Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I've gotta "get-OVER the 'HUMP"-Day'!

'Tis MID-week.  I've had a "VERY GOOD" FIRST-half of MY week.  But, I MUST "WILL-MYSELF" to "TRUDGE-ONWARD".

(… Well, TECHNICALLY, since there are 
… 168 HOURS in a WEEK, the MID-way point would be at the 84th-hour -- NOON --on the FOURTH day.  ALSO, since the week BEGINS on SUNDAY, … "NOON on WEDNESDAY"--EXACTLY--"BISECTS" the WEEK.)


(… As Wilson Phillips so APPROPRIATELY sings it,)

I know this pain
Why do lock yourself up in these chains?
No one can change your life except for you
Don't ever let anyone step all over you
Just open your heart and your mind
Is it really fair to feel this way inside?

Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can you hold on for one more day
Things'll go your way
Hold on for one more day

You could sustain
Or are you comfortable with the pain?
You've got no one to blame for your unhappiness
You got yourself into your own mess
Lettin' your worries pass you by
Don't you think it's worth your time
To change your mind?


I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and
Break free the chains
Yeah I know that there is pain
But you hold on for one more day and you
Break free, break from the chains

Some day somebody's gonna make you want to
Turn around and say goodbye
Until then baby are you going to let them
Hold you down and make you cry
Don't you know?
Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day yeah
If you hold on

Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day,
If you hold on
Can you hold on
Hold on baby
Won't you tell me now
Hold on for one more day 'Cause
It's gonna go your way

Don't you know things can change
Things'll go your way
If you hold on for one more day
Can't you change it this time

Make up your mind
Hold on
Hold on
Baby hold on

(… MY rendition--entitled ''O'ercome'':)

"Ee-mo-tion-uhl PAIN.
HOW do I 'weh-thur this RAIN'?!
NO ONE can pretend to be I.
My suffering is 'more than meets the EYE'.
I've gotta 'open my HEART' to soothe my MIND.
Can I--healthily--DO that IN-SIDE?

Some-DAY some-HOW my nerves are FINE'lee GONNA
'Wake-up' & re-kah-NECT!
Until then, JEEN-yus, can I just sit-AROUND,
And NOT ex-uhr-SIZE?!
C'mon, ya KNOW!
Dude, you've gotta … MAKE …  things …. CHANGE.
Nerves will gain some STRENGTH!
If I strive-to O'ERCOME!
Can I strive-to O'ERCOME?
Nerves'll RE-gain STRENGTH.
Strive-to O'ERCOME.

I COULD 'work-for' MORE.
Or, am I comfortable bein' a BORE?!
I HAFTA 'work' to RE-gain SOME of my HAPPINESS!
I--mistakenly--'screwed my-SELF':
Trustin' the tire-muh-kan-IHK.
Now, I've GOTTA make the BEST


… (Etc.) "
"Some of the GREATEST-minds were REJECTED by society."
(--DR. Larry, 'NUMB3RS')
(… Welcome to MY LIFE!
… SPARE-me your 'FAUX'-empathy!)

"The Architect" … of my BLOG … this afternoon.  
-- He "HANDED my ASS to me (on a silver-platter)" in Scrabble.
-- He videotaped my "WALKING" through my living room … WITH a TURN!
-- … He said he'll post SAID-tape of MY-"walking".
-- … I'm NOT boastful or bragful.  But, 'tis VERY-COMFORTING/SOOTHING for/on my "FRAGILE-psyche", when I receive COMPLIMENTS on a VERY IMPORTANT/TOUGH "PROJECT" of MINE.


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