(… "Pun" IN-tended.)
((…   1) I AM … "impaired or disabled through defect or injury"(--Dictionary.com).  ALSO, I AM … "out of touch with modern fads or trends; unsophisticated"(--Dictionary.com), … DUE-to my rather-FREQUENT staying-IN, I'm not-exactly "DOWN with the 4-1-1"(--SLANG).))

I began my "search for 'BEAUTIFUL-BABIES'" (at 6:51 am) by watching 'Swingers'.
… NOW that I THINK-about it, "(I'm) so 'MONEY', (I) doN'T even KNOW how 'MONEY' (I am)."
(… "PUN" IN-tended.)
(… 1) I'm VERY cool, likable & social.  2) NOT-to BRAG, but I'm FINANCIALLY "WELL-off".)

I underwent a very-PROMISING "UPPER body"-workout … as I FREQUENTLY-do … EVERY-Tuesday.
My trainer COMPLIMENTED my ever-IMPROVING (LEFT-) arm LIFT.  (… NOW, I've "reached" an angular-height of ~125 degrees from "resting-position" at my side.)  As I was LIFTING my LEFT-arm toward my FRONT, I asked my ARM-trainer whether 'twas GOOD or BAD that I "FEEL the 'STRAIN'/'WORK' mainly in my LEFT-hip".  ((… He replied that "It's NEITHER, 'cuz (I'm) just using (my) LOWER-body as an 'ANCHOR'/LEVERAGE during the weight-SHIFT."))          

I learned that my Neural-PsychoTherapist praises, applauds & even (GOOD-naturedly) laughs-WITH my song-REVISIONS.  … Ergo, I think I'll TRY-to RE-write a song AT LEAST ONCE per-week.

A POSSIBLE-goal/-dream I USED-to have … was to OWN/OPERATE a RESTAURANT.
(… I USED-to major in "Entrepreneurship" at/in grad-school.)
BUT, since I--TEMPORARILY*--caN'T TASTE--and I COOK-by-TASTE, I'm kinda "BACK to the ol' DRAWING-board for Business-GOALS**.

… I watched 'Animal House' , AFTER my return-home from Neural-PsychoTherapy.  (… CLASSIC!)
(… It reminded me of MY GREAT college-days: 
"ODD-ball"/WEIRDO who becomes a "SOCIAL-butterfly"/"'DRINKING'-'aficionado'" while "surviving" NUMEROUS "escapades" with/AGAINST "Authority".)

"'STRENGTH' comes NOT from 'PHYSICAL-capacity', … but from 'INDOMITABLE-will'."
(--Dr. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… Ergo, MY "'STRENGTH'-level" is "THROUGH-the-ROOF"!)

… "'FAST' is fine.  But, 'ACCURACY' is fine-UHL (finAL)."
(… "In the fields of scienceengineering and statistics, the 

ACCURACY of a measurement system is the degree of 

closeness of measurements of a quantity to that quantity's 

true value.

The PRECISION of a measurement system, related to 

reproducibility and repeatability, is the degree to which 

repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show 

the same results."--Wikipedia)

(… Sooo, would y'ALL RATHER have "PRECISION" or "ACCURACY"?!)
(… 'Tis VERY-CIRCUMSTANTIAL.  … For MY reaching-for my WALKER, I'd DEFINITELY rather-be "ACCURATE".  
… But, regarding MY ACTUAL-"WALKING" & -Sitting, I'd rather-be "PRECISE".  So, I can "compare results" & ADJUST my set-up.)

"It is NOT our ERRORS that define our SUCCESS, … 

but HOW we REACT to 'em."
(--David, FBI-agent, 'NUMB3RS')
(… "The game of 'LIFE'" involves HIGH-amounts of "'TRIAL & ERROR' … with ADJUSTMENTS".)

"To be able to give away riches is mandatory if you wish to 

possess them. This is the only way that you will be truly rich."

(--Muhammad Ali)
(… I KNOW I'm MATHEMATICALLY-"GIFTED".  Ergo, I operate a "TUTORING-service".  … APPARENTLY, I'm very TALENTED in the "Martial arts"-department.  So, I CONTINUE-to TEACH Karate AND Jujitsu.)

Your MIND is a "GARDEN".  Your thoughts are the "SEEDS".
You can "grow 'FLOWERS'".  Or, you can grow "WEEDS".
(… Be an OPTIMIST, … as I AM.  And, CHOOSE-to "'plant' MANY 'crops of OPTIMISM'"!)

My housemate--to ME: "Yo' momma's SO FAT, I took a 

picture of her LAST-Christmas, & it's STILL printing."


Yo' momma's SO STUPID, I told her Christmas was 'right 

around the corner', … so she went LOOKING-for it." 

MY retort: "Hey, how 'bout we get-OFF mothers. I just 'got-


(--'Good Will Hunting')

* = LATELY, I've ACTUALLY-been SMELLING some stuff.  "Alliteration aside."  Since the two are so CLOSELY-linked, "TASTE" should follow SOON-after "SMELL"

** = My OTHER (POSSIBLE) Business-IDEAS:
-- "Martial Arts"-'Sensei'
-- Film-Critic
-- MATH-Tutor
-- SPORTS-ReviewER


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