Wednesday, December 9, 2015

"There is a 'LEVEL' to which NO 'elevator' can GO, … & NO 'stairs' can REACH."

… --the KEY-MAKER, 'The Matrix Reloaded'

(… NOT to ssseem TOO "STILTED", but MY THINKING/REASONING/conceptual-LOGIC is just THAT FAR/MUCH "OVER your head" that y'ALL would/WILL consider me … 
(… I.e. This PAST-Sunday, I told my mom: "Pick ANY-couple numbers, & I'll find some 'PLAYFUL-connections'."  … So, AFTER I--INSTANTANEOUSLY-- "broke-down"/ANALYZED EACH-of our respective birth-dates, she VERY AUDIBLY-sighed & remarked. "WHOA!  THAT's not even … FAIR!")
((… I.e. MY "Birthday" = # of my MOM's siblings (4), # of beings in my MOM's house for dinner … as a child (8) … (She had a DOG.), HER-age at my birth DIVIDED-by HER-number of siblings (8), HER-parents' TOTAL-kids (5))
(… ME = 4/8/85)       

… Do NOT criticize what you do NOT understand! 
((… E.g. I can/shall NOT "speak" … (PAUSE for PUN's EFFECT.)  … of the 

BORING-ness/STUPIDITY of "the game of 'CRICKET'",
EMOTIONAL IN-stability/"'UP & DOWN'-edness" of FEMALE-menstruation,
INTRICATE-'pathos'/-feelings of "EMPATHY"
((… However, "'EMOTION' is always the enemy of 'True-JUSTICE'."
(--Harvey Dent a.k.a. TWO-FACE, 'Batman Forever') 
(… I--intuitively--AGREE.  I guess it IS beneficial that I LACK "empathy"!)

(The OPENING-Voiceover to/on the FANTASTIC show 'NUMB3RS', … which I like-to WATCH for two hours Monday  through Thursday MORNINGS:)

"We all use math every day. To predict weather…to tell 

time…to handle money. Math is more than formulas and 

equations. It’s logic; it’s rationality. It’s using your mind to 

solve the biggest mysteries we know."

… On THAT note, let's EXAMINE a few of MY instances/examples: 
-- This morning I "WALKED" 38 steps TO my toilet & 36 steps in my RETURN to bed.  ~An hour later, I took 42 steps TO my bathroom-sink to brush my teeth & 37-steps BACK.  THAT "40-step 'DEPARTURE'-AVERAGE" is ~17.65% MORE-than my TYPICAL "34-step TREK".  And, THAT "36.5-step 'RETURN'-AVERAGE" is ~10.61% MORE-than my USUAL "33-step TREK".  … THAT "76.5-AVERAGE # of STEPS" is ~14.18% MORE-than my TYPICAL "Morning-Bathroom TRIP".  
WHY the ADDITIONAL foot-placements?!
… 'Cuz I'm stepping with smallER-/shortER-STRIDES, … thereby IN-creasing my STABILITY.     

"When EVERYTHING 'goes to HELL', the people who 'STAND-by you' … with-OUT flinching, … THEY are your 'FAMILY'
(--Jim Butcher)

(--Harvey/Two-Face, 'The Dark Knight')
(… I.e. Something REALLY-BAD will-LIKELY happen, just-BEFORE something REALLY-GOOD occurs.  My HORRIFIC-accident "TRIGGERED" my RETURN-to "Graduate-School".)
(… LIFE/KARMA is about BALANCE.)   

… Above ALL:
"Make YOUR WEIRD-light shine-BRIGHT, … so the OTHER 'WEIRDOS' KNOW where-to FIND you."
(--Author UNKNOWN)
(… I DIS-like ANYONE who ALWAYS "plays 'by-the-BOOK'".  'Tis BEEEYOND-BORING!  "LIVE a 'lil!")


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